Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Forced Prostitution: "Comfort Women" System:

Types: Sexual Assault:

T o p i c a l   I n d e x

Cases: Real Victims: Won-ok Gil, Yong Soo Lee, Omok Oh, Okpun Yi, Sangok Yi, Sunok Yi, T?ngnam Yi, Yongny? Yi, Yongsu Yi, Y?ngsuk Yi, Turi Yun | Representations: Comics: Grass, The Song of Butterfly, Yamato Terminator; Films: Ai Kaen Seupikeu, Snowy Road, Spirits'Homecoming Women's Teishin-tai; Literary Texts: Nora Okja Keller, Chang-Rae Lee, Jeong-mo Yoon

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Ahn, Shin-Kweon. Das Haus des Teilens Ein Bericht ber "Nanum-ui jib". Erzwungene Prostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten: Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen und M dchen. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2006: 255-261.

[Info] Ahn, Shin-Kweon. The House of Sharing A Report on Nanum-ui jib. Forced Prostitution in Times of War and Peace: Sexual Violence against Women and Girls. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2007: 315- .

[Info] Ahn, Shinkwon, et al. Pre- and Post-War Life History of Sex Slave Victims by Imperial Japanese Army. Life Science Journal 11(S7) (2014): 528-533.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Out of the Darkness: The Story of a Comfort Woman . Indian Journal of Gender Studies 3 (1996): 225-232.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. (Auto)-Biographien von koreanischen "Comfort Women". National Conference on Autobiographies. Warwick 1997.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Korean "Comfort Women" and Military Sexual Slavery in World War II. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Warwick, 1999.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Uncomfortable truths. Trouble & Strife No. 41 (2000): 56-60.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Unveiling Myths: Masculine Sexuality and the Issue of "Comfort Women". London 2002.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Identity Reconstruction of Korean "Comfort Women" and Japanese Soldiers during World War II. Centre de Recherches sur la Cor e, cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales. Paris 2006.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Remembering Comfort Women in South Korea: Gender and Nation. Women's Worlds 2008: 10th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. Madrid 2008.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Wianbu munje ki?k hagi: Manggakes? ki?k?ibum?ro. Suheng inmunhak 38 (2008): 61-85.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Remembering 'Comfort Women' in North Korea. 6th International Convention of Asian Scholars. Daejeon 2009.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Rewriting the History of Colonialism in South Korea. Broken Narratives: Post-Cold War History and Identity in Europe and East Asia. Edited by Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik. Leiden 2014: 109-132.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Intimacy and Contempt: WWII Comfort Women and Japanese Soldiers. African Feminists: Talking the Walk. Cape Town 2015.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Together and Apart: Transnational Women's Activism in the "Comfort Women" Campaign in South Korea and Japan. Comparative Korean Studies 23 (2015): 39-62.

[Info] Ahn, Yonson. Yearning for affection: Traumatic bonding between Korean comfort women and Japanese soldiers during World War II. European Journal of Women's Studies (August 27, 2018).

[Info] lvarez, Mar a del Pilar. Nanum y el Museo Hist rico de la Esclavitud Sexual de los Militares Japoneses en Corea del Sur. Congreso Nacional de la Asociaci n Latinoamericana de Estudios de Asia y frica. Argentina 2010: Asia y frica en Argentina: Caminos hacia una sociedad intercultural. Edited by L a Rodriguez de la Vega. Buenos Aires 2012: 415-429.

[Info] lvarez, Mar a del Pilar. Usos del testimonio en los documentales de las mujeres de confort: l mites y obst culos de su representaci n. VII Congreso Nacional de Estudios Coreanos. Buenos Aires 2011.

[Info] lvarez, Mar a del Pilar. El pasado en primera persona: apuntes sobre las mujeres de confort en el cine documental surcoreano. Questi n No. 35 (2012): 1-8.

[Info] lvarez, Mar a del Pilar. Los usos del testimonio en los documentales de las mujeres de confort: l mites y obs culos de su representaci n. Presencias culturales en el mundo global. Edited by Carolina Mera et al. Buenos Aires 2012: 177-190.

[Info] lvarez, Mar a del Pilar. Vicarios del horror: Los hijos de las ex esclavas sexuales de la Armada Japonesa en las obras de Kim Dong Won y Byun Young Joo. Punto Cero 19 (2014): 99-105.

