Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Alphabetical Index: Speaker Index:

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »The Coverage of Wartime Rape in Greek Historiography.« 135th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. San Francisco 2004.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Girls, Women, and the Sexual Laws of War in the Old Testament.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Philadelphia 2005.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy. »Sexual Acts of War in Antiquity.« 136th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Boston 2005.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy. »Girls, Women, and the Sexual Norms of War from Antiquity to the Modern Day.« The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »The Old Testament Prophets on the Other Half of Ancient Warfare.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Washington, D.C. 2006.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »The Methods and Magnitude of Female Sexual Subjugation through Ancient Warfare.« 138th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. San Diego 2007.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Warfare and Sexual Enslavement in Antiquity and the Modern Day.« Lecture / Nashville Public Library. Nashville 2009.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Gods and Plundered Bodies: The Sexual Enslavement of War Captives in Antiquity and its Ambivalent Religious Significance.« Lecture / Stanford University. Stanford 2010.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Mass Rape, its Modes of Warfare, and Ethnic Diversity by the Spear in Ancient Greece.« Symposium on Immigrants and Refugees in Greece and Southeast Europe. Urbana-Champaign 2010.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Teaching about Mass Rape in Ancient and Modern Warfare.« 141st Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Anaheim 2010.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Sexual Warfare Against Girls and Women in Classical Antiquity.« Lecture / University of California at Los Angeles. Los Angeles 2011.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Aristotle and the Peripatetics on the Historiography of Martial Rape.« 146th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies. New Orleans 2015.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »The Paradox of College Rape Culture from an Ancient Mediterranean Perspective.« Theorizing Consent: Educational and Legal Perspectives on Campus Rape. Austin 2016.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Thucydides on Coercive Martial Manliness, Virtue, and Rape.« 148th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies. Toronto 2017.

[Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Minding the Mistress: The Household Power Struggle to Control Female Slave Sexuality in the Ancient Mediterranean.« 149th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies. Boston 2018.

[Info] Gadotti, Alhena. »The Conceptualization of Rape in Sumerian Literature.« 217th Meeting of the American Oriental Society. San Antonio 2007.

[Info] Gafney, Wil. »A Fem/Womanist Hermeneutic Reading Ruth Against the Grain: The Valorization of a Race-traitor and a Pimp.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Philadelphia 2005.

[Info] Gafney, Wil. »From Slavery to Slavery: No Exodus for Trafficked Women in Israel.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Chicago 2012.

[Info] Gaines, Jason M.H. »Consent, Rape, and Hierarchies of Power in the Hebrew Bible.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2017.

[Info] Galantino, Maria G. »War Violence and Public Memory: Narratives on the Mass Rapes of World War II in Italy.« The Violence of War: Experiences and Images of Conflict. London 2014.

[Info] Gałęziowski, Jakub G. »'Poland Wants Them All - Especially Their Children': Single Mothers and Their Babies in Post-War Polish State.« 51st Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Gambardello, Nicole. »Just the Facts: The Representation of Sex Offenders in Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.« 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2018.

[Info] Gambino, Madeline. »"Would You Demand a Refund?": Understanding the "Crisis" of Parish Closure Clergy Sexual Abuse in Philadelphia.« 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Historical Association. Philadelphia 2023.

[Info] Gamel, Mary-Kay. »Re-reading Ovid's Rapes.« 148th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies. Toronto 2017.

[Info] García, Mailén. »Resignificar la violencia sexual: Una experiencia de caso.« XIV Jornadas Nacionales de Historia de las Mujeres. Mar del Plata 2019.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Hans-Ulrich Treichel Der Verlorene and the Uneasiness of West German Society of the Fifties in coming to terms with the trauma of rape.« From Perpetrators to Victims? Constructions and Representations of 'German Wartime Suffering'. Leeds 2007.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Gegen die Transfiguration der vergewaltigten Frau: Eine Frau in BerlinCongresso Internacional da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Germanísticos. Lisbon 2008.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. Uma história "conveniente" de violações em tempo de guerra: Por que razão a Alemanha de Adenauer rejeitou Uma Mulher em Berlim e enalteceu Diário PrussianoColóquio Internacional: Representações da Violência. Coimbra 2008.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Porn, Rape and the Fall of the Third Reich: On Thor Kunkel's novel EndstufeII CECC International Conference on Culture and Conflict. Lisbon 2009.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Os limites da representação: A violação da mulher alemã na Segunda Guerra Mundial (apresentação do projecto).« Novos Estudos Germanísticos. Braga 2009

