Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Alphabetical Index: Author Index: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown

Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Taavetti, Riikka, et al. »Remembering rape: The temporal construction of sexual violence in autobiographical narratives from 1990s Finland.« Sexualities (February 14, 2021).

[Info] Tabassum, Rabia, et al. »A Study of and Violence against Women in Feudal Society with Special Reference to My Feudal Lord by Tehmina Durrani .« Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics 15 (2015): 54-58.

[Info] Tabori, Paul. The Social History of Rape. London 1971.

[Info] Tachibana, Hirosuke. »Zum Problem der Repr sentation in Heinrich von Kleists Das Erdbeben in Chili und Die HermannsschlachtAkten des JGG-Kulturseminars 2017/2018 1 (2020): 96-113.

[Info] Tachjian, Vah . »Gender, nationalism, exclusion: The reintegration process of female survivors of the Armenian genocide.« Nations and Nationalism 15 (2009): 60-80.

[Info] Taddeo, Julie A., et al. Rape in Period Drama Television: Consent, Myth, and Fantasy. Lanham 2022.

[Info] Taft, Casey T., et al. »Review of marital rape.« Aggression and violent behavior 12 (2007): 329-347.

[Info] Tai, Eika. »Museum Activism Against Military Sexual Slavery.« Museum Anthropology 39 (Spring 2016): 35-47.

[Info] Taing, Sopheap, et al. "Like Ghost Changes Body": A Study on the Impact of Forced Marriage under the Khmer Rouge Regime. Phnom Penh 2014.

[Info] Taipe Campos, N stor G. »Los ni os en el conflicto armado.« Gazeta de Antropolog a 30 (2014).

[Info] Taipe Rodr guez, Roger. Tortura: De ficci n literaria del conflicto armado interno a delito contra la humanidad. Tesis, Universidad Continental, 2020.

[Info] Takahashi, Saori. Cypriot Women and Peace Negotiations: Perceptions of the Process and Issues of Concern. M.A. Thesis, American University, 2012.

[Info] Takenaka, Akiko. »Japanese Memories of the Asia-Pacific War: Analyzing the Revisionist Turn Post-1995.« Asia-Pacific Journal 14 (2016).

[Info] Talarico, Robert, et al. »A 15-Year Population-Based Investigation of Sexual Assault Cases Across the Province of Ontario, Canada, 2002 2016.« American Journal of Public Health 109 (2019): 1280-1287.

[Info] Talarico, Susette M., et al. »An analysis of state rape shield laws.« Social science quarterly 72 (1991): 774-788.

[Info] Talerico, Danielle. »Interpreting Sexual Imagery in Japanese Prints: A Fresh Approach to Hokusai's Diver and Two OctopiImpressions No. 23 (2001): 24-41.

[Info] Tafli D zg n, H lya. »He bete hur wyth hys nakyd swyrde, and sche caste up many a rewfull rerde: The Representation of Violence in Le Bone Florence of RomeUluslararas? Sosyal Ara?t?rmalar Dergisi 10 (2017): 184-188.

[Info] Talif, Rosli, et al. »Sexual Politics in Ian McEwan's The Innocent.« Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 7 (2013): 236-241.

[Info] Talif, Rosli, et al. »Violence and Sexual Harassment in Nigerian Novels: The Nego-Feminist Option.« Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (2013): 10-14.

[Info] Talif, Rosli, et al. »Sex Complexity and Politics in Black Dogs by Ian McEwan.« Chaos Theory in Politics. Edited by Santo Banerjee et al. Dordrecht 2014: 191-201.

[Info] Talif, Rosli, et al. »Depiction of Women as the Primary Architects of their own Oppression: A Masculinist Critique of El Saadawi s Woman at Point ZeroInternational Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature 7 (2018).

[Info] Tamarit Sumalla, J.M., et al. »How Criminal Is It to Rape a Partner According to the Justice System? Analysis of Sentences in Spain (2015 2022)« European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (March 20, 2023).