[Info] lvarez, Mar a del Pilar. Vicarios del horror y los cr menes de la Guerra del Pac fico en las obras Kim Dong Won y Byun Young Joo. IX Encuentro Nacional de Estudios Coreanos. Buenos Aires 2014.

[Info] lvarez, Mar a del Pilar. Memoria trasnacional, globalizaci n normativa? Reconciliaci n, perd n y justicia en el este de Asia. El caso de las ex mujeres de confort y el Santuario Yasukuni. Anuario de Investigaci n USAL No. 4 (2017): 105 - .

[Info] An, Y?n-s?n. S?ng noye wa py?ngsa mand?lgi. Seoul 2003.

[Info] Barber n Reinares, Laura. Sex Trafficking in Post Colonial Literature: Transnational Narratives from Joyce to Bola o. New York 2015.

[Info] Becker, Anne-Kathrin. Koreanische Zwangsprostitution im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika 26 (1998): 347-358.

[Info] Bellamy, Maria R. Bridges to Memory: Postmemory in Contemporary Ethnic American Women's Fiction. Charlottesville 2016.

[Info] Blackburn, Kevin. The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory. Singapore 2022.

[Info] Bromin, Hans. World War II in Korea. PPE Review 5 (2017): 179-184.

[Info] Burianov , Marie. Fenom n tzv. Comfort women v Koreji: Fakta, v voj a politick aspekty. Bakal ?sk Pr ce, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2007.

[Info] Cho, MiJin. Victim Silencing, Sexual Violence Culture, Social Healing: Inherited Collective Trauma of World War II South Korean Military Comfort Women . Student Essay, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2020.

[Info] Choi, Eun J. (Korean Comfort Women "Representation of Nagisa Oshima: Korean Comfort Women in the Post-war Japan Movie and Movie "nihon syunka-ko"). (Korean Journal of Japanology) 102 (2015): 247-260.

[Info] Choi, Jeongwon. The Vanished Bloom: The Story of Korean Comfort Women. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention 2 (2013): 26-28.

[Info] Chung, Hyun-Baek. Memory and Commemoration of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery in Korea. Sexual Violence in World War II. Bonn 2010.

[Info] Chung, Nancy. Comfort Woman Narratives in Korean American Literature: Understanding the Korean American Identity through Han and the China Doll Stereotype. Honors Thesis, Emory University, 2016.

[Info] Corfield, Justin. Comfort Women. Historical Dictionary of Pyongyang. By Justin Corfield. London 2013: 39-40.

[Info] Danielov , Dorota. Korea za japonsk okupace v dob? 2. sv?tov v lky. Bakal ?sk Pr ce, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2010.

[Info] Ence, Jonathan J. Explaining Conflicts in Japanese-South Korean Relations. M.A. Thesis, Utah State University, 2013.

[Info] Grzebyk, Joseph M. Korean Comfort Women: How Japanese Military Expansion Within East Asia Led to Systematized Prostitution Between 1910 and 1945. M.A. Thesis, California State University at Chico, 2015.

[Info] Ha, SungAe. Reading Tamar in the Context of Korean "Comfort Women" and Me Too Movement. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver 2018.

[Info] Ha, Sunnyo. I Would Rather Die. True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 58-64.

[Info] Harada, Kazue. Good Bad Girls: Writers' Romanticization of Prostitutes in the Post War Era. M.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2002.

[Info] Healy, Lauren. An Inquiry into the Controversy of Korean Comfort Women. Colloquium 3 (2018): 71-85.

[Info] Herr, Ranjoo S. "Comfort women" and Japan's national responsibility: A case study in reconciling feminism and nationalism. Inherited Responsibility and Historical Reconciliation in East Asia. Edited by Jun-Hyeok Kwak et al. New York 2013: 145-164.

[Info] Howard, Keith, ed. True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. London 1995.

[Info] Ignalaga, Krishna. Korean Comfort Women. Historia 15 (2006): 46-51.

[Info] Im, Ch?ng G. ???. Seoul 1981.

[Info] Inuzuka, Ako. Non-Western Colonization, Orientalism, and the Comfort Women: The Collective Memory of Sexual Slavery Under the Japanese Imperial Military. Lanham 2021.

