Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Raae, Hanne-Mette A. The Representation in Old Irish Law Texts of the Legal Position of Women in Early Medieval Ireland as regards the Ownership of Property. Ph.D. Thesis, National University of Ireland at Galway, 2013.

[Info] Rabinowitz, Nancy S. »Greek Tragedy: A Rape Culture?« EuGEStA No. 1 (2011): 1-21.

[Info] Rabinowitz, Nancy S., et al., eds. From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom. Columbus 2014.

[Info] Rabinowitz, Nancy S., et al, eds. Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. New York 2015.

[Info] Rabinowitz, Nancy S. »Rape and race: Intersectional perspectives on Aeschylus’ Suppliants, with a coda on Charles Mee’s Big LoveThe Routledge handbook of classics, colonialism, and postcolonial theory Edited by Katherine Blouin et al. London 2025: 168-181.

[Info] Rabinowitz, Paula. »"Not Just the Facts, Ma'am": Detectives, Social Workers, and Child Prostitution in Caroline Slade's Novels.« Legacy 16 (1999): 106-119.

[Info] Raby, Daniel. Leatherface in Love: Sexuality and Gender in Horror Films. Honors Thesis, American University, 2011.

[Info] Rachamin Karo, Shlomit. Benot Dinah. Nitsul mini shel nashim Yehudiyot be-Sho ah ve-nitsul nashim et minan al menat le-hinatsel. M.A. Thesis, Touro College, 2002.

[Info] Racine, Karen. »Message by massacre: Venezuela's War to the Death, 1810-1814.« Journal of Genocide Research 15 (2013): 201-217.

[Info] Radelet, Michael L., et al. In Spite of Innocence: The Ordeal of 400 Americans Wrongly Convicted of Crimes Punishable by Death. Boston 1992.

[Info] Radiminski, Maricel. »Marte y Rea Silvia: Historia de una genealog a (Ov. Fast. 3.9-70).« Anales de Filolog a Cl sica No. 26 (2013): 63-78.

[Info] Radonić, Ljiljana. »Displaying Violence in Memorial Museums: Reflections on the Use of Photographs.« Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 34 (2023): 59-84.

[Info] Rafferty, Judith. I Wanted Them to Be Punished or at Least Ask Us for Forgiveness : Justice Interests of Female Victim-Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Their Experiences with GacacaGenocide Studies and Prevention. 12 (2018): 95-118.

[Info] Rafter, Nicole. The Crime of All Crimes: Toward a Criminology of Genocide. New York 2016.

[Info] Rahim, Mohammad, et al. »A Trend Analysis of Violent Crimes in Malaysia.« Health and the Environment Journal 5 (2014): 41-56.

[Info] Rahman, Mashuqur. »The continuing rape of our history.« Forum 2 (2007).

[Info] Raine, Nancy V. After silence. Rape and my journey back. New York 1998.

[Info] Rainone, Michele. »Su una querela per stupro del 1770: Norma grammaticale, lingua d'uso e condizionamenti testuali in alcuni documenti burocratici di area pugliese.« Italica Belgradensia No. 1 (2018): 7-26.

[Info] Raine, Susan. »Flirty fishing in the Children of God. The sexual body as a site of proselytization and salvation.« Marburg journal of religion 12 (2007).

[Info] Ralph, Regan E., et al. »Rape in war. The case of Bosnia.« Gender politics in the western Balkans. Women and society in Yugoslavia and the former Yugoslav states. Edited by Sabrina P. Ramet. University Park 1999: 203-218.

[Info] Ramadani, Nadya. Child Abuse in Colleen Hoover's Novel. B.A. Thesis, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, 2024.

[Info] Ramanathan, Geetha. »Sexual violence/textual violence. Desai s Fire on the Mountain and Shirazi s Javady Alley.« Modern fiction studies 39 (1993): 17-35.

[Info] Ramani, Sai. »The Bangladesh War Crimes Trials - Strengthening Normative Structure.« Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization 13 (2013): 27-37.

[Info] Ramasubramanian, Srividya, et al. »Portrayals of Sexual Violence in Popular Hindi Films, 1997 99.« Sex Roles 48 (2003): 327-336.