[Info] Tan, Joe. »Sexual Violence Against Children on the Battlefield as a Crime of Using Child Soldiers: Square Pegs in Round Holes and Missed Opportunities in LubangaYearbook of International Humanitarian Law 15 (2012): 117-151.

[Info] Tan, Nancy N.H. Resisting Rape Culture: The Hebrew Bible and Hong Kong Sex Workers. London 2020.

[Info] Tanaka, Yuki. Rape and war. The Japanese experience. Melbourne 1995.

[Info] Tanaka, Yuki. »Rape and war. The Japanese experience.« Common grounds. Violence against women in war and armed conflict situations. Edited by Indai L. Sajor. Quezon City 1998: 148-186.

[Info] Tanaka, Yuki. »"Comfort women" in the Dutch East Indies.« Legacies of the comfort women of World War II. Edited by Margaret Stetz et al. Armonk 2001: 42-68.

[Info] Tanaka, Yuki. Japan s comfort women. Sexual slavery and prostitution during World War II and the US occupation. London 2002.

[Info] Tanaka, Yuki. » Comfort Women Bashing and Japan s Social Formation of Hegemonic Masculinity.« 'History Wars' and Reconciliation in Japan and Korea: The Roles of Historians, Artists and Activists. Edited by Michael Lewis. New York 2017: 163-182.

[Info] Tanaka, Yuki. »In Memory of Jan Ruff-O Herne.« The Asia-Pacific Journal 17 (2019).

[Info] Tanenhaus, David S., et al. »Toward a history of children as witnesses.« Indiana law journal 82 (2007): 1059-1075.

[Info] Tang, Kwong-leung. »Rape law reform in Canada. The success and limits of legislation.« International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 42 (1998): 258-270.

[Info] Tanner, Harold. »Chinese Rape Law in Comparative Perspective.« Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs No. 31 (1994): 1-23.

[Info] Tanner, Laura E. »Reading rape. Sanctuary and The Women of Brewster PlaceAmerican literature 62 (1990): 559-582.

[Info] Tanner, Laura E. Intimate violence. Reading rape and torture in twentieth-century fiction. Bloomington 1994.

[Info] Tanner, Laura E. »Reading rape. Sanctuary and The Women of Brewster PlaceDouze lectures de Sanctuaire. Edited by Andr Bleikasten et al. Rennes 1995: 187-204.

[Info] Tantalean Castaneda, Romina F. Gender, Race and Power: Examining the Peruvian State s Relationship with Intersecting Forms of Violence and Inequalities (1980-2019. M.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2019.

[Info] Tapsell, Kieran J. Potiphar's Wife: The Vatican's Secret and Child Sexual Abuse. Hindmarsh 2014.

[Info] Tardieu, Ambroise. Les attentats aux moeurs (1857). Grenoble 1995.

[Info] Tarr, C. Anita. »A twisted romance. Abduction and rape in Stanley John Weyman s "The castle inn".« English literature in transition, 1880-1920 39 (1996): 63-72.

[Info] Tarr, Clayton C. »The Loss of Maidenhead: Rape and the Revolutionary Novel.« Eighteenth-Century Fiction 31 (2019): 549-574.

[Info] Tarre Moser, Patricia, et al. »Violencia sexual contra el hombre: Avance jurisprudencial de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.« Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos No. 5 (2015): 69-90.

[Info] Tarvainen, Teemu. Outlook on Foreigners Crime in the Swedish Parliament during 1964-1971: The Crime of the Finns in Special Consideration. Master Thesis, It -Suomen yliopisto, 2010.

[Info] Tasker, Elizabeth. Low brows and high profiles. Rhetoric and gender in the Restoration and early eighteenth century theater. Dissertation, Georgia State University, 2007.

[Info] Tatar, Maria. Lustmord: Sexual Murder in Weimar Germany. Princeton 1995.

[Info] Tate, Sandy. »The hidden violence in Grand AvenueWicazo sa review 13 (1998): 109-114.