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Christliche Märtyrinnen des Bolschewismus: Die Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen im II Weltkrieg aus einem katholischen Blick.« Mnemo-Grafias Interculturais. Braga 2010.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Grass' Umgang mit der Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen.« VI. Internationaler Germanisten-Kongress. Sevilla 2010.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Hordas de violadores: A instrumentalização da violência sexual no discurso anti-comunista alemão da guerra-fria.« Mundos em Estudo. Sevilla 2010.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Forced prostitution as a trope for war: Migrants and globalisation in Ljlia 4ever, Promised Land and TranseIV CECC International Conference on Culture and Conflict. Lisbon 2011.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Prostituição forçada de mulheres migrantes de Leste no cinema contemporâneo: Lilja 4ever, Promised Land e Transe.« Mulheres Hoje: papéis, discursos e representações. Coimbra 2011.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Verschweigen, feministische Begeisterung, deutscher Opferdiskurs und romantische Trivialisierung: Die vielen Leben des Tagebuchs Eine Frau in BerlinIII Congresso Internacional da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Germanísticos. Coimbra 2011.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Kulturelles Gedächtnis, selektives Erinnern und sexuelle Gewalt: Ulla Hahns Roman Unscharfe Bilder4. Internationaler Kongress der Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Germanísticos. Coimbra 2012.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Mártires cristãs do Bolchevismo: As violações de alemãs na Segunda Guerra Mundial sob um olhar católico.« 'Quem me tocou?' O corpo nas teologias feministas. Lisbon 2012.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Sexual Violence in the Media Coverage of the War in Libya.« Constellations and Dynamics of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Paris 2012.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Framing evidence: Cell-phones and reporting on wartime rape in Libya.« Constellations and Dynamics of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict, Part II. Hamburg 2013.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Erinnern, auswählen, vergessen, verschweigen, rekonfigurieren, in Frage stellen: Die deutsche Literatur und das Gedächtnis der sexuellen Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg.« Rückblicke, Ausblicke: 20 Jahre APEG. Lisbon 2013.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Fueling War: The rape of German women before World War II.« V CECC International Conference on Culture and Conflict. Lisbon 2013.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Constructing and Deconstructing a Culture of Rape: An Example from the German Literature.« Cultures of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts. London 2014.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Kulturelles Gedächtnis, selektives Erinnern und sexuelle Gewalt: Ulla Hahns Unscharfe BilderVerdrängung und Schatten: Gewaltnarrative in Literatur und Film. Coimbra 2014.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Sexual Violence in the Libyan War.« Gender in focus: (new) trends in the media. Braga 2014.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »(Un)fitting rape scripts? Media coverage of male rape and sexual torture in the Libyan war.« Epistemologies of the South: South-South, South-North and North-South global learnings. Coimbra 2014.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Vergewaltigung als Waffe des Rassenhasses.« Gewalt und Entfremdung: Literarische und transmediale Übertretungen. Mainz 2015.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Violência sexual, guerra na Síria e crise migratória.« Rumo à Europa: a nova crise migratória. Coimbra 2015.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Den Erinnerungsort "deutsche vergewaltigte Frau" umformuliert: Julia Francks Roman Die MittagsfrauREADing Violence: Ambivalenzen der Gewalt. Valencia 2016.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Sexuelle Gewalt, Antisemitismus und deutsche Identität: Artur Dinters Roman Die Sünde wider das Blut und Julia Francks Roman Die MittagsfrauNationalismus: Europe in its Labyrinth. Lisbon 2016.

[Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Enlarging the Definition of Wartime Sexual Violence during the Portuguese Colonial War: On Some Practices of Contemporary Cultural Representation and Remembrance.« International Cultural Responses to Wartime Rape: Ethical Questions and Critical Challenges. Maynooth 2017.

[Info] Garrison, D.G. »Rape in New Comedy.« 115th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Cincinnati 1983.

[Info] Garrison, Jennifer. »Teaching Rape in Chaucer and Gower.« 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2017.