[Info] Joo, Hee-Hung S. Comfort Women in Human Rights Discourse: Fetishized Testimonies, Small Museums, and the Politics of Thin Description. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies 37 (2015): 166-183.

[Info] Kang, M.K. Ilbongun "sungnoye" munje eui yuksahakjuk jupgeun. Second Korean-Japan Joint Symposium on the "Comfort Women". Seoul 1993.

[Info] Kern, Thomas, et al. The Korean Comfort Women Movement and the Formation of a Public Sphere in East Asia. Korea Yearbook (2009): 227-255.

[Info] Kim, Ann. Discourse, Public Space, and Politics Regarding the Issue of Korean "Comfort Women": Implications for East Asia Relations. Aleph 15 (2018): 49-64.

[Info] Kim, Ann W. Discourse, Public Space, and the Politics of Korean "Comfort Women": Implications for East Asia Relations. Inquiries Journal 11 (2019).

[Info] Kim, Bohyun. »South Korea's Partial Withdrawal from the 2015 Korea-Japan Comfort Women Agreement: Changed National Role Conceptions via Increased Social Influence (2015-2018)« Asien Nos. 164-165 (2023): 70-95.

[Info] Kim, Booja. Why were girls the majority among the Korean comfort women? 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] Kim, David J. Critical Mediations: Haew?n Chinhon Kut, a Shamanic Ritual for Korean Comfort Women . positions 21 (2013): 725-754.

[Info] Kim, Jongwoo J. Filming the Queerness of Comfort Women: Byun Young-Joo's The Murmuring, 1995. positions 22 (2014): 7-39.

[Info] Kim, Mikyoung. Human Rights, Memory and Reconciliation: Korea-Japan Relations. Asia-Pacific Journal 11 (2013).

[Info] Kim, Mikyoung. Memorializing Comfort Women: Memory and Human Rights in Korea-Japan Relations. Asian Politics & Policy 6 (2014): 83-96.

[Info] Kim, Myung-hye. Incomplete Stories: Experiences and Memories of Japanese Imperial Army s Comfort Women. Korean Anthropology Review 2 (2018): 43-72.

[Info] Kim, Pu-ja, et al., eds. "Ianfu", senji seib?ryoku no jittai: Nippon, Taiwan, Chosen Hen. Tokyo 2000.

[Info] Ko, Jeongyun. Politics of Representation: Americanization of Korean Comfort Women and Camptown Sex Worker Discourses. (Journal of the English Language and Literature) 56 (2014): 19-46.

[Info] Ko, Jeongyun. "Good" Comfort Women Novel? Ethics and Representational Tactics of Korean Comfort Women Novels in English. Feminist Studies in English Literature 24 (2016): 99-124.

[Info] Korkmaz, Ba?a. Japon Kolonisi D neminde Koreli Kad?nlar?n Durumu. Savas ve Edebiyat: Sempozyum Bildirileri. Vol. 1. Edited by Y?lmaz Da?c?o?lu. 2016: 124-133.

[Info] Kumagai, Naoko. Japan s Reconciliation in the Issue of Comfort Women with the Netherlands and South Korea: Pragmatic and Reflective Reconciliation. Journal of European Integration History 25 (2019): 51-64.

[Info] Kwon, Cheeyun L. Sexual Violence, Imperialism, and Museum Activism: The Case of the War & Women's Human Rights Museum. Museum International 72 (2020): 42-53.

[Info] Layfield, Allison. Asian American Literature and Reading Formations: A Case Study of Nora Okja Keller s Comfort Woman and Fox Girl. Reception 7 (2015): 64-82.

[Info] Lee, Constance Y., et al. The Deafening Silence of the Korean Comfort Women : A Response Based on Lyotard and Irigaray. Asian Journal of Law and Society (2015).

[Info] Lee, Janice. Uncomfortable Comfort Women Examining Shame Culture and the Internal Conflict Between Japanese?Americans and Korean?Americans Regarding the Comfort Women Issue. Pepperdine Journal of Communication Research 6 (2018): 11-19.

[Info] Lee, Jeewon, et al. The Author Reply: Major Difficulties in Pursuing Research on Offspring of Former Comfort Women in Korea. Psychiatry Investigation 16 (2019): 477-478.

[Info] Lee, Na-Young. Postcolonial Subjects of Japanese Military Comfort Women : Reconstructing Identities, Shifting Boundaries. Center for Transpacific Studies, University of Southern California. Los Angeles 2013.