[Info] Tatum, Karen E. Explaining the depiction of violence against women in Victorian literature. Applying Julia Kristeva s theory of abjection to Dickens, Bront , and Braddon. Lewiston 2005.

[Info] Täubrich, Malte, et al. Aufarbeitung sexualisierter Gewalt im Bistum Essen: Fallbezogene und gemeindeorientierte Analysen. Weinheim 2023.

[Info] Tauchert, Ashley. »Mary Wollstonecraft and Jane Austen. Rape and love as (feminist) social realism and romance.« Women 14 (2003): 144-158.

[Info] Tawara, Yoshifumi. 'Ianfu mondai to kyokasho kogeki. Tokyo 1997.

[Info] Taylor, Alan, et al. »Trends in prosecutions for child sexual abuse in South Australia 1992-2012.« Adelaide Law Review 39 (2018): 99-123.

[Info] Taylor, Chlo . The Aesthetics of Sadism and Masochism in Italian Renaissance Painting. M.A. Thesis, McGill University, 2002.

[Info] Taylor, Chlo . Foucault, Feminism and Sex Crimes: An Anti-Carceral Analysis. New York 2019.

[Info] Taylor, Jessica. Unholy Coercion: The Complicity of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Use of Rape as a War Tactic. M.A. Thesis, University of Ottawa, 2010.

[Info] Taylor, Jessica. Come and See What God Has Done : Religious Violence and Sexual Violence in the Bosnian War, 1992-1995. Ph.D. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, 2017.

[Info] Taylor, Julie. »Revising The Antiphon, restaging trauma; or, where sexual politics meet textual history.« Modernism/modernity 18 (2011): 125-147.

[Info] Taylor, Karen J. »Venereal disease in nineteenth-century children.« Journal of psychohistory 12 (1985): 431-463.

[Info] Taylor, Kimberly. »Challenging the Gender Dichotomy in the Victorian Era: Reading Hemingway's Up in Michigan and Mansfield's Frau Brechenmacher Together.« Inquiries Journal 10.

[Info] Taylor, Randon R., et al. »Wrongfully Convicted, Rightfully Exonerated: The Lives of Cornelius Dupree Jr. and Anthony Massingill.« Africology 10 (2017): 3-19.

[Info] Taylor, S. Caroline, et al. »The Survivor Master Narrative in Sexual Assault.« Violence Against Women 22 (2016): 565-587.

[Info] Tchen, Christina M. »Rape reform and a statutory consent defense.« Journal of criminal law and criminology 74 (1983): 1518-1555.

[Info] Teatero, William. »The Crown v. William Brass.« Ontario history 71 (1979): 139-158.

[Info] Tedesco, Cristine. »Atti di un processo per stupro: o interrogat rio de Artemisia Gentileschi no olhar do g nero.« M tis 11 (2012): 245-259.

[Info] Teegen, Frauke, et al. »Traumatische Lebenserfahrungen und heutige Belastungsst rungen pflegebed rftiger alter Menschen.« Zeitschrift f r Gerontopsychologie und -psychiatrie 16 (2003): 77-91.

[Info] Teevs, Christian, et al. »"Das gr ne Ged chtnis"« Der Spiegel No. 39 (2013): 34-35.

[Info] Teevs, Christian, et al. »"Das Tabu durchbrochen!"« Der Spiegel No. 36 (2013): 36-37.

[Info] Teguh Wijaya Mulya. »Queering the Virgin/Whore Binary: The Virgin Mary, the Whore of Babylon, and Sexual Violence.« Rape Culture, Gender Violence, and Religion: Biblical Perspectives. Edited by Caroline Blyth et al. Cham 2018: 51-65.

[Info] Teguh Wijaya Mulya, et al. »Why Do We See Him Naked? Politicized, Spiritualized and Sexualized Gazes at Violence.« When Did We See You Naked? Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse. Edited by Jayme R. Reaves et al. London 2021: 195-209.

[Info] Teixeira, Ana L., et al. »Care to female adolescents victims of sexual violence at a referral service in Brazil from 2011 to 2018.« International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (April 26, 2021).

