Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Alphabetical Index: Author Index: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown
Alphabetical Index: Author Index: [Info] Yahil, Edna R. »A Rape Trial in Saint Eloi: Sex, Seduction, and Justice in the Seigneurial Courts of Medieval Paris.« Voices from the Bench: The Narratives of Lesser Folk in Medieval Trials. Edited by Michael Goodich. New York 2006: 251-271. [Info] Yahya, Wan R.W., et al. »Revenge and Retribution: Reli(E)Ving Trauma in Frozen by Bryony Lavery.« International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies 4 (2016). [Info] Yahya, Wan R.W., et al. »Wartime Women Rape: A Means of Moral Attack and Emasculation in Lynn Nottage's Ruined.« International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 5 (2016): 113-120. [Info] Yamada, Akira, et al. Kīwādo Nihon nosensō hanzai. Tokyo 1995. [Info] Yamada, Frank M. Configurations of Rape in the Hebrew Bible: A Literary Analysis of Three Rape Narratives. Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton Theological Seminary, 2004. [Info] Yamada, Frank M. »Dealing with Rape (in) Narrative (Genesis 34): Ethics of the Other and a Text in Conflict.« The Meanings We Choose: Hermeneutical Ethics, Indeterminacy and the Conflict of Interpretations. Edited by Charles H. Cosgrove. London 2004: 149-165. [Info] Yamada, Frank M. Configurations of Rape in the Hebrew Bible: A Literary Analysis of Three Rape Narratives. New York 2008. [Info] Yamada, Meiko. Ianfutachi no Taiheiyō Sensō. Tokyo 1991-92. [Info] Yamada, Meiko. Senryōgun ianfu: Kokusaku baisnun no onnatachi no higeki. Tokyo 1992. [Info] Yamada, Meiko. Jūgun ianfu: "Heibi kimitsu" ni sareta onnatachi no hishi. Tokyo 1993. [Info] Yamada, Meiko. Chonggun wianbudŭl ŭi T'aep'yŏngyang chŏnjaeng: Chŏngsa e ŏmnŭn yŏjadŭl ŭi chŏnjaeng iyagi. Seoul 1995. [Info] Yamada, Meiko. Usagitachi ga watatta Dowanhonchao: Karayuki Nihonjin ianfu no kiseki. Tokyo 1995. [Info] Yamada, Meiko. Nippon kokusaku ianfu: Senryōgun ian shisetsu, onnatachi no isshō. Tokyo 1996. [Info] Yamaguchi, Tomomi, et al. Umi o wataru "ianfu" mondai: Uha no rekishisen o tou. Tokyo 2016. [Info] Yamaguchi, Tomomi. »The "History Wars" and the "Comfort Woman" Issue: The Significance of Nippon Kaigi in the Revisionist Movement in Contemporary Japan.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. Min et al. Berlin 2020: 233-260. [Info] Yamaguchi, Tomomi. »Japan's Right-Wing Women and the "Comfort Women" Issue.« Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs 6 (2020): 45-54. [Info] Yamamoto, Erik K., et al. »Korean "Comfort Women" Redress 2012 Through the Lens of U.S. Civil and Human Rights Reparatory Justice Experiences.« Journal of Korean Law 11 (2012): 123-149. [Info] Yamamoto, Masahiro. Nanking: Anatomy of an Atrocity. Westport 2000. [Info] Yamashita, Y.A., et al. »Chunhwangjekuk gwa sungpokryuk.« Hanguk yeosunghak 9 (1993): 52-89. [Info] Yamashita, Yeong-ae. »Kankoku joseigaku to minzoku: Nihongun "ianfu" mondai wo meguru "minzoku" chōshinni.« Joseigaku 4 (1996): 35-58. [Info] Yanagimoto, Michihiko. Taiwan senjūmin, yama no onnatachi no seisen. Tokyo 2000. [Info] Yang, Daqing. »Nanjing Massacre.« Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History. Edited by David Ludden. Oxford 2020. [Info] Yang, Hyunah. »Revisiting the Issue of Korean »Military Comfort Women«: The Question of Truth and Positionality.