[Info] Lee, Na-Young. Japanese Military 'Comfort Women': Reconstructing Identities, Shifting Boundaries. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama 2014.

[Info] Lee, Na-Young. ????? ???? ???? ???: ??? ??? ??? ????. Han gug sa hoe hag 50 (2016): 1-40.

[Info] Lee, SinCheol, et al. Comfort Women: A Focus on Recent Findings from Korea and China. Asian Journal of Women's Studies 21 (2015): 31-50.

[Info] Lim, Tae Y., et al. The Stories That Have Not Been Told: Comfort Women, Nora Okja Keller s Novels and the Subaltern s Performance of History. Concentric 45 (2019): 3-26.

[Info] Matsumoto, Noriko. The Past of Others: Korean Memorials in a New York Suburb. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama 2014.

[Info] Matsui, Yayori. Watashi wa naze Kissen kanko ni hantai surunoka. Onna Eros Magazine No. 2 (1974).

[Info] Matsui, Yayori. Sexual Slavery in Korea. Frontiers 2 (1977): 22-30.

[Info] Matsui, Yayori. Women s International War Crimes Tribunal in 2000: Impunity of Wartime Sexual Violence Must be Ended. Women s Asia 21 No. 5 (1999): 90-96.

[Info] Matsui, Yayori. Women s International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan s Military Sexual Slavery: Memory, Identity, and Society. East Asia 19 (2001): 119-142.

[Info] Min, Pyong G., et al. The Public Knowledge of the Jeongsindae as Forcefully Mobilized Comfort Women in Korea. Review of Korean Studies 21 (2018): 141-169.

[Info] Miyata, Masumi. The Representation of the Blackness/Darkness in Chang-rae Lee s A Gesture Life. ??????????? No. 23 (2019): 43-53.

[Info] Moon, Kyounghee. ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??: ?????? ????? ??? ??? ???? ??. ???? ?? 18 (2018): 47-92.

[Info] Moon, So-Jeong. ???? ??? ?WAM?? ??? ??? ? ?????. ??? ???? 50 (2017): 385-400.

[Info] Murph, Karen S. Negotiating the Master Narratives of Prostitution, Slavery, and Rape in the Testimonies by and Representations of Korean Sex Slaves of the Japanese Military (1932-1945). Ph.D. Thesis, Georgetown University, 2008.

[Info] Na, Jin N. The Feminist Dynamic of Naming the Gender Issue: Military 'Comfort Women'. Women's Worlds 2005. 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. Seoul 2005.

[Info] Na, Jin N. The Politics of Being in and out of Silence: Centering on Military 'Sex Slaves' in South Korean Society. Women's Worlds 2005. 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. Seoul 2005.

[Info] Na-Young, Lee. The Korean Women's Movement of Japanese Military "Comfort Women": Navigating between Nationalism and Feminism. Review of Korean Studies 17 (2014): 71-92.

[Info] Nishino, Rumiko. Ju?gun ianfu to Ju?gonen Senso?: Biruma ianjo keieisha no sho?gen. Tokyo 1993.

[Info] Oh, Bonnie B.C. The Japanese Imperial System and the Korean "Comfort Women" of World War II. Legacies of the Comfort Women of World War II. Edited by Margaret Stetz et al. Armonk 2001: 3-25.

[Info] Oh, Omok. I Thought I Was Going to a Textile Factory. True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 65-69.

[Info] Okamoto, Julia Y. As "Mulheres de Conforto" da Guerra do Pac fico. Revista de Inicia o Cient fica em Rela es Internacionais 1 (2013): 91-108.

[Info] Park, Jee H.A., et al. Korean Survivors of the Japanese Comfort Women System: Understanding the Lifelong Consequences of Early Life Trauma. Journal of Gerontological Social Work (June 28, 2016).

[Info] Park, JeongWon B. Politicising the Manhwa Representations of the Comfort Women: With an Emphasis on the Angoul me International Festival Controversy. East Asia 36 (2019): 37-65.

[Info] Park, June-Ae. ?????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??: ???? ??? ?? ??? ????. ??????? 59 (2020): 47-80.

[Info] Park, Seon-Cheol. Role of Putative Epigenetic Mechanisms in the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma Effects in Comfort Women Survivor Offspring. Psychiatry Investigation 16 (2019): 475-476.

