Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: October 1, 2023 - Last updated: October 1, 2023


Authors: Desy Luvita Sari and Main Sufanti

Title: Patriarchal Culture and Sexual Violence in the Novel Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi

Subtitle: -

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Advanced Education (ICOLAE 2022)

Edited by: Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Yasir Sidiq, Naufal Ishartono, Yunus Sulistyono, Patmisari Susiati

Place: Dordrecht

Publisher: Atlantis Press

Year: 2023

Pages: 457-470

Series: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

ISBN: 97823847608622 - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century | African History: Egyptian History | Representations: Nawal El Saadawi


Link: Atlantis Press (Free Access)


Authors: Main Sufanti, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Abstract: »This study aims to identify the domination of patriarchal culture and sexual violence depicted in the novelWoman at Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi. This research used a type of qualitative research. Qualitative research is research in understanding phenomena experienced by research subjects, such as motivation, actions, perceptions, and behavior, descriptively in language and words in a scientific study based on the method used. Data collection techniques in this study used literature study. The data validation technique used theoretical triangulation. The results of the study obtain several forms of patriarchal culture and sexual violence in the novel Woman at Point Zero, which include (1) sexism, men are first prioritized by the family, and the husband has property rights over the wife; (2) politics, power relations between women and men; (3) domestic work, girls are encouraged to be independent.While the form of sexual violence contained in the novel Woman at Point Zero includes (1) sexual harassment; (2) women trafficking; (3) forced marriage; (4) female circumcision; and (5) torture. In the novel Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi, patriarchal culture and sexual violence are interconnected. Patriarchal culture considers a man's position higher than a woman's, so men can discriminate against and even sexually assault women.« (Source: Article)

  Abstract (p. 457)
  1 Introduction (p. 457)
  2 Method (p. 460)
  3 Result and Discussion (p. 460)
    3.1 Patriarchal Culture in the Novel Woman at Point Zeo by Nawal el-Saadawi (p. 461)
      Sexism (p. 461)
      The Man Comes First in the Family (p. 461)
      Husband Has Property Rights toWife (p. 463)
      Politics (p. 463)
      Domestic Jobs (p. 464)
    3.2 Sexual Violence in the Novel Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi (p.464)
      Sexual Harassment (p. 465)
      Women Trafficking (p. 466)
      Female Circumcision (p. 466)
      Torture (p. 467)
  4 Conclusion (p. 468)
  Acknowledgement (p. 468)
  Author's Contribution (p. 468)
  References (p. 468)

Wikipedia: History of Africa: History of Egypt / History of republican Egypt | Literature: Egyptian literature / Nawal el-Saadawi | Literature: Rape in fiction / Woman at Point Zero | Sex and the law: Sexual violence