Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Art: 20th Century:

Representations: Art:

G e n e r a l   I n f o r m a t i o n

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Lustmord series (1920-22)

T o p i c a l   I n d e x

Types: Sexual Assault: Lust Murder

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Davis, Jessica. »War of the Vulva: The Women of Otto Dix's Lustmord Series.« German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020. Edited by Elisabeth Krimmer et al. Rochester 2022: 145-170.

[Info] Lewis, Beth I. »Lustmord: Inside the Windows of the Metropolis.« Berlin: Culture & Metropolis. Edited by Charles W. Haxthausen et al. Minneapolis 1990: 111-140.

[Info] Lewis, Beth I. »Lustmord: Inside the Windows of the Metropolis.« Women in the Metropolis: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture. Edited by Katharina von Ankum. Berkeley 1997: 202-232.

[Info] Murtagh, Lauren. Sexual Violence, Typologies of the Feminine, and Otto Weininger Revisited: The Lustmord Pictures of George Grosz. Master's Thesis, Columbia University, 2013.

[Info] Sharp, Ingrid. »Dangerous women: Woman as sexual criminal in the Weimar Republic.« Violence, Culture and Identity: Essays on German and Austrian Literature, Politics and Society. Edited by Helen Chambers. Bern 2006: 203-224.

[Info] Tatar, Maria. Lustmord: Sexual Murder in Weimar Germany. Princeton 1995.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Davis, Jessica. »War of the Vulva: The Women of Otto Dix's Lustmord Series.« Forty-Third Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2019.