[Info] Pilzer, Joshua D. Hearts of Pine: Songs in the Lives of Three Korean Survivors of the Japanese "Comfort Women". New York 2012.

[Info] Pilzer, Joshua D. Hearts of Pine: Songs in the Lives of Three Korean Survivors of the Japanese "Comfort Women". The Korea Society. New York 2012.

[Info] Pilzer, Joshua D. Songs in the Lives of Three Korean Survivors of the Japanese "Comfort Women": Introducing Hearts of Pine. London 2012.

[Info] Pilzer, Joshua D. Music and Dance in the Japanese Military Comfort Women System: A Case Study in the Performing Arts, War, and Sexual Violence. Women and Music 18 (2014): 1-23.

[Info] Ropers, Erik. Voices of the Korean Minority in Postwar Japan: Histories Against the Grain. London 2019.

[Info] Schwarz, Marietta, et al. "Es geht darum, das Gesicht zu wahren": Koreanisch-japanischer Streit um "Trostfrauen". Fazit. Deutschlandfunk Kultur 2021.

[Info] Seo, Hyeon-Ju. Current Status and Future Prospects of Issues concerning Japanese Military Sexual Slavery in Korea. Sexual Violence in World War II. Bonn 2010.

[Info] Shin, Jenna. A Comfort Women Redress Movement without Comfort Women. Senior Thesis, Yale University, 2021.

[Info] Soh, Chunghee S. Korean 'Comfort Women' for the Japanese Imperial Army: Sexism, Paternalism, and Nationalism. 35th Annual Conference of Western Social Science Association. Corpus Christi 1993.

[Info] Soh, Chunghee S. Korean "Comfort Women" as Chongsindae: Myth and Reality. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. San Francisco 2006.

[Info] Soh, C(hunghee) S. The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Postcolonial Memory in Korea and Japan. Chicago 2008.

[Info] Soh, Chunghee S. Military prostitution and women's sexual labour in Japan and Korea. Gender and Labour in Korea and Japan: Sexing Class. Edited by Ruth Barraclough et al. London 2009: 44-.

[Info] Son, Angella. The Japanese Secret: The Shame Behind Japan s Longstanding Denial of Its War Crime against Korean Comfort Girls-Women. The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. Min et al. Berlin 2020: 295-323.

[Info] Son, Elizabeth W. Korean Trojan Women: Performing Wartime Sexual Violence. Asian Theatre Journal 33 (2016): 369-394.

[Info] Son, Elizabeth W. Embodied Reckonings: Comfort Women, Performance, and Transpacific Redress. Ann Arbor 2018.

[Info] Song, Hankyul. Suffering in silence: The politics of shaping cultural memory in the context of narratives around Korean comfort women in South Korea. B.A. Thesis, Vassar College, 2016.

[Info] Sorgenfrei, Carol F. Guilt, Nostalgia, and Victimhood: Korea in the Japanese Theatrical Imagination. New Theatre Quarterly 29 (2013): 185-200.

[Info] Sorrenti, Santa. Our Only Voice: The Korean 'Comfort Women' & Surviving the Noise of Nationalism. Bachelor Thesis, Leiden University, 2015.

[Info] Suh, Kyungsook. Documenting Silenced History and Memory: The Case of Korean Comfort Women. M.A. Thesis, San Francisco State University, 2009.

[Info] Suh, Kyungsook. Documenting Silenced History and Memory: Focusing on Documentary Films on Korean Comfort Women. Modern Studies in English Language & Literature 58 (2014): 489-507.

[Info] Tsuchino, Mizuho. The Politics of Redress for the "Comfort Women" Issue: What Did the Asia Women's Fund Do in Reality? International Relations and Diplomacya 3 (2015): 795-808.

[Info] van Boetzelaer, T. Between Nation and Gender: The representation of former military Comfort Women in the Netherlands and South Korea. Master Thesis, Leiden University, 2016.

[Info] Witt, Kathryn J. Comfort Women: The 1946-1948 Tokyo War Crimes Trials and Historical Blindness. Great Lakes Journal of Undergraduate History 4 (2016): 17-34.

[Info] Yamamoto, Erik K., et al. Korean "Comfort Women" Redress 2012 Through the Lens of U.S. Civil and Human Rights Reparatory Justice Experiences. Journal of Korean Law 11 (2012): 123-149.

