Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault:

Types: Sexual Assault:

[Site] G e n e r a l

[Info] Caesar, Terry. »Sexual Assault and Cognitive Mapping in Women's Travel Guidebooks.« Women's Studies 28 (1999): 527-545.

[Info] Mayes, Danielle. »Intellectual Functioning and Sexual Crime: A Historical Context.« Sexual Crime and Intellectual Functioning. Edited by Kerensa Hocken et al. Cham 2020: 1-28.

[Info] McLain, Adam, ed. »Symposium: Sexual Violence and Science Fiction .« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 115-217.

[Site] A f r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Beninese History

[Info] Reuther, Jessica. »Vio[lated]: Sexual Assaults of Girl Hawkers and the Reaction of Colonial Market Women in Colonial Dahomey, 1924-1941.« 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Legal Histoy. Boston 2019.

[Site] Egyptian History

[Info] Jørgensen, Martin. »A Few Bad Apples? UN Peacekeepers, Prostitution, and Sexual Abuse in the Gaza Strip, Cairo and Beirut, 1956-1967.« 4th Annual Conference of the Iranian Studies Initiative. Santa Barbara 2018.

[Site] Madagascan History

[Info] Gallien, Raphaël. »La chair de l’asile: Le quotidien de la folie, entre violences ordinaires et ambitions disciplinaires (Madagascar, 1941).« Politique africaine No. 157 (2020): 71-89.

[Site] Zimbabwean History

[Info] Benson, Koni, et al. »Ukubhinya: Gender and Sexual Violence in Bulawayo, Colonial Zimbabwe, 1946-1956.« Zambezia 30 (2003): 108-133.

[Info] Benson, Koni, et al. »Ukubhinya: Gender and Sexual Violence in Bulawayo, Colonial Zimbabwe, 1946-1956.« Journal of Southern African Studies 31 (2005): 587-610.

[Site] A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Brazilian History

[Info] Estacheski, Dulceli. Os crimes sexuais na Cidade de Castro – PR (1890-1920).Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2013.

[Info] Estacheski, Dulceli. Crimes sexuais: A histo?rica culpabilizac?a?o das vi?timas. Curitiba 2017.

[Info] Estacheski, Dulceli. »Crimes sexuais, violência doméstica e suicídios de mulheres: Uma análise de processos criminais e inquéritos policiais de Castro/Paraná (1890-1940).« Nova História das Mulheres no Paraná. Edited by Georgiane G.H. Vázquez. Porto Alegre 2020: 159-180.

[Site] Canadian History

Cases: Real Offenders: Steve Ewanchuk, Willimae Moore; Representations: Films: Stereo; Types: Clergy Sexual Abuse, Institutional Abuse

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. Claire L'Heureux-Dubé: A Life. Vancouver 2017.

[Info] Erickson, Lesley. Westward Bound: Sex, Violence, the Law, and the Making of a Settler Society. Vancouver 2011.

[Info] Rosenbaum, Judith. »Archiving #MeToo: Past, Present, and Future.« 51st Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Rosenbaum, Judith. »Archiving #MeToo: Past, Present, and Future.« American Jewish History 104 (2020): 251-263.

[Site] Colombian History

[Info] Drouilleau-Gay, Félice. Secrets de familles: Parenté et emploi domestique à Bogotá (Colombie, 1950-2020). Paris 2019.

[Site] Costa Rican History

[Info] Putnam, Lara E. »Sexual Violence and Scholarly Silence: Questions from Early 20th-Century Limón .« 137th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. San Francisco 2024.

[Site] U.S. History

[Info] Arant, Morgan D., Jr. »Press Identification of Victims of Sexual Assault: Weighing Privacy and Constitutional Concerns.« Journalism Quarterly 68 (1991): 238-252.

[Info] Barry, Erin. »Eight-page eroticism: Sexual violence and the construction of normative masculinity in Tijuana Bibles.« Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 8 (2017): 227-237.

[Info] Barry, Erin. »Eight Page Eroticism: Sexual Violence and the Construction of Normative Masculinity in Tijuana Bibles.« The Routledge Companion to Gender and Sexuality in Comic Book Studies. Edited by Frederick L. Aldama. London 2020.