[Info] Garst-Santos, Christine. »#RapeCultureIsWhen: Sexual Violence in Cervantes's Don Quijote and La fuerza de la sangre63rd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Chicago 2017.

[Info] Gassner, Florian. »Fatih Akin's Gegen die Wand: Challenging German Mythologies of Social Work.« Forty-Third Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Gaudillat Cautela, Stéphanie G. »Du crime de «viol» au XVIe siècle, de la théorie à la practique.« Normes juridiques et practiques judiciaires du moyen age à l'époque contemporaine. Dijon 2006.

[Info] Gavin, Helen, et al. »Perceptions of Evil from Abu Ghraib: Female Prison Guards and Sexual Violence.« Evil, Women and the Feminine. Dubrovnik 2015.

[Info] Gebhardt, Miriam. »Als die Soldaten kamen: Die Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs.« Lecture / Dokumentationszentrum Topographie des Terrors. Berlin 2015.

[Info] Gebhardt, Miriam. »Als die Soldaten kamen: Die Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs.« Lecture / Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Steinwache. Dortmund 2015.

[Info] Gebhardt, Miriam, et al. »Als die Soldaten kamen.« Tandem. Südwestrundfunk 2015.

[Info] Gebhard, Miriam, et al. »Als die Soldaten kamen: Die Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs.« Lecture / Frauenstudien München e.V. Munich 2015.

[Info] Gebhardt, Miriam, et al. »"Keine Selbstverständlichkeit, deutsche Opfer zu benennen". Vergewaltigungen im Zweiten Weltkrieg.« Interview. Deutschlandfunk 2015.

[Info] Gebhardt, Miriam, et al. »Miriam Gebhardt, Historikerin und Autorin.« Eins zu Eins. Der Talk. Bayerischer Rundfunk 2015.

[Info] Gebhardt, Miriam, et al. »70. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes. Das Leid der Frauen.« Zwölfzweiundzwanzig. Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg 2015.

[Info] Gedge, Karin E. »Keeping Silence: Women and Clerical Sexual Misconduct in Nineteenth-Century Trial Pamphlets.« 17th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Church History. Chicago 1995.

[Info] Geier, Julia, et al. »Gewalt in den Isländersagas.« SSkandilös Ep.6 (2018).

[Info] Gendron, Sarah. »"Feminigenocide": Or the Effacement of Women in War.« War, Peace and Internatinoal Order? The Legacies of The Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907. Auckland 2016.

[Info] Genovese, Michael. »Sexless Masculinity and the Specter of Rape.« 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. St. Louis 2020.

[Info] Genovese, Michael. »Sexless Masculinity and the Specter of Rape.« 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Virtual 2021.

[Info] Gerhards, Sascha. »Muslim Women, Patriarchy, and Male Violence in the Tatort Crime Television Series.« Forty-Third Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Gerwarth, Robert. »Violence Against Women in the Central European Counterrevolution, 1919-1922.« The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006.

[Info] Ghabrial, Sarah. »The Limits of 'Legal Pluralism': Consent, Rape, and Evidence in Colonial Algeria.« 45th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Longueuil 2019.

[Info] Giblin, Jim. »Women as Victims of Colonial Rebellion: The Maji Maji War of 1905-07 in German East Africa.« The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006.

[Info] Gilkes, Madeleine. »»There Was No One Who Could Escape This Horrible Situation«: Gender-Based Violence in the American-Viet Nam War (1954-1975) in the Voices of Southern Vietnamese Women.« Women's Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001.

[Info] Girard, Philippe. »The Executioner’s Wife: Marie Goyo and the Spectacle of Public Executions in 18th century Saint-Domingue.« 48th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Charlottesville 2024.

[Info] Girod, Gary, int. »#MeToo and Roman Rape Culture.« The French History Podcast. 2019.

[Info] Glaesmer, Heide, et al. »Subjective Identity aspects in former German Children Born of World War II.« Interdisciplinary perspectives on Children Born of War - from World War II to current conflict settings. Hannover 2015.

[Info] Glancy, Jennifer. »Slavery and Sexual Coercion in Early Christianity.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2008.

[Info] Glazebrook, Allison. »Dangerous Liaisons: Sex, Slavery, and Violence in Classical Athens.« 149th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies. Boston 2018.