[Info] Ramesh, Amalendhu P. »The Courtship Between the Lion and the Lamb: An Analysis of Rape Culture Romanticised in The Twilight Saga« Intellectual Resonance 6 (2024): 17-28.

[Info] Ram rez Hern ndez, Marcela. »Explotaci n sexual comercial de personas menores de edad en 1990-2005: Prostituci n infantil en el Casco Metropolitano de San Jos .« Perspectivas No. 7 (2013): 9-44.

[Info] Ramos, Gilm ria Salviano. "Honra sexual" e "honra moral": Discursos em torno de crimes sexuais na Para ba (1950/1970). Tese, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2015.

[Info] Ramos, Sandy. Against her will and without her consent . Women, sexual crimes and the law in the District of Montreal, 1803-1843. M.A. Thesis, Concordia University, 1996.

[Info] Ramos, Sandy. »"A Most Detestable Crime": Gender Identities and Sexual Violence in the District of Montreal, 1803-1843.« Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 12 (2001): 27-48.

[Info] Ramos, Vasco, et al. »From percentages to narratives: Giving silence a voice in child sexual abuse within the Portuguese Catholic Church, 1950–2022.« Child Abuse & Neglect 154 (2024).

[Info] Ramsay, Alison J. Example and Authority in the Narrative Representation of Women, as Illustrated in Selected Writings of Christine de Pizan and Marguerite de Navarre. Ph.D. Thesis, University of St Andrews, 1999.

[Info] Ramsay, Alison. »On the link between rape, abduction and war in Christine de Pizan s Cit des DamesContexts and Continuities. Proceedings of the IVth International Colloquium on Christine de Pizan (Glasgow, 21-27 July 2000). Published in Honour of Liliane Dulac. Edited by Angus J. Kennedy. Glasgow 2002: 693-703.

[Info] Rand, Michael, et al. Female Victims of Violence. Washington, D.C. 2009.

[Info] Randhawa, Karenjot B. »Responses of Resilience: The Delhi Gang Rape.« The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law 3 (2019): 192-218.

[Info] Ranger, Holly. »Why are we Still Reading Ovid's rapes?« Revisiting Rape in Antiquity: Sexualised Violence in Greek and Roman Worlds London 2023: 33-47.

[Info] Ranharter, Katherine, et al. »Acknowledging the Suffering Caused by State-Mandated Sexual Violence and Crimes: An Assessment of the Iraqi High Tribunal.« Middle Eastern Studies (July 24, 2015).

[Info] Ranjana Prakash, et al. »Responsibility of Females in John Irving's The Hotel New HampshireThe SPL Journal of Literary Hermeneutics 3 (2023): 48-65.

[Info] Raphael, Steven, et al. Identifying the effect of unemployment on crime. San Diego 1998.

[Info] Raphael, Steven, et al. »Identifying the effect of unemployment on crime.« Journal of law & economics 44 (2001): 259-283.

[Info] Raphael, Steven, et al. »Identifying the effect of unemployment on crime.« The economics of crime. Edited by Isaac Ehrlich et al. 2005.

[Info] Ras, Ilse A., et al. » Call for Purge on the People Traffickers : An Investigation into British Newspapers Representation of Transnational Human Trafficking, 2000 2016.« Representations of Transnational Human Trafficking: Present-day News Media, True Crime, and Fiction. Cham 2018: 25-59.

[Info] Rashid, Azra. Naristhan/Ladyland: Gender, Nationalism and Genocide in Bangladesh. A Research-Creation Project. Ph.D. Thesis, Concordia University, 2016.

[Info] Rashid, Faisal, et al. »Clerical Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church in Spain: A Contemporary or Historical Phenomenon?« Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 23 (Fall 2022): 227-237.

[Info] Rashkin, Elissa. »Rape as Castration as Spectacle: The Price of Frenzy's Politics of Confusion.« Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth Century Chinese Literature and Society. Edited by Tonglin Lu. Albany 1993: 107-119.

[Info] Rashkow, Ilona N. »The rape of Dinah. Crime and punishment?« Mid-Hudson language studies 12 (1989): 1-15.