[Info] Tek, Farrah, et al. »Justice and Truth-Seeking for Survivors of Gender-based Violence under the Khmer Rouge.« Asia-Pacific between Conflict and Reconciliation. Edited by Phillip Tolliday et al. G ttingen 2016: 125-137.

[Info] Telling, Hannah R. The legal regulation of male violence in Scotland, 1850-1914. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2020.

[Info] Telotte, J.P. »A fate worse than death. Racism, transgression, and Westerns.« Journal of popular film and television 26 (1998): 120-127.

[Info] Temkin, Jennifer »Women, Rape and Law Reform.« Rape: An Historical and Social Enquiry. Edited by Sylvana Tomaselli et al. Oxford 1986: 16-40.

[Info] Temkin, Jennifer. »Plus a change? Reporting rape in the 1990s.« British journal of criminology 37 (1997): 507-528.

[Info] Temoney, Kate E. »The 1994 Rwandan Genocide: The Religion/Genocide Nexus, Sexual Violence, and the Future of Genocide Studies.« Genocide Studies and Prevention 10 (2016): 3-24.

[Info] Templeton, Kim, et al. »Sexual Harassment in the Modern Era.« A Scientific Framework for Compassion and Social Justice: Lessons in Applied Behavior Analysis. Edited by Jacob A. Sadavoy et al. London 2022.

[Info] Templin, Lisa M. "I'le Tell My Sorrowes Unto Heaven, My Curse to Hell": Cursing Women in Early Modern Drama. M.A. Thesis, University of Ottawa, 2014.

[Info] ten Bensel, Tusty. »Framing in the Making: The Evolution of Sex Offender Motivation in Sierra Leone.« International Criminal Justice Review 24 (2014): 59-81.

[Info] ten Bensel, Tusty, et al. »Stories of Wartime Rape Victims: The Deconstruction of Lived Experiences in the Balkan Conflict.« Violence and Gender 1 (2014): 77-89.

[Info] ten Bensel, Tusty, et al. »Collective Sexual Violence in Bosnia and Sierra Leone: A Comparative Case Study Analysis.« International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 61 (2017): 1075-1098.

[Info] Teo, Hsu-ming. »The continuum of sexual violence in occupied Germany, 1945-49.« Women s history review 5 (1996): 191-218.

[Info] ter Heide, Jackie J. De vlieg, de spin en het universum: Essays over vergeten getroffenen. 2024.

[Info] ter Heide, Jacky J. The Fly, the Spider, and the Universe: Essays on Forgotten Victims. 2024.

[Info] Terazawa, Yuki. »The transnational campaign for redress for wartime rape by the Japanese military. Cases for survivors in Shansi Province.« NWSA journal 18 (2006): 133-145.

[Info] Termizi, Arbaayah A., et al. »Depiction of Women as the Primary Architects of their own Oppression: A Masculinist Critique of El Saadawi s Woman at Point ZeroInternational Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature 7 (2018).

[Info] Terranova, Claudio, et al. »Crimes against the elderly in Italy 2007 2014.« Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 50 (2017): 20-27.

[Info] Terr n Ba uelos, Eloina, et al. »Sexismo y violencia de g nero en videojuegos.« Exedra (December 2014): 222-232.

[Info] Terzieva-Artemis, Rossitsa. »Seduction literature.« The Greenwood encyclopedia of love, courtship, and sexuality through history. Vol. 4. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2008: 215-216.

[Info] Testino, Giulia. The Genocide Film Library: Donne, violenza, testimonianza in Bosnia-Erzegovina. Tesi di laurea magistrale, Universit di Pisa, 2013.

[Info] Tetlow, Elisabeth M. Women, Crime, and Punishment in Ancient Law and Society. Vol. 1: The Ancient Near East. New York 2004.

[Info] Tetlow, Elisabeth M. Women, Crime, and Punishment in Ancient Law and Society. Vol. 2: Ancient Greece. New York 2005.

