Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Literary Texts: 20th Century:

Representations: Literary Texts:

G e n e r a l   I n f o r m a t i o n

»Ramona Lofton (born August 4, 1950), better known by her pen name Sapphire, is an American author and performance poet.« -- More information: Wikipedia

Push (Novel, 1996)

I n f o r m a t i o n

»Push is the debut novel of American author Sapphire. Thirteen years after its release in 1996, the novel was made into the 2009 film Precious.« -- More information: Wikipedia

K e y w o r d s

Chronological Index: Modern History: 20th Century | Geographical Index: American History: Argentine History | Cases: Fictional Victims: Claireece Precious Jones; Types: Rape: Child Sexual Abuse

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah. »Unchaining Daughter’s Body: Refiguring Black Families in the "Postracial" United States.« Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. San Antonio 2010.

[Info] Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah I. Against the Closet: Black Political Longing and the Erotics of Race. Durham 2012.

[Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Victim: Rescripting Rape in Contemporary American Fiction since 1970. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Virginia, 2006.

[Info] Skerratt, Lu. »For Precious Girls Everywhere: Lamentations, HIV, and Precious.« Rape Culture, Gender Violence, and Religion: Biblical Perspectives. Edited by Caroline Blyth et al. Cham 2018: 13-30.

II. Speaker Index


The Kid (2011)

G e n e r a l   I n f o r m a t i o n

»In 2011, she released The Kid, a sequel to Push about Precious's son, Abdul. Sapphire admitted that part of the reason she decided to continue the story was because of the encouragement and interest Push received in scholarly conversations.« -- More information: Wikipedia

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Field, Robin E. »The Other Men of #MeToo: Male Rape in Hanya Yanagihara's A Little Life, Sapphire's The Kid, and Amber Tamblyn's Any Man#MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 199-209.

II. Speaker Index
