Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Cases: Real Cases: 21st Century:

Cases: Real Cases:

Rapes by Robert Mikelson and Richard van Olffen

I n f o r m a t i o n

»The Amsterdam sex crimes case (Dutch: Amsterdamse zedenzaak) is a court case involving Robert Mikelson's abuse of babies in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The defendant was Roberts Mikelson, dubbed "the Monster of Riga" by the Dutch press, who had worked at several daycare centres in Amsterdam and was accused of abusing 87 children as well as possession, production and distribution of child pornography. Mikelson was found guilty and sentenced to 18 years and 11 months in prison, followed by involuntary commitment.« -- More information: Wikipedia

K e y w o r d s

I. Chronological Index: Modern History: 21st Century | I. Geographical Index: European History: Dutch History | III. Topical Index: Types: Rape / Child Sexual Abuse; Offenders: Age and Gender: Male Adults; Victims: Age and Gender: Male Children

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] van Duin, Esther M., et al. »Sexual abuse in very young children: A psychological assessment in the Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case study.« European Journal of Psychotraumatology 9 (2018): 1-13.

[Info] Tsang, Vionna M.W., et al. »The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case: What Scars did it Leave? Long-Term Course of Psychological Problems for Children Who have been Sexually Abused at a Very Young Age, and their Parents.« Child Psychiatry & Human Development 52 (2021): 891 902.

[Info] Tsang, Vionna M.W., et al. »A Longitudinal Study in Worrisome Sexual Behavior Following Sexual Abuse in Infancy or Early Childhood: The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case.« Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma (March 31, 2023).

[Info] Tsang, Vionna M.W. The deepest wounds are the immeasurable ones: The scars of the Amsterdam sexual abuse case. Academisch Proefschrift, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2024.

II. Speaker Index
