Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Chronological Index: Modern History:

Modern History:

G e o g r a p h i c a l   I n d e x

1. A f r i c a n   H i s t o r y
General | Central Africa: Central African History, Congolese History | Eastern Africa: Burundian History, Kenyan History, Rwandan History, Ugandan History | Northern Africa: Algerian History, Egyptian History, Libyan History, Moroccan History, Sudanese History | Southern Africa: South African History Swazi History, Zimbabwean History | Western Africa: Burkinabe History, Ghanaian History, Ivorian History, Liberian History, Malian History, Nigerian History, Senegalese History, Sierra Leonean History

2. A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y
General | Caribbean: Cuban History, Dominican History, Haitian History, Jamaican History | Central America: Costa Rican History, Guatemalan History, Nicaraguan History | North America: Canadian History, Mexican History, U.S. History | South America: Argentine History, Bolivian History, Brazilian History, Chilean History, Colombian History, Peruvian History, Uruguayan History

3. A s i a n   H i s t o r y
General | Central Asia: Afghan History, Tajik History | East Asia: Chinese History, Japanese History, Korean History | South Asia: Bangladeshi History, Indian History, Nepalese History, Pakistani History, Sri Lankan History | Southeast Asia: Cambodian History, Malaysian History, Philippine History, Singaporean History, Thai History, Timorese History, Vietnamese History | Western Asia: Arabic History, Iraqi History, Israeli History, Jordanian History, Palestinian History, Saudi Arabian History, Syrian History, Turkish History

4. E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y
General | Central Europe: Austrian History, Croatian History, German History, Hungarian History, Polish History, Romanian History, Serbian History | Eastern Europe: Russian History, Ukrainian History | Northern Europe: Danish History, Finnish History, Norwegian History, Swedish History | Southern Europe: Italian History, Portuguese History, Spanish History | Southeastern Europe: Albanian History, Bosnian History, Bulgarian History, Croatian History, Cyprian History, Romanian History, Serbian History | Western Europe: Belgian History, Dutch History, English History, French History, Irish History, Scottish History, Welsh History

5. O c e a n i a n   H i s t o r y
General, Australian History, New Zealand History, Papua New Guinean History, Solomon Islands History

T o p i c a l   I n d e x

1. P r o s e c u t i o n
Legislation: General, Canon Law, International Law, Islamic Law | Inquiry: Police Investigation, Reporting | Trials: General; Evidence: False Accusations, Physical Evidence, Victim Testimonies; Punishments: Death Penalty | Arbitary Law: Revenge, Vigilantism | Frequency: Recidivism, Statistics

2. C a s e s
Fictional Cases, Real Cases

3. T y p e s
General: Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment | Body: Anal Rape, Groping, Sexual Torture | Circumstances: Attempted Rape, Date Rape, Instrumental Rape | Frequency: Serial Rape | Killing: Femicide, Lust Murder | Offenders: Bestial Rape, Clergy Sexual Abuse, "Demonic Rape", Gang Rape, Incestual Rape, Interracial Sexual Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, Rape by Proxy, Same-Sex Rape | Places: Campus Sexual Assault, Prison Rape, Sexual Violence at the Workplace, Sexual Violence in Sports, Sexual Violence in the Military, Sexual Violence on the Move | Purposes: Child Prostitution, "Corrective Rape", Forced Marriage, Forced Prostitution, Sex Trafficking | State of Emergency: Genocidal Rape, Wartime Sexual Violence | Victims: Child Pornography, Child Prostitution, Child Sexual Abuse, Elder Sexual Abuse, Incestual Rape, Interracial Sexual Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, Same-Sex Rape, Statutory Rape

4. O f f e n d e r s
Characteristics: Age and Gender: Female Adults, Male Adolescents, Male Adults, Male Children, Male Elders; Biological Status: -; Kinship: Brothers, Cousins, Fathers, Sons, Stepfathers, Uncles; Mental Status: -; Professions: Medical Professionals, Police Officers, Prison Staff, Soldiers, Teachers, UN Personnel; Social Status: Prisoners | Circumstances: External Circumstances: Climate Conditions; Internal Circumstances: - | Consequences: Physical Consequences: -; Reactions: Narratives

5. V i c t i m s
Characteristics: Age and Gender: Female Adolescents, Female Adults, Female Children, Female Elders, Male Adolescents, Male Adults, Male Children; Biological Status: -; Indirect Victims Groups: Parents, Rape Children; Kinship: Daughters, Mothers, Nieces, Sisters, Stepdaughters, Wives; Mental Status: Dementia, Drunkenness, Mental Disability; Physical Status: -; Professions: Prostitutes, Soldiers; Social Status: Married Women, Noblewomen, Patients, Prisoners, Students, Unmarried Women | Circumstances: External Circumstances: Abduction, Captivity, Climate Conditions, Narcotization; Internal Circumstances: - | Consequences: Mental Consequences: Mental Disorders, Resilience, Trauma; Physical Consequences: Abortion, Homicide, Pregnancy, Venereal Diseases; Reactions: Narratives, Reconciliation, Shame, Suicide; Social Consequences: Blaming, Mothering, "Rehabilitating Marriage", Stigmatization

6. S o c i e t y
Institutions: - | Movements: Anti-Rape Movement, Women's Movement | Politics: - | Rape Culture: General, Pedophilia Panic

7. R e s e a r c h
Disciplines: Sociology | Education: -

8. R e p r e s e n t a t i o n s
General | Acoustical: Radio | Textual: Historiographical Texts, Literary Texts, Press, Song Texts | Visual: Art, Comics, Fashion, Films, Musical Theatre, Photography, Television, Video Games