[Info] Yamashita, Yeong-ae. Kankoku joseigaku to minzoku: Nihongun "ianfu" mondai wo meguru "minzoku" ch?shinni. ??? 4 (1996): 35-58.

[Info] Yamashita, Yeong-Ae. What does a sincere apology for the former "comfort women" look like? 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] Yang, Hyunah. Revisiting the Issue of Korean Military Comfort Women : The Question of Truth and Positionality. positions 5 (1997): 51-72.

[Info] Yang, Hyunah. Re-membering the Korean Military Comfort Women: Nationalism, Sexuality, and Silencing. Dangerous Women: Gender and Korean Nationalism. Edited by Elaine H. Kim et al. New York 1998: 123-139.

[Info] Yang, Hyunah. Korean Military Comfort Women in Their Own Voices: Experiences of the Testimony Team : The Question of Truth and Positionality. Women s Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001.

[Info] Yang, Hyunah. Finding 'the Map of Memory': Testimonies of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Survivors. East Asian Studies Program, Emory University. Atlanta 2007.

[Info] Yi, Man Y. Ilbon gun wianbu ch?ngch aek hy?ngs?ng-?i chos?nch ?k y?ksaj?k paeky?ng. ??? '???' ?? ? ??. Seoul 1997: 69-97.

[Info] Yi, S. Ilbongun wianbu eui gwigukhu salm eui gyounghum. Ilbon gun wianbu munje ?i jinsang. Edited by Han?guk Cho?ngsindae Munje Taech?aek Hyo?bu?ihoe. Seoul 1997.

[Info] Yoon, Bang-Soon. Theorizing Korean "Military Comfort Women": Paradigm Shift in the Role of the State in Sexual Violence against Women. Women's Worlds 2005. 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. Seoul 2005.

[Info] Yoon, Bang-Soon L., et al. Japan's Denial of "Comfort Women" Chills Recent South Korea and Japan Relations. World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2015. Gyeongju 2015.

[Info] Yoon, Bang-Soon L. Sexualized Racism, Gender and Nationalism: The Case of Japan's Sexual Enslavement of Korean "Comfort Women". Race and Racism in Modern East Asia. Vol. II. Edited by Rotem Kowner et al. Leiden 2015: 459-480.

[Info] Yoon, Jihwan. ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??. ??????? 54 (2019): 51-69.

[Info] Yoon, Jihwan, et al. When Memoryscapes Move: Comfort Women memorials as transnational. The Routledge Handbook of Memory and Place. Edited by Sarah De Nardi et al. London 2020: 119-128.

[Info] Yoon, Mee-Hyang. 14 Jahre Bem hungen f r die Rehabilitation der betroffenen Frauen. Zwangsprostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten. Berlin 2004.

[Info] Yoon, Mi-Hyang. Die unverheilten Wunden der Opfer: Bericht ber das sexuelle Versklavungssystem des japanischen Milit rs und die Rolle des Korean Councils. Zwangsprostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten: Dokumentation der Tagung vom 11. Juni 2004 veranstaltet vom Arbeitsbereich "Geschlechterforschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft / Gender Studies in Education" am Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie der Freien Universit t Berlin. Edited by Barbara Drinck. Berlin 2004: 21-29.

[Info] Yoshida, Seiji. ??????????: ????????????. Tokyo 1977.

[Info] Yoshida, Seiji. ??????: ???????. Tokyo 1983.

[Info] Youn, Young-Shil. ????? ??? ? ??????? ????: ??? ??? ?? ???? ????. ?????? No. 67 (2017): 79-120.

[Info] Youngae, Yamashida. Hankuk ae wianpu munjae ui haekyul undong ui kwaje. Kunhy?ndae hanil kwankae wa cheil dongp o. Edited by Kang D. Sang et al. Seoul 1999: 248-282.

[Info] Yun, C. Chosun sikmin jungchaek eui ilhwan euroseo ilbongun "wianbu". ??? '???' ?? ? ??. Edited by Han?guk Cho?ngsindae Munje Taech?aek Hyo?bu?ihoe. Seoul 1997.

[Info] Yun, My?ng-suk. ???????????????????. Tokyo 2003.

[Info] Yune, Chung-ok. ??? ????? ???. ?????? No. 4 (1992): 20-34.

II. Speaker Index