Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Art: Modern Art:

Representations: Art:

[Info] Presiado, Mor. »Representations of Rape and Sexual Abuse in Women’s Holocaust Art from 1945 to the Present.« Women and the Holocaust. The Sixth International Conference. Givat Haim Ihud 2013.

[Info] Presiado, Mor. »A new perspective on Holocaust art: Women’s artistic expression of the female Holocaust experience (1939–49).« Holocaust Studies 22 (2016): 417-446.

[Info] Presiado, Mor. »Sexual Violence and Women's Art after the Holocaust.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.

[Info] Presiado, Mor. »Multi-Generational Memory of Sexual Violence during the Holocaust in Women’s Art.« War and Sexual Violence: New Perspectives in a New Era. Edited by Sarah K. Danielsson. Paderborn 2019: 147-181.

[Info] Zipes, Jack. »A Second Gaze at Little Red Riding Hood's Trials and Tribulations.« The Lion and the Unicorn 7-8 (1983-84): 78-109.

[Site] A m e r i c a n   A r t

[Site] U.S. American Art

[Info] Williams, Lynn B. »Images of Scottsboro.« Southern cultures 6 (2000): 50-67.

[Site] Mexican Art

Artists: + Frida Kahlo

[Site] A s i a n   A r t

[Site] Japanese Art

[Info] Zatlin, Linda G. »"Comfort Women" and the Cultural Tradition of Prostitution in Japanese Erotic Art« Legacies of the Comfort Women of World War II. Edited by Margaret Stetz et al. Armonk 2001: 26-41.

[Site] E u r o p e a n   A r t

[Site] Austrian Art

Artists: + Valie Export

[Site] Belgian Art

Artists: + René Magritte; Works: + Le Viol

[Site] English Art

Artists: + Sue Coe, + Tracey Emin, + Abigail Lane; Works: + Wisconsin Rape

[Site] French Art

Artists: + Marc Chagall; Works: + Bathsheba, + David and Bathsheba

[Site] German Art

[Info] Büsser, Martin. Lustmord – Mordlust. Das Sexualverbrechen als ästhetisches Sujet im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. Mainz 2000.

[Info] Cooklin, Katherine. »Lustmord in Weimar Germany. The adject boundaries of feminine bodies and representations of sexualized murder.« Essays in philosophy 4 (2003).

[Info] Lindner, Martin. »Der Mythos ›Lustmord‹. Serienmörder in der deutschen Literatur, dem Film und der bildenden Kunst zwischen 1892 und 1932.« Verbrechen, Justiz, Medien. Konstellationen in Deutschland von 1900 bis zur Gegenwart. Edited by Joachim Linder et al. Tübingen 1999: 273-305.

[Info] Schwartz, Schwartz J. The Culture of the Case: Madness, Crime, and Justice in Modern German Art. Cambridge 2023.

[Site] Swedish Art

[Site] Swiss Art

Artists: + Alberto Giacometti