« positions 5 (1997): 51-72. [Info] Yang, Hyunah. »Re-membering the Korean Military Comfort Women: Nationalism, Sexuality, and Silencing.« Dangerous Women: Gender and Korean Nationalism. Edited by Elaine H. Kim et al. New York 1998: 123-139. [Info] Yang, Hyunah. »Finding the "Map of Memory": Testimony of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Survivors.« positions 16 (2008): 79-107. [Info] Yang, Jian, et al. »Ghosts of the Past: The Japanese History Textbook Controversy.« New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 4 (2001): 177-188. [Info] Yang, Mi-Gang. »Die Rolle der ostasiatischen Zivilgesellschaft und ihre Reaktion auf Japans Geschichtsverfälschung.« Erzwungene Prostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten. Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2006: 166-168. [Info] Yang, Mi-gang. »The Role of East Asian Civil Society and its Response to Japan's Falsification of History.« Forced Prostitution in Times of War and Peace: Sexual Violence against Women and Girls. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2007: 201- . [Info] Yang, Xiaming, et al. »Yingguo waijiao dang'an zhong youguan qinhua rijun Nanjing datusha shiliao yizu.« Minguo dang'an No. 1 (2002): 34-37. [Info] Yang, Zhiguo. United States Marines in Qingdao: Military-Civilian Interaction, Nationalism, and China's Civil War 1945-1949. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maryland, 1998. [Info] Yani, Helwi M.C. Saving a Saint: A Study of the Representation of Maria Goretti (1890-1902): a Saint, a Martyr, a Virgin, a Child. Thesis, Uppsala University, 2018. [Info] Yanti, Elga D., et al. »Sexual Harassment Reflected In Novel The House On Mango Street.« Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 8 (2024): 548-551. [Info] Yanzi Ferreira, Ramón P. »Los delitos de orden sexual: violencia, incesto y estupro en la jurisdicción de Córdoba del Tucumán (Siglo XVIII).« Cuadernos de Historia No. 15 (2005): 28-45. [Info] Yap, Felicia. »Between Silence and Narration: European and Asian Women on War Brutalities in Japanese-Occupied Territories.« Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories: Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence. Edited by Ayşe G. Altinay et al. London 2016: 55-67. [Info] Yaşayan, Vahit. "Where's the All-American Cowboy?": The Demythologization of Amreican Masculinity in Cormac McCarthy's Western Novels. Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2020. [Info] Ye, Beini. »Transitional Justice Through the Cambodian Women's Hearings.« Cambodia Law and Policy Journal No. 2 (2014): 23-37. [Info] Yee, Ryn, et al. »Sexual Assault After Apocalypse: The Limited Logic of Natural Selection.« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 161-167. [Info] Yee, Sue L., et al. »Moving Forward by Looking Back: Reflecting on a Decade of CDC's Work in Sexual Violence Prevention, 2000-2010.« Journal of Women's Health 21 (2012): 1211-1218. [Info] Yerima, Bridget R., et al. »Film As Therapy for Defied Children: Hell as Pedagogy for Sex Abuse in Dry and The Colour Purple.« International Journal of Religion 5 (2024): 1799-1807. [Info] Yerriswamy, E. »Depiction of Rape in Indian Cinema.« Global Journal of Mulitdisciplinary Studies 5 (2016): 107-115. [Info] Yi, Man Y. »Ilbon'gun wianbu chŏngch'aek hyŏngsŏng-ŭi chosŏnch'ŭk yŏksajŏk paekyŏng.