[Info] Cook, Anna J. »“In Their Graves Because of False Modesty”? An Allegation of Sexual Assault in Boston, 1914-1915.« The New England Historical Association Spring Conference 2012. Nashua 2012.

[Info] DeKeseredy, Walter S. »Bringing Sociology Back into the Study of Sexual Assault: Some Reflections on 30 Years of Empirical, Theoretical, and Policy Work.« 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia 2017.

[Info] Freeman, Samantha. »Beyond the Vast Wasteland: Reconsidering Television's History and Relationship to Sexual Violence.« 61st Annual Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference. Denver 2020.

[Info] Jacquet, Catherine. »Providing “much needed information”: The First Studies on the Sexual Abuse of Incarcerated Women.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Lorenz, Katherine, et al. »An Examination of Unfounded, Cleared, and Exceptionally Cleared Sexual Assault Case Outcomes from 1999-2014.« 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Michals, Debra, chair. »Silencing and Erasure in North America: Comparative Histories of Violence against Women and Children, 19th–21st Century.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Ott, Katherine, chair. »Missing Histories of Sexual Assault.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Park, Minsu, et al. »Rap Music as a Social Reflection: Exploring the Relationship Between Social Conditions and Expressions of Violence and Materialism in Rap Lyrics.« Preprint (2024).

[Info] Purtle, Jonathan, et al. »"Calculating the Toll of Trauma" in the Headlines: Portrayals of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the New York Times (1980-2015).« American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 86 (2016): 632-638.

[Info] Reigel, Catherine. »“Rush ‘Er Right”: Sexual Aggression in American Higher Education, 1920 – 1940.« 56th Annual Meeting of the History of Education Society. Providence 2016.

[Info] Rosenbaum, Judith. »Archiving #MeToo: Past, Present, and Future.« 51st Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Rosenbaum, Judith. »Archiving #MeToo: Past, Present, and Future.« American Jewish History 104 (2020): 251-263.

[Info] Serisier, Tanya. »Breaking the silence to end the violence: 'Speaking out' as feminist strategy.« Sexual Violence on Trial: Local and Comparative Perspectives. Edited by Rachel Killean et al. London 2021: 229-240.

[Info] Venema, Rachel M., et al. »Unfounded, Cleared, or Cleared by Exceptional Means: Sexual Assault Case Outcomes From 1999 to 2014.« Journal of Interpersonal Violence (September 21, 2019).

[Site] A s i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Chinese History

[Info] Zhang, Lening, et al. »The Characteristics of Chinese Women's Victimization in Sex Offenses.« International Criminal Justice Review 23 (2013): 295-306.

[Site] Isreali History

[Info] Rosenbaum, Judith. »Archiving #MeToo: Past, Present, and Future.« 51st Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Rosenbaum, Judith. »Archiving #MeToo: Past, Present, and Future.« American Jewish History 104 (2020): 251-263.

[Site] Japanese History

[Info] Ó'Móchain, Robert, et al. »Sexual Abuse and Affect: The role of Popular Culture in Japan.« Ritsumeikan Annual Review of International Studies. 22 (2023): 1-15.

[Site] Lebanese History

[Info] Jørgensen, Martin. »A Few Bad Apples? UN Peacekeepers, Prostitution, and Sexual Abuse in the Gaza Strip, Cairo and Beirut, 1956-1967.« 4th Annual Conference of the Iranian Studies Initiative. Santa Barbara 2018.

[Site] Palestinian History

[Info] Jørgensen, Martin. »A Few Bad Apples? UN Peacekeepers, Prostitution, and Sexual Abuse in the Gaza Strip, Cairo and Beirut, 1956-1967.« 4th Annual Conference of the Iranian Studies Initiative. Santa Barbara 2018.

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Austrian History

[Site] Bosnian History

[Info] Halilovi?, Majda. »Ratno seksualno nasilje i rodno zasnovano nasilje nakon rata.« Kojeg je roda sigurnost? 20 godina Rezolucije Vije?a sigurnosti 1325 “Žene, mir i sigurnost” i njezina provedba u Bosni i Hercegovini. Edited by Amila Ždralovi? et al. Sarajevo 2020: 217-235.