[Info] Tetzlaff-Bemiller, Melissa J. »Bryant, Kobe, Rape Accusation against (June 30, 2003).« Crimes of the Centuries: Notorious Crimes, Criminals, and Criminal Trials in American History. Vol. 1. Edited by Steven Chermak et al. Santa Barbara 2016: 114-116.

[Info] Tetzlaff-Bemiller, Melissa J. »Glen Ridge (NJ) Rape Case (March 1, 1989).« Crimes of the Centuries: Notorious Crimes, Criminals, and Criminal Trials in American History. Vol. 1. Edited by Steven Chermak et al. Santa Barbara 2016: 308-310.

[Info] Teufert, Eveline. Notzucht und sexuelle N tigung. Ein Beitrag zur Krimonologie und Kriminalistik der Sexualfreiheitsdelikte unter Ber cksichtigung der Geschichte und der geltenden strafrechtlichen Regelung. L beck 1980.

[Info] Tewari, Devyani. »Blurred Lines: Sexual Abuse (or not) in ‘Big Little Lies’.« Violence in Intimate Spaces: Law and Beyon. Edited by Pinki Mathur Anurag et al. Singapore 2024: 43-57.

[Info] Tewksbury, Richard, et al. »Research on sex in prison during the late 1980s and early 1990s. The history of prison sex research.« Prison journal 80 (2000): 368-378.

[Info] Tewksbury, Richard, et al. »Prisons, sex in.« The Greenwood encyclopedia of love, courtship, and sexuality through history. Vol. 6. Edited by James T. Sears. Westport 2008: 203-206.

[Info] Textor, B rbara G. »G nero e honra em processos-crime de Santa Maria/RS (1910/1946).« Criminalidade, Viol ncia e Justi a: reflex es e novas possibilidades. Edited by Caroline von M hlen et al. S o Leopoldo 2017: 212-223.

[Info] Thach, Thida. La repr sentation de la violence faite aux femmes dans Un dimanche la piscine Kigali de Gil Courtemanche et Je m appelle Bosnia de Madeleine Gagnon. M.A. Thesis, University of Ottawa, 2014.

[Info] Thahim, Batul F.S. Benevolent and Enlightened Sexism in Contemporary American Literature: A Psychoanalytic Investigation of Sidney Sheldon's Novels. Undergraduate Research Project, Institute of Business Administration, 2023.

[Info] Thakur, Pallavi. »Khaled Hosseini s The Kite Runner: Unveiling the Trauma of Adolescent Boys Trapped in Afghanistan s Culturally Legitimised Paedophilia- Bacha Bazi .« Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 12(5) (2020).

[Info] Thakur, Sanjaya. »Challenges in Teaching Sexual Violence and Rape: A Male Perspective.« From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom. Columbus 2014: 152-170.

[Info] Th baud, Fran oise. »Penser la guerre. partir des femmes et du genre: L exemple de la Grande Guerre.« Ast rion No. 2 (2004): 179-194.

[Info] Th baud, Fran oise. »Penser les guerres du xxe si cle partir des femmes et du genre. Quarante ans d historiographie.« Clio No. 39 (2014): 157-182.

[Info] Theibault, John. »Landfrauen, Soldaten und Vergewaltigungen w hrend des Drei igj hrigen Krieges.« Werkstattgeschichte No. 19 (1998): 25-39.

[Info] Theidon, Kimberly. Intimate Enemies: Violence and Reconciliation in Peru. Philadelphia 2013.

[Info] Theiss, Janet M. Dealing with Disgrace: The Negotiation of Female Virtue in Eighteenth-Century China. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at Berkeley, 1998.

[Info] Theiss, Janet M. »Managing Martyrdom: Female Suicide and Statecraft in Mid-Qing China.« Nan N 3 (2001): 47-76.

[Info] Theiss, Janet M. »Managing Martyrdom: Female Suicide and Statecraft in Mid-Qing China.« Passionate Women: Female Suicide in Late Imperial China. Edited by Paul S. Ropp et al. Leiden 2001: 47-76.