« Ilbon'gun 'wianbu' munje ŭi chinsang. Seoul 1997: 69-97. [Info] Yi, Okpun. »Taken Away at Twelve.« True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 95-103. [Info] Yi, S. »Ilbongun wianbu eui gwigukhu salm eui gyounghum.« Ilbon'gun 'wianbu' munje eui jinsang. Edited by Hanʼguk Chŏngsindae Munje Taechʻaek Hyŏbŭihoe. Seoul 1997. [Info] Yi, Sangok. »I Came Home, But Lost My Family.« True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 124-133. [Info] Yi, Seonjeong. "Blooming Their Hopes with You": A Public Pedagogy through Arts-based Learning about "Comfort Women". Master Thesis, Concordia University, 2017. [Info] Yi, Sunok. »It Makes Me Sad That I Can't Have Children.« True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 115-123. [Info] Yi, Tan J. Exploring the Kapo-Pipel Relationship: Conditions Facilitating the Sexual Exploitation of Young Jewish Boys in the Concentration Camp. Bachelor Thesis, National University of Singapore, 2021. [Info] Yi, Tŭngnam. »Wandering around Manchuria, China and Sumatra.« True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 134-142. [Info] Yi, Yongnyŏ. »I Thought I Would Die.« True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 143-150. [Info] Yi, Yongsu. »Return My Youth to Me.« True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 88-94. [Info] Yi, Yŏngsuk. »I Will No Longer Harbour Resentment.« True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 50-57. [Info] Yi, Zou. Japanese War Memories and Sino-Japanese Relations from 1972 to 2017: Textbooks, Museum and The Debates over History. Ph.D. Thesis, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2018. [Info] Yim, Sejung S., et al. »Introduction.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. al. Berlin 2020: 1-18. [Info] Yim, Sejung S., eds. The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Berlin 2020. [Info] Yim, Sotheary. The Past and Present of Forced Marriage Survivors: Experience toward Healing. Phnom Penh 2012. [Info] Yoc Cosajay, Aura M. »Violencia sexual a mujeres indígenas durante el conflicto armado interno y el genocidio en Guatemala.« Caravelle No. 102 (2014): 157-162. [Info] Yocum, Sandra, et al., eds. Clergy Sexual Abuse: Social Science Perspectives. 2013. [Info] Yoesoef, M., et al. »Violence and Abnormal Sexual Behavior in Titisan Iblis by Abdullah Harahap.« Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research 280 (2018): 91-97. [Info] Yohannan, John D., ed. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife in World Literature: An Anthology of the Story of the Chaste Youth and the Lustful Stepmother. New York 1968. [Info] Yoneda, Sayoko. »Sexual and Racial Discrimination: A Historical Inquiry into the Japanese Military's "Comfort" Women System of Enforced Prostitution.« Nation, Empire, Colony: Historizing Gender and Race. Edited by Ruth R. Pierson et al. Bloomington 1998: 237-250. [Info] Yoneyama, Lisa. Cold War Ruins: Transpacific Critique of American Justice and Japanese War Crimes. Durham 2016. [Info] Yoon, Ah. Power, Law, and Female Agency: Reading Rape in Measure for Measure. Master Thesis, Seoul National University, 2012. [Info] Yoon, Bang-Soon L. »Sexualized Racism, Gender and Nationalism: The Case of Japan's Sexual Enslavement of Korean "Comfort Women".« Race and Racism in Modern East Asia. Vol. II. Edited by Rotem Kowner et al. Leiden 2015: 459-480. [Info] Yoon, Hyonyung. »말라르메의 『목신의 오후』와 예이츠의 「레다와 백조」에 재현된 강간 환상.