[Info] Rashkow, Ilona N. Upon the dark places. Anti-semitism and sexism in English Renaissance biblical translation. Sheffield 1990.

[Info] Rashkow, Ilona N. »The rape(s) of Dinah (Genesis 34). False religion and excess in revenge.« The destructive power of religion. Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Vol. 3. Edited by J. Harold Ellens. Westport 2004: 53-80.

[Info] Rasmussen, Nell, et al. Voldt gt. P vej mod en helhedsforst else. Copenhagen 1981.

[Info] Rasmusson, Sarah L. »Celebrity rapists.« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 36-39.

[Info] Rassenhofer, Miriam, et al. Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch Zeugnisse, Botschaften, Konsequenzen. Weinheim 2013.

[Info] Rassenhofer, Miriam, et al. »Child sexual abuse in religiously affiliated and secular institutions: a retrospective descriptive analysis of data provided by victims in a government-sponsored reappraisal program in Germany.« BMC Public Health 14 (March 27, 2014).

[Info] Räuchle, Viktoria. »Fifty Shades of Rape: Erotic Pursuit and Abduction in Athenian Vase-Painting.« Revisiting Rape in Antiquity: Sexualised Violence in Greek and Roman Worlds London 2023: 145-166.

[Info] Ravelo Blancas, Patricia, et al. »Feminicidio y violencia de g nero en M xico: Omisiones del Estado y exigencia civil de justicia.« Iztapalapa No. 74 (2013): 11-39.

[Info] Ravn, Signe, et al., eds. Masculinities in the Criminological Field: Control, Vulnerability and Risk-Taking. Farnham 2014.

[Info] Ravn, Signe, et al., eds. Masculinities in the Criminological Field: Control, Vulnerability and Risk-Taking. London 2016.

[Info] Ray, Amy E. »The Shame of It: Gender-Based Terrorism in the Former Yugoslavia and the Failure of International Human Rights Law to Comprehend the Injuries.« American University Law Review 46 (1997): 793-840.

[Info] Ray, Carina. »Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, and the Law in Colonial British West Africa, 1911-1943.« Trafficking in Slavery's Wake: Law and the Experience of Women and Children in Africa. Edited by Benjamin N. Lawrance et al. Athens 2012: 101-120.

[Info] Ray, Carina E. »Decrying White Peril: Interracial Sex and the Rise of Anticolonial Nationalism in the Gold Coast.« American Historical Review 119 (2014): 78-110.

[Info] Ray, Carina. Crossing the Color Line: Race, Sex, and the Contested Politics of Colonialism in Ghana. Athens 2015.

[Info] Ray, Carina. »World War II and the Sex Trade in British West Africa.« Africa and World War II. Edited by Judith A. Byfield et al. New York 2015: 339-356.

[Info] Ray, Sid. »"Rape, I fear, was root of thy annoy". The politics of consent in Titus AndronicusShakespeare quarterly 49 (1998): 22-39.

[Info] Rayburn, Corey. »Better Dead than R(ap)ed? The Patriarchal Rhetoric Driving Capital Rape Statutes.« St. John's Law Review 78 (2004): 1119-1165.

[Info] Rayburn, Corey. »To Catch a Sex Thief: The Burden of Performance in Rape and Sexual Assault Trials.« Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 15 (2006): 436-483.

[Info] Razack, Sherene H. »Sexualized Violence and Colonialism: Reflections on the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.« Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 28 (2016): i-iv.

[Info] Razack, Sherene H. »Violence sexualis e et colonialisme: R flexions relatives l'enqu te sur les femmes autochtones disparues et assassin es.« Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 28 (2016): v-viii.

[Info] Rea, Angela. Martial Rape and International Law: The Work of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Memoir, University of Ottawa, 2005.

[Info] Read, Jacinda. Narratives of Transformation: Feminism, Femininity and the Rape-Revenge Cycle. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Warwick, 1998.

[Info] Read, Jacinda. The new avengers: Feminism, femininity and the rape-revenge cycle. Manchester 2000.