[Info] Theiss, Janet M. »Femininity in Flux: Gendered Virtue and Social Conflict in the Mid-Qing Courtroom.« Chinese Femininities/Chinese Maculinities: A Reader. Edited by Susan Brownell et al. Berkeley 2002: 47-66.

[Info] Theiss, Janet M. Disgraceful Matters: The Politics of Chastity in Eighteenth-Century China. Berkeley 2004.

[Info] Theiss, Janet M. Disgraceful Matters: The Politics of Chastity in Eighteenth-Century China. Berkeley 2004.

[Info] Thernstrom, Abigail, et al. »From Scottsboro to Simpson.« Public interest No. 122 (1996): 17-27.

[Info] Thevenard, Nathalie. tude sur le petit criminel et l'action d'injures Lyon au XVIIIe si cle. Th se de doctorat, Universit de Bourgogne, 2002.

[Info] Thierauf, Doreen. »Daniel Deronda, Marital Rape, and the End of Reproduction.« Victorian Review 43 (2017): 247-269.

[Info] Thierauf, Doreen. »Spectacularly Conceived: Sexual Violence and Burdened Motherhood in Nineteenth-Century British Literature. Ph.D. Thesis, University of North Carolina, 2017.

[Info] Thierauf, Doreen. »Guns and Blood: Reading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall in the Age of #MeToo.« Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 16.2 (2020).

[Info] Thiess, Derek. »Sport SF and the Male Body: Estranged (Non-)Consent in Swanwick s The Dead .« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 153-160.

[Info] Thigpen, Lance, et al. »The History of Child Pornography on the Internet.« Journal of Sex Education and Therapy 25 (2000): 245-252.

[Info] Thoma, Pamela. »Cultural Autobiography, Testimonial, and Asian American Transnational Feminist Coalition in the "Comfort Women of World War II" Conference.« Frontiers 21 (2000): 20-54.

[Info] Thoma, Pamela. »"Such an unthinkable thing". Asian American transnational feminism and the " Comfort Women of World War II" conference.« Legacies of the comfort women of World War II. Edited by Margaret Stetz et al. Armonk 2001: 101-127.

[Info] Thoma, Pamela. »Cultural Autobiography, Testimonial, and Asian American Transnational Feminist Coalition in the "Comfort Women of World War II" Conference.« Asian American Women: The Frontiers Reader. Edited by Linda T. V et al. Lincoln 2004: 150-177.

[Info] Tomanić, Boris, et al. »Сексуално насиље и бугарски окупатор у Југославији током Другог светског рата.« Етноантрополошки проблеми 18 (2023): 887-908.

[Info] Thomas, Anna A., et al. »Wrongfully Convicted, Rightfully Exonerated: The Lives of Cornelius Dupree Jr. and Anthony Massingill.« Africology 10 (2017): 3-19.

[Info] Thomas, Nathaniel, et al. »Teaching Sexual Violence in History.« Beyond The Lecture: Innovations in Teaching Canadian History. Andrea Eidinger et al. 2019: 173-179.

[Info] Thome, Helmut, et al. Die Entwicklung der Gewaltkriminalit t in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, England/Wales und Schweden in der zweiten H lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Halle 2004.

[Info] Thome, Helmut, et al. Sozialer Wandel und Gewaltkriminalit t: Deutschland, England und Schweden im Vergleich, 1950 bis 2000. Wiesbaden 2007.

[Info] Thomas, Bob, et al. The Massie Case. New York 1966.

[Info] Thomas, Dax, et al. »Weaponisation of Sex in Tabletop Role-playing Games: Surface Theme vs. Game Mechanic.« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 181-194.

[Info] Thomas, Dorothy Q., et al. »Rape in war. The case of Bosnia.« Gender politics in the western Balkans. Women and society in Yugoslavia and the former Yugoslav states. Edited by Sabrina P. Ramet. University Park 1999: 203-218.

