Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Comics:

Representations: Comics:

B i b l i o g r a p h y

[Site] G e n e r a l

I. Author Index


II. Speaker Index

[Info] Parker, Louisa. »Autobiographical Content and the Legacy of Artemisia, or Why Should We Care If Someone Was Raped?« Comics Forum 2014. Leeds 2014.

[Info] Streeten, Nicola. »The comics form and the ambivalence of sexual violence.« Comics Forum 2014. Leeds 2014.

[Info] Veld, Laurike in 't. »The Depiction of Sexual Violence in Genocide Comics.« Comics Forum 2014. Leeds 2014.

[Site] A f r i c a n   C o m i c s

[Site] Rwandan Comics

I. Author Index

[Info] Aluwihare, Nela. Revisiter le pouvoir de la propagande et les répercussions de l'imagerie haineuse: The Impact of Propaganda Cartoons on the Perpetration of Sexual Violence during the Rwandan Genocide. Independent Study Thesis, College of Wooster, 2020.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] A m e r i c a n   C o m i c s

[Site] Mexican Comics

Titles: Relatos del Jorobado

[Site] U.S. Comics

Animated Films: Betty Boop’s Big Boss, Betty Boop’s Trial, Boop-Oop-a-Doop, Plane Crazy, Red Hot Mamma | Titles: Age of Bronze, American Elf, Batman: The Killing Joke, A Child's Life and Other Stories, Fax from Sarajevo: A Story of Survival, Drawn Together, Moon Knight, My Troubles with Women, The Sandman, Spider-Man and Powerpack, Watchmen, White Whore Funnies

I. Author Index

[Info] Barry, Erin. »Eight-page eroticism: Sexual violence and the construction of normative masculinity in Tijuana Bibles.« Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 8 (2017): 227-237.

[Info] Barry, Erin. »Eight Page Eroticism: Sexual Violence and the Construction of Normative Masculinity in Tijuana Bibles.« The Routledge Companion to Gender and Sexuality in Comic Book Studies. Edited by Frederick L. Aldama. London 2020.

[Info] McConnell, Kelsey. »Trauma isn't a Prop: Sexual Abuse in Comics.« ComicsVerse (July 30, 2017).

[Info] Mickwitz, Nina, et al., eds. Representing Acts of Violence in Comics. London 2020.

[Info] Rogers, Keneth. Heroes, Villains & Healing: A Guide for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Using Marvel Comic Superheroes, and Villains. Miami 2024.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] A s i a n   C o m i c s

[Site] Chinese Comics

I. Author Index

[Info] Edwards, Louise. »Drawing Sexual Violence in Wartime China: Anti-Japanese Propaganda Cartoons.« The Journal of Asian Studies 72 (2013): 563-586.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Japanese Comics

Titles: Asaki yumemishi, The Double Suicide in Senbon Matsubara, I.L. Minami kara Kita Otoko, Ierō Dasuto, Umi no Shitei, Yami no naka no shamo

I. Author Index

[Info] Berndt, Jaqueline. »'Comfort Women' Comics, Multifaceted: Revisiting the 2014 Manhwa Exhibit in Angoulême from the Perspective of Manga Studies.« Orientaliska Studier No. 147 (2016): 143-170.

[Info] Perper, Timothy, et al. »Eroticism for the masses: Japanese manga comiss and their assimilation into the U.S.« Sexuality and Culture 6 (2002): 3-126.

[Info] Ropers, Erik. »Representations of Gendered Violence in Manga: The Case of Enforced Military Prostitution.« Japanese Studies 31 (2011): 249-266.

[Info] Ropers, Erik. »Representations of Gendered Violence in Manga: The Case of Enforced Military Prostitution.« Manga and the Representation of Japanese History. Edited by Roman Rosenbaum. London 2013: 60- .

[Info] Winters, Nathan S. »Sexual Violence Against Women in Shoujo Manga.« Lambda Alpha Journal 40 (2010): 27-39.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Ropers, Erik. »Wartime Gendered Violence in Japanese Manga.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Boston 2020.

[Site] Korean Comics

I. Author Index

[Info] Berndt, Jaqueline. »'Comfort Women' Comics, Multifaceted: Revisiting the 2014 Manhwa Exhibit in Angoulême from the Perspective of Manga Studies.« Orientaliska Studier No. 147 (2016): 143-170.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] E u r o p e a n   C o m i c s

[Site] English Comics

Titles: The Ballad of Halo Jones, From Hell