« 한국 예이츠 저널 70 (2023): 135-160. [Info] Yoon, Jihwan. »평화의 소녀상을 통해 형성된 위안부 기억의 경관과 상징성에 관한 연구.« Taehan Chiri Hakhoe chi 54 (2019): 51-69. [Info] Yoon, Jihwan, et al. »When Memoryscapes Move: 'Comfort Women' memorials as transnational.« The Routledge Handbook of Memory and Place. Edited by Sarah De Nardi et al. London 2020: 119-128. [Info] Yoon, Lan. »How Nanjing Massacre was perceived by the world? Different viewpoints toward Nanjing Massacre upon countries.« Report for 2012AY Summer Session Field Study: Unterstanding China in a Year of Transition. Edited by Ching-Chang Chen. Ōita 2013: 86-93. [Info] Yoon, Mee-hyang. »Fifteen years of the Asian Solidarity Conference: Upcoming Issues and Further Solidarity for Resolving the Issue of Japan's Military Sexual Slavery.« Forced Prostitution in Times of War and Peace: Sexual Violence against Women and Girls. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2007: 253-260. [Info] Yoon, Mee-hyang. »Unfulfilled Justice: Human Rights Restoration for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. Min et al. Berlin 2020: 21-41. [Info] Yoon, Mi-Hyang. »Die unverheilten Wunden der Opfer: Bericht Bericht über das sexuelle Versklavungssystem des japanischen Militärs und die Rolle des Korean Councils.« Zwangsprostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten: Dokumentation der Tagung vom 11. Juni 2004 - veranstaltet vom Arbeitsbereich "Geschlechterforschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft / Gender Studies in Education" am Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie der Freien Universität Berlin. Edited by Barbara Drinck. Berlin 2004: 21-29. [Info] Yoshida, Keina, et al. »The Prosecution of Sexual and Gender Crimes in the National Courts of Argentina.« Human Rights Quarterly 39 (2017): 680-706. [Info] Yoshida, Seiji. CChōsenjin ianfu to Nihonjin: Moto Shimonoseki Rōhō Dōin Buchō no shuki. Tokyo 1977. [Info] Yoshida, Seiji. WWatakushi no sensō hanzai: Chōsenjin kyōsei renkō. Tokyo 1983. [Info] Yoshikawa, Mako E. Riddles and Revelations: Forms of Incest Telling in 20th-Century America. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Michigan, 2008. [Info] Yoshimi, Yoshiaki, ed. Jūgun ianfu shiryō-shū. Tokyo 1992. [Info] Yoshimi, Yoshiaki. The First Report on the Issue of Japan's Military "Comfort Women": Historical and Legal Study on the Issue of "Military Comfort Women". Osaka 1994.
Yoshimi, Yoshiaki. [Info] Yoshimi, Yoshiaki, et al., eds. Kyōdō kenkyū Nihongun ianfu. Tokyo 1995. [Info] Yoshimi, Yoshiaki. »"Ianfu" mondai to kin gendaishi no shiten.« Shinpojūmu nashonarizumu to "ianfu" mondai. Edited by Nihon No Sensō Sekinin Shiryō Sentā. Tokyo 1998: 32-39. [Info] Yoshimi, Yoshiaki. »"Jugun ianfu" mondai: Kenkyu no totatsuten to kadai.« Rekishi hyōron No. 4 (1998): 2-13. [Info] Yoshimi, Yoshiaki. »'Jyugun ianfu' mondai to rekishizo: Ueno Chizuko-shi ni kotaeru.« Shinpojūmu nashonarizumu to "ianfu" mondai. Edited by Nihon No Sensō Sekinin Shiryō Sentā. Tokyo 1998: 123-142. [Info] Yoshimi, Yoshiaki. Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military during World War II. New York 2000. [Info] Yoshimi, Yoshiaki. »Das Problem der "Trostfrauen".