[Info] Thomas, Krishna I. »Politics of history and memory. The Russian rape of Germany in Berlin, 1945.« Historia 16 (2007): 224-240.

[Info] Thomas, Kylie. White Bodies and Colonial History: Sexual Violence in Kate Grenville's Lilian's Story and Mark Behr'sThe Smell of Apples. M.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1999.

[Info] Thomassen, yvind, et al. »The Construction of an Accepted Masculinity: Castration in High Security Psychiatric Institutions in Norway 1923-1945.« Masculinities in the Criminological Field: Control, Vulnerability and Risk-Taking. Edited by Ingrid Lander et al. Farnham 2014: 89-109.

[Info] Thomassen, yvind, et al. »The Construction of an Accepted Masculinity: Castration in High Security Psychiatric Institutions in Norway 1923-1945.« Masculinities in the Criminological Field: Control, Vulnerability and Risk-Taking. Edited by Ingrid Lander et al. London 2016: 89-109.

[Info] Thompson, Becky W. »"A way outa no way". Eating problems among African-American, Latina, and white women.« Gender & society 6 (1992): 546-561.

[Info] Thompson, Deborah. »Blackface, Rape, and Beyond: Rehearsing Interracial Dialogue in Sally's RapeTheatre Journal 48 (1996): 123-139.

[Info] Thompson, Jennifer J. »"Accept this twofold consolation, you faint-hearted creatures". St. Augustine and contemporary definitions of rape.« Studies in media & information literacy education 4 (2004).

[Info] Thompson, Lana. »Sexual predators.« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 232-234.

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[Info] Thompson, Peggy. »"Why say we no?" The trope of insincere resistance in The Gentleman Dancing-Master and The Plain Dealer.« Papers on language & literature 42 (2006): 420-439.

[Info] Thompson, Peggy. Coyness and Crime in Restoration Comedy: Women's Desire, Deception, and Agency. Lewisburg 2012.

[Info] Thompson, Sarah F. Sexual Violence in Civil Wars: Strength, Organizational Control, and Rebel Groups. B.A. Thesis, Columbia University, 2016.

[Info] Thompson, Sidney. »Forced Marriage at the Special Court for Sierra Leone: Questions of Jurisdiction, Legality, Specificity, and Consistency.« The Sierra Leone Special Court and its Legacy: The Impact for Africa and International Criminal Law. Edited by Charles C. Jalloh. Cambridge 2014: 215-233.

[Info] Thompson-Miller, Ruth, et al. Jim Crow's Legacy: The Lasting Impact of Segregation. Lanham 2014.

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[Info] Thomsson, Ulrika. »"R tten till v ra kroppar". Kvinnor relsen och v ldt ktsdebatten.« Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift 21 (2000): 51-63.

[Info] Thoret, Yves. »La violence sexuelle dans Mesure pour mesureSillages critiques No. 15 (2013).

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[Info] Thornberry, Elizabeth. »Rape, Race, and Respectability in a South African Port City: East London, 1870-1927.« Journal of Urban History (September 2, 2016).

[Info] Thornberry, Elizabeth. Colonizing Consent: Rape and Governance in South Africa's Eastern Cape. Cambridge 2019.

[Info] Thorne-Murphy, Leslee. »Prostitute rescue, rape, and poetic inspiration in Elizabeth Barrett Browning s "Aurora Leigh".« Women s writing 12 (2005): 241-257.

[Info] Thornhill, Nancy W., et al. »Human rape. An evolutionary analysis.« Ethology and sociobiology 4 (1983): 137-173.

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[Info] Thornhill, Randy, et al. »The Biology of Rape.« Rape: An Historical and Social Enquiry. Edited by Sylvana Tomaselli et al. Oxford 1986: 102-121.

[Info] Thornhill, Randy, et al. »Human rape. The strengths of the evolutionary perspective.« Sociobiology and psychology. Ideas, issues and applications. Edited by Charles B. Crawford et al. Hillsdale 1987: 269-291.

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