[Info] Halilovi?, Majda. »Wartime Sexual Violence and Post-War Gender-Based Violence.« What is the Gender of Security? 20 Years of the Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace and Security” and Its Implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Edited by Amila Ždralovi? et al. Sarajevo 2020: 235-256.

[Site] Dutch History

[Info] De Jong, Wim. »Goon Squad Democracy? The Rise of Vigilant Citizenship through Victim Support and Neighborhood Watches in Amsterdam (1980-1990).« Journal of Urban History (April 28, 2021).

[Site] English History

[Info] Hide, Louise. »n Plain Sight: Open Doors, Mixed-sex Wards and Sexual Abuse in English Psychiatric Hospitals, 1950s-Early 1990s.« Social History of Medicine 31 (2018): 732-753.

[Info] Moore, Sarah E.H. »Cautionary tales: Drug-facilitated sexual assault in the British media.« Crime, Media, Culture 5 (2009): 305-320.

[Site] French History

Cases: Real Offenders: Gérard Depardieu

[Site] German History

[Info] Böttcher, Alexander. »Alte Bilder neu konstruiert? Überlegungen zur Wirkung und Rolle des Bildes in geschichtlicher Perspektive bis zur Kölner Silvesternacht 2015/16.« Migration bewegt und bildet: Kontrapunktische Betrachtungen. Edited by Alexander Böttcher et al. Innsbruck 2019: 261-283.

[Info] Loch, Ulrike. »Tradierung der nationalsozialistischen Familiengeschichte in der Lebensgeschichte von Frauen, die sexuelle Gewalt erlebt haben.« Zentrum für Psychotraumatologie Kassel. Kassel 2002.

[Info] Melzer, Patricia. »Sexual Violence, Masculinity and Radical Left Politics in (West) Germany.« Forty-Third Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2019.

[Site] Irish History

[Site] Italian History

[Info] Parisi, Luciano. Giovani e abuso sessuale nella letteratura italiana (1902-2018). Alessandria 2021.

[Info] Pietrobelli, Marta, et al. »Violence against women in Italy after Beijing 1995: The relationship between women’s movement(s), feminist practices and state policies.« Gender & Development 28 (2002): 377-392.

[Site] Polish History

[Info] Klich-Kluczewska, Barbara. Rodzina, tabu i komunizm w Polsce 1956-1989. Cracow 2015.

[Info] Klich-Kluczewska, Barbara. Family, Taboo and Communism in Poland, 1956-1989. Berlin 2021.

[Site] Scottish History

[Info] Telling, Hannah R. The legal regulation of male violence in Scotland, 1850-1914. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2020.

[Site] Swedish History

[Info] Johansson, Max. SOU och sexualitet: Diskursen kring sexuella övergrepp i fyra offentliga utredningar, 1976–2016. Thesis, Lunds universitet, 2019.

[Site] Swiss History

[Site] Vatican History

[Site] O c e a n i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Australian History

[Info] Allen, Judith A. Sex & Secrets: Crimes Involving Australian Women Since 1880. Melbourne 1990.

[Info] Bongiorno, Frank. The Sex Lives of Australians: A History. Collingwood 2012.

[Info] Fidler, Richard, et al. »Frank Bongiorno on the history of Australian sex lives.« Conversations with Richard Fidler. Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2012.

[Info] Howe, Adrian, ed. Sexed Crime in the News. Leichhardt 1998.

[Info] Kaladelfos, Amanda. Crime and Outrage: Sexual Villains and Sexual Violence in New South Wales, 1870-1930. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sydney, 2010.

[Info] Robinson, Sophie. »Gendered Claims: Men in feminism in 1980s Australia.« History in the Making 3 (2014): 60-73.

[Site] New Zealand History

[Info] Lavelle, Bernadette M.G. Sexual Offences in the 1920s: Incidence and Attitudes. Honors Thesis, University of Otago, 1986.

[Info] Newbold, Greg. »Violent crime.« Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Edited by Jock Philips. Wellington 2011.

[Info] Severinsen, Tony G. 'Easy to Charge, Hard to Disprove': Responses to Sexual Assault on Women in New Zealand, 1860-1910. M.A. Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 1995.