[Info] Gloyn, Liz. »Reading Rape in Ovid's Metamorphoses: A Test-Case Lesson.« 141st Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Anaheim 2010.

[Info] Godfrey, Katherine A. »The Pijao Market: War and Enslavement of Indigenous Women in the New Kingdom of Granada.« 70th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Chicago 2024.

[Info] Godfroid, Anne. »Une fureur « belgica » en réponse à la fureurla fureur « teutonica » ? Ou l'esprit de revanche des soldats belges stationnés en Rhénanie. Réalité ou fiction ?« Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009.

[Info] Goecke, Ximena. »Sexual Political Violence in Chile: Why do we need a feminist historical account?.« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023.

[Info] Goksel, Nisa, et al. »The Shifting Discourses of Sexual Violence within Human Rights Advocacy in Turkey since the 1980s.« 89th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society. Boston 2019.

[Info] Goldberg, Meira. »Di Perra Mora, Di Matadora: Gendered Confusion and Amorous Contest in the Renaissance Morisca.« 66th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Philadelphia 2020.

[Info] Goldblatt, Beth, et al. »Women: one chapter in the history of South Africa? A critique of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report.« The TRC: Commissioning the Past. Johannesburg 1999.

[Info] Goldman, Sally J.S. »A Narrative of Rape: Sexual Aggression and the Uttarakāṇḍa226th Meeting of the American Oriental Society. Boston 2016.

[Info] Goldman, Sally J.S. »Transgressive Narratives: Sexual Aggression and the Uttarakāṇḍa.« A Tale for All Seasons: The Rāmāyaṇa from Antiquity to Modernity in South Asia. Berkeley 2016.

[Info] Gollapudi, Aparna. »The Disordered Fundament: Sexual Violence on Boys and Sodomy Trial Narratives in the Old Bailey Proceedings.« Annual Meeting of the American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies. Williamsburg 2014.

[Info] González-López, Gloria. »On Feminism and Resilience: Lessons on Self-Care while Researching Rape.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Info] Goodwin, Bryonny. »The houseboy, the whip and the revolver: Male rape and colonial homoeroticism.« Sexual Histories: Bodies and Desires Uncovered. Exeter 2007.

[Info] Gordon, Linda. »History of Sexual Abuse.« New England Medical Center Hospital. Boston 1981.

[Info] Gordon, Linda. »Incest: An Historical Perspective.« Newton-Wellesley Hospital. Newton 1984.

[Info] Goris, An. »Rape as Trope in the Work of Nora Roberts.« Third Annual International Conference on Popular Romance. New York 2011.

[Info] Gorislavsky, Ekaterina S. »What Happened to Rape in the United States over the Past 35 Years?« 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia 2009.

[Info] Gorislavsky, Ekaterina S. »Race-ethnic Differences in Rape Victimization: A Pooled Analysis of NCVS Data, 1994-2010.« 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2013.

[Info] Grabowski, Jan. »Presentation of the historical context of Molly's story and background information about how the diary was discovered.« Sexual Violence in the Context of the Holocaust, Genocide and War. Montreal 2018.

[Info] Graefe, Melinda. »"Pray, Sir, is not the Ravishing going to begin?": Representations of Sexual Coercion in the Novels of Walter Scott.« Taking Liberties: Sex, Pleasure, Coercion (1748-1928). Newcastle upon Tyne 2012.

[Info] Graetz, Naomi. »The Concubine of Gibeah: The Case for Reading Inter-textually.« International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Amsterdam 2012.

[Info] Gravitt, Bryn. »Rape and the Marriage Plot in Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2020.

[Info] Gray, Dustin. »The Disabled Veteran and Sexual Violence in James Purdy's In a Shallow Grave and N. Scott Momaday's House Made of Dawn19th Annual Conference on American Literature. San Francisco 2008.

[Info] Graybill, Rhiannon, et al. »Reviewing Rhiannon Graybill's 'Texts After Terror: Rape, Sexual Violence, and the Hebrew Bible'.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver 2022.

[Info] Grayzel, Susan, et al. »Writing through the silence: History and wartime sexual violence after 100 years.« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023.

[Info] Graziano, Maria R. »Divine possession as rape: The consultation of Pythia in Lucan's Bellum civileRape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017.

