Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Research: Disciplines: Psychiatry:
Research: Disciplines: [Site] G e n e r a l [Info] Aded, Naura L., et al. »Abuso sexual em crianças e adolescentes: revisão de 100 anos de literaturas.« Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica 33 (2006): 204-213. [Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Argentine History [Info] Archimio, Emilio. »Violencia sexual, dispositivos penales e identidades sexuales y de género en Argentina entre 1880 y 1940. De los delitos contra la honestidad a la construcción del delincuente violador.« Bios y Sociedad I. Actas de las I Jornadas Interdisciplinarias de Ética y Biopolítica. Edited by Eduardo Asslone et al. Mar del Plata 2012: 32-37. [Site] Canadian History [Info] Chenier, Elise. »The Criminal Sexual Psychopath in Canada: Sex, Psychiatry, and the Law at Mid-Century.« Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 20 (2003): 75-101. [Site] U.S. History [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual violation and trauma in historical perspective.« Arbor No. 743 (2010): 407-416. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual violence, marital guidance, and Victorian bodies: An aesthesiology.« Victorian Studies 50 (2008): 419-436. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual Violence, Bodily Pain, and Trauma: A History.« Theory, Culture & Society 29 (2012): 25-51. [Info] De Block, Andreas, et al. »Pathologizing Sexual Deviance: A History.« Journal of Sex Research 50 (2013): 276-298. [Info] Dodd, Jenifer. “Compulsive Rapism”: Psychiatric Approaches to Sexual Violence in the 1980s . Ph.D. Thesis, Vanderbilt University, 2016. [Info] Olafson, Erna. »When Paradigms Collide: Roland Summit and the Rediscovery of Child Sexual Abuse.« Critical Issues in Child Sexual Abuse: Historical, Legal, and Psychological Perspectives. Edited by Jon R. Conte. London 2002: 71-106. [Site] E u r o p e a n H i s t o r y [Site] General [Info] Arveiller, Jacques. »Pédophilie et psychiatrie. Rèperes historiques.« Évolution psychiatrique 63 (1998): 11-34. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sadism: A history of non-consensual sexual cruelty.« The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy 2 (2020): 1-12. [Info] De Block, Andreas, et al. »Pathologizing Sexual Deviance: A History.« Journal of Sex Research 50 (2013): 276-298. [Site] Dutch History [Info] Ruberg, Willemijn. »Onzekere kennis. De rol van forensische geneeskunde en psychiatrie in Nederlandse verkrachtingszaken (1811-1920).« Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 9 (2012): 87-110. [Site] English History [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual violence, marital guidance, and Victorian bodies: An aesthesiology.« Victorian Studies 50 (2008): 419-436. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual violation and trauma in historical perspective.« Arbor 186 (2010): 407-416. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual Violence, Bodily Pain, and Trauma: A History.« Theory, Culture & Society 29 (2012): 25-51. [Info] Weston, Janet. »Sexual Crimes, Medical Cures: The Development of a Therapeutic Approach toward Sexual Offenders in English Prisons, c.1900–1950.« Canadian Journal of History 49 (2014). [Site] German History [Info] Aragon-Yoshida, Amber M. Lustmord and Loving the Other: A History of Sexual Murder in Modern Germany and Austria (1873-1932). Ph.D. Thesis, Washington University, 2011. [Info] Bühler, Jill. »›Nach dem berüchtigten Jack der Aufschlitzer so benannt.‹ Die Gattung des Aufschlitzer-Mordes im Lustmord-Narrativ in Richard von Krafft-Ebings Psychopathia sexualis (1886-1903).« Bruch – Schnitt – Riss: Deutungspotenziale von Trennungsmetaphorik in den Wissenschaften und Künsten. Edited by Katharina Alsen et al. Berlin 2014: 365-379. [Info] Kauders, Anthony D. »Verführung, Hingabe, Auftrag: Hypnose und Verbrechen in Deutschland nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg.« Hypnose 10 (2015): 63-80. [Site] Norwegian History [Info] Myhre, Eivind. Farlige menn: Mannlighet, seksualforbrytelser og sinnssykdom 1895–1940. Avhandling for graden philosophiae doctor, Norges teknsik-naturvitenskapelige universitet, 2016. [Info] Myhre, Eivind. »De uakseptable mennene: Mannlighet og sinnssyke seksualforbrytere i Norge fra 1895 til 1940.« Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 39 (2016): 20-36. [Site] Swedish History [Info] Bergenheim, Åsa. »Sexual assault, irresistible impulses, and forensic psychiatry in Sweden.« International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 27 (2014): 99-108. [Site] O c e a n i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Australian History [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »“A Deed of the Darkest Violence”: Subtitle: Rape and the emergence of Sadism in Australian Psychiatry, 1920–1950.« Journal of Australian Studies 46 (2022): . |