Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Forced Prostitution: "Comfort Women" System:

Types: Sexual Assault:

[Info] Kim, Puja. »The “Comfort Women” Redress Movement in Japan: Reflections on the Past 28 years.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong Gap Min et al. Berlin 2020: 43-69.

[Info] Lee, Jungsil, et al. »Tracing 28 Years of the Redress Movement Led by the Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong Gap Min et al. Berlin 2020: 117-147.

[Info] Lenz, Ilse. »Die Gerechtigkeitsbewegung für die "Trostfrauen" in intersektionaler postkolonialer Sicht.« Peripherie 43 (2023): 91-115.

[Info] Min, Pyong G. »The Controversies over Park Yu-ha’s Book: Another Twist of the “Comfort Women” Redress Movement.« Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs 3 (2017): 58-66.

[Info] Min, Pyong G., et al. »Introduction.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. al. Berlin 2020: 1-18.

[Info] Min, Pyong G. »Japanese Citizens’ and Civic Organizations’ Strong Support for the Redress Movement.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. al. Berlin 2020: 71-94.

[Info] Min, Pyong, G., eds. The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Berlin 2020.

[Info] Min, Pyong G. Korean "Comfort Women": Military Brothels, Brutality, and the Redress Movement. New Brunswick 2021.

[Info] Nakayama, Hayato. Japanese Activists who Support Redress for “Comfort Women”: Why and How Do They Address the "Comfort Women" Issue? M.A. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 2013.

[Info] Shin, Jenna. A Comfort Women Redress Movement without Comfort Women. Senior Thesis, Yale University, 2021.

[Info] Son, Elizabeth W. Embodied Reckonings: “Comfort Women,” Performance, and Transpacific Redress. Ann Arbor 2018.

[Info] Tsuchino, Mizuho. »The Politics of Redress for the “Comfort Women” Issue: What has the Asian Women’s Fund done in reality?« The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2015. Gyeongju 2015.

[Info] Watanabe, Mina. »Initiatives by Citizens of a Perpetrator State: Advocating to UN Human Rights Bodies for the Rights of Survivors.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. Min et al. Berlin 2020: 95-114.

[Info] Yamamoto, Erik K., et al. »Korean "Comfort Women" Redress 2012 Through the Lens of U.S. Civil and Human Rights Reparatory Justice Experiences.« Journal of Korean Law 11 (2012): 123-149.

[Info] Yoon, Mee-hyang. »Unfulfilled Justice: Human Rights Restoration for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. Min et al. Berlin 2020: 21-41.