Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape: Genocidal Rape: 21st Century:

Types: Rape:

I n f o r m a t i o n

»The Rohingya genocide is a series of ongoing persecutions and killings of the Muslim Rohingya people by the military of Myanmar. The genocide has consisted of two phases to date: the first was a military crackdown that occurred from October 2016 to January 2017, and the second has been occurring since August 2017. The crisis forced over a million Rohingya to flee to other countries. Most fled to Bangladesh, resulting in the creation of the world's largest refugee camp, while others escaped to India, Thailand, Malaysia, and other parts of South and Southeast Asia, where they continue to face persecution. Many other countries consider these events ethnic cleansing.« -- More information: Wikipedia

K e y w o r d s

I. Chronological Index: Modern History: 21st Century | II. Geographical Index: Asian History: Burmese History

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Representations: Press: Arab News, Global Times, The Guardian, Myanmar Times