[Info] Green, Hilary N. »Teaching the History of Sexual Violence in the Age of #MeToo.« 116 Conference on American History of the Organization of American Historians. Los Angeles 2023.

[Info] Green, Laurie B. »"We Must Act on This": Police Rape, Gender, and the Politics of Racial Justice in Postwar Memphis.« 96th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Memphis 2003.

[Info] Green, Mira. »Witnesses and Participants in the Shadows: The Sexual Lives of Enslaved Women and Boys in Ancient Rome.« 144th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Seattle 2013.

[Info] Greenfield, Anne. »From Rape to Seduction: Depictions of Female Sexual Transgressions in English Drama.« Annual Meeting of the American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies. Williamsburg 2014.

[Info] Greenlee-Donnell, Cynthia R. »'Due to her tender age': African-American responses to girl rape in late nineteenth-century South Carolina.« 97th Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of African-American Life and History. Pittsburgh 2012.

[Info] Greenlee-Donnell, Cynthia. »"A White Man Has Got Hattie": Black Families, Child Rape, and Law in South Carolina, 1885-1905.« 104th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Milwaukee 2012.

[Info] Greenough, Christopher. »The Bible and Sexual Violence Against Men.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.

[Info] Greenstadt, Amy. »Milton's Wet Dream: Chaste Masculinity and Authorship in Comus50th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. New York 2004.

[Info] Greiner, Bernd. »The Issue of Rape in Army Records.« Women's Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001.

[Info] Grewal, Kiran. »'The Veiler and the Rapist': Muslim Masculinity and the 'Feminist' French Republic.« XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama 2014.

[Info] Griffin, Hollis. »Men and #metoo: Leaving Neverland and the Affective Archive of Sexual Trauma.« Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema & Media Studies. Denver 2023.

[Info] Grinnell, Natalie. »"Is it okay to laugh?" Contextualizing Student Responses to Rape Accusations in the Roman de silence49th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2014.

[Info] Grisard, Dominique. »Pink Triangle: Sexual Violence, "Homocaust," and LGBT Historiography.« Thirty-Seventh Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. Denver 2013.

[Info] Groeneveld, Leanne. »Reading Murder as Rape in the N-Town Slaughter of the Innocents.« 34th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1999.

[Info] Groenewald, Alphonso. »What Is the Significance of the Rape of the Babylonian Women? A Trauma and Resilience Reading of Isaiah 13:16.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2023.

[Info] Groß, Angelika. »Literatur und Gewalt: Zur Darstellung der Frauenmorde in Mexiko in Roberto Bolaños 2666Ringvorlesung des Instituts für Romanistik der Universität Rostock: "Romanistik aktuell". Rostock 2018.

[Info] Grossmann, Atina. »A Question of Silence: The Rape of German Women by Occupation Soldiers.« Ninth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. Poughkeepsie 1993.

[Info] Grossmann, Atina. »The Politics of Sexuality, Abortion, and Rape in the Immediate Aftermath of National Socialism and World War II.« 108th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. San Francisco 1994.

[Info] Grossmann, Atina. »The Difficulty of Historicizing Rape and Sexual Violence: Victims, Resistors, and Liberators in World War II.« Women's Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001.

[Info] Grossmann, Atina. »"The Big Rape": Sex and Sexual Violence, War and Occupation in Post-World War II German Memory and Imagination.« The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006.

[Info] Grubbs, Judith E. »'Don't Force the Slave of God!' St. Thekla and the Avoidance of Rape.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022.

[Info] Guidotti-Hernandez, Nicole M. »Violence.« Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. Honolulu 2019.

[Info] Gullace, Nicoletta. »Gender and the Politics of Suffering in Interwar Britain.« The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006.

[Info] Gulley, Alison. »"How do we know he really raped her?" Confronting Student Skepticism When Teaching The Wife of Bath's Tale49th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2014.

[Info] Gunning, Sandra. »Maharani's Misery: Gender, Rape, and Silence at the Intersection of Nineteenth-Century Asian and African Diasporas.« Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. Albuquerque 2008.

[Info] Guy, Donna. »The Pursuit of Honor versus the Honor of Pursuit: Statutory Rape at the Turn of the Twentieth Century in Argentina.« 110th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Atlanta 1996.