« Vergangenheit im Gesellschaftskonflikt: Ein Historikerstreit in Japan. Edited by Steffi Richter et al. Cologne 2003: 97-117. [Info] Yoshimi, Yoshiaki. Esclavas sexuales: La esclavitud sexual durante el imperio Japonés. Barcelona 2010. [Info] You, Sotheary. Guarantees of Non-Recuurence of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Women after the Khmer Rouge. Bern 2019. [Info] Youn, Myung-Sook. »Fakten über "Trostfrauen" und andere Opfer der Zwangsrekrutierung.« Erzwungene Prostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten: Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2006: 195-199. [Info] Youn, Myung-sook. »Facts about "Comfort Women" and Other Victims of Forced Mobilization.« Forced Prostitution in Times of War and Peace: Sexual Violence against Women and Girls. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2007: 227- . [Info] Youn, Young-Shil. »동아시아의 ‘장소들’과 한국근대문학의 탈영토화: 조선인 ‘위안부’ 재현 서사들을 중심으로.« 현대소설연구 No. 67 (2017): 79-120. [Info] Young, Donna E., et al. »Black Women, Sexual Violence, and Resistance in the United States.« The Routledge Companion to Black Women's Cultural Histories. Edited by Janell Hobson. New York 2021. [Info] Young, Kathleen Z. »The Imperishable Virginity of Saint Maria Goretti.« Gender & Society 3 (1989): 474-482. [Info] Young, Tiffany A. Rape in Contemporary American Literature: Writing Women As Rapeable. M.A. Thesis, Florida State University, 2007. [Info] Young-Hauser, Amanda M., et al. Paedophilia and Child Sexual Abuse in Drama and Theatre. Newcastle upon Tyne 2018. [Info] Youngae, Yamashida. »Hankuk ae wianpu munjae ui haekyul undong ui kwaje.« Kunhyŏndae hanil kwankae wa cheil dongp’o. Edited by Kang D. Sang et al. Seoul 1999: 248-282. [Info] Younger, John G. Sex in the Ancient World from A to Z. London 2005. [Info] Youngman, Meghan. »National History Day: Young Scholars Discovering the Past.« Gateway Heritage 18 (1997): 26-37. [Info] Yu, Ju-fen, et al. 沉默的傷痕 / Silent Scars: 日軍慰安婦歷史影像書 / History of Sexual Slavery by the Japanese Military-A Pictorial Book. Taipei 2005. [Info] Yuan, Wan-chen. 記得志願兵: 論陳千武的《活著回來》. Thesis, National Central University, 2013. [Info] Yuce, Serkan, et al. »Sex-Slavery: One Aspect of the Yezidi Genocide.« Iran and the Caucasus 21 (2017): 196-229. [Info] Yu-Ha, Park. Comfort Women of the Japanese Empire: Colonial Rule and the Battle over Memory. London 2024. [Info] Yun, C. »Chosun sikmin jungchaek eui ilhwan euroseo ilbongun "wianbu".« >Ilbon'gun 'wianbu' munje ŭi jinsang. Edited by Hanʼguk Chŏngsindae Munje Taechʻaek Hyŏbŭihoe. Seoul 1997. [Info] Yun, Myŏng-suk. Nihon no guntai ianjo seido to Chōsenjin guntai ianfu. Tokyo 2003. [Info] Yun, Turi. »Shut Away Close to Home.« True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 185-192. [Info] Yune, Chung-ok. »Guanyu Chaoxian funü chongdang 'tingshendui' (weianfu) wenti.« Kang Ri zhan zheng yan jiu No. 4 (1992): 20-34. [Info] Yune, Chung-Ok. »Erfahrungen aus 50 Jahre Forschung zum Problem der "Trostfrauen".« Erzwungene Prostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten: Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2006: 200-217. [Info] Yune, Chung-ok. »Findings from 50 Years of Research on the "Comfort Women" Issue.« Forced Prostitution in Times of War and Peace: Sexual Violence against Women and Girls. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2007: 231-246. [Info] Yung, Corey R. »How to Lie with Rape Statistics: America's Hidden Rape Crisis.« Iowa Law Review 99 (2014): 1197-1256. [Info] Yung, Corey R. »Rape Law Fundamentals.« Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 27 (2015): 1-46. |