[Info] Read, John, et al. »Child abuse in England and Wales 2003 2013: Newspaper reporting versus reality.« Journalism 18 (2017): 754-771.

[Info] Ready, K. Bhaskar, et al. »Femicide: A Retrospective Study in Indian Scenario.« Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine 37 (2015): 29-34.

[Info] Reaume, Geoffrey. »Accounts of abuse of patients at the Toronto hospital for the insane, 1883-1937.« Canadian bulletin of medical history 14 (1997): 65-106.

[Info] Reaves, Jayme R., et al. »#MeToo Jesus: Naming Jesus as a victim of sexual abuse.« Review & Expositor 117 (2020): 204-221.

[Info] Reaves, Jayme R., et al. »Introduction: Acknowledging Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse.« When Did We See You Naked? Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse. Edited by Jayme R. Reaves et al. London 2021: 1-11.

[Info] Reaves, Jayme R., et al, eds. When Did We See You Naked? Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse. London 2021.

[Info] Rebrova, Irina. »Russian Women about the War: A Gender Analysis of Ego-Documents.« Women and Men at War: A Gender Perspective on World War II and its Aftermath in Central and Eastern Europe. Edited by Maren R ger et al. Osnabr ck 2012: 263-280.

[Info] Rebrova, Irina. »Women's Traumatic Experience at World War II: the Soviet case.« Kaleidoscope 9 (2014): 182-193.

[Info] Rechenberger, Daniela. Vergewaltigung und Prostitution. Zwei Aspekte des Comfort-Women -Systems im Pazifischen Krieg. M.A. Thesis, Universit t Trier, 2002.

[Info] Rechenberger, Daniela. »Keine Opfer? Keine T ter? Zur Darstellung der Comfort Women -Problematik in den japanischen Medien.« Frauen und Gewalt: Interdisziplin re Untersuchungen zu geschlechtsgebundener Gewalt in Theorie und Praxis. Edited by Antje Hilbig et al. W rzburg 2003: 105-115.

[Info] Rechenberger, Daniela. »Gender und Medien. Die Konstruktion von Gender in der japanischen Zeitungsberichtserstattung zur Problematik der Trostfrauen .« Schaustelle Gender. Aktuelle Beitr ge sozialwissenschaftlicher Geschlechterforschung. Edited by Peter D ge et al. Bielefeld 2004: 135-153.

[Info] Rechenberger, Daniela. »Die "Trostfrauen"-Problematik. Vom Umgang der Massenmedien in Japan mit einem japanischen Kriegsverbrechen.« Erzwungene Prostitution in Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten. Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen und M dchen. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2006: 132-145.

[Info] Rechenberger, Daniela. »The "comfort women" issue. On the treatment of a Japanese war crime in the Japanese mass media.« Forced prostitution in times of war and peace. Sexual violence against women and girls. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2007: 168-180.

[Info] Reck, Casey M. Laying Bare the Sins of the Father: Exploring White Fathers in Post-Apartheid Literature. Senior Thesis, Claremont McKenna College, 2010.

[Info] Redford, Scott. »The Rape of Anatolia.« Islam and Christianity in Medieval Anatolia. Edited by A.C.S. Peacock et al. Farnham 2015: 107-116.

[Info] Redford, Scott. »The Rape of Anatolia.« Islam and Christianity in Medieval Anatolia. Edited by A.C.S. Peacock et al. London 2016: 107-116.

[Info] Redmond, Ava. »Push and Pull: The Call for Justice and the Failing (and Rescinded) Accountability from the Japanese Government for the “Comfort Women” Survivors.« On Politics 17 (2024): 44-58.

[Info] Redmond, Sheila A. »It can t be true, and if it is, it s not our fault. An examination of Roman Catholic institutional response to priestly paedophilia in the Ottawa Valley.« Historical papers: Canadian Society of Church History (1993): 229-245.

[Info] Redwan, Rima. »One against Seven: ariations on the Misogynistic Nature of 'The Seven Sages' in Different Arabic Manuscript Copies (17th - 18th Centuries).« Das Mittelalter 28 (2023): 49-66.

[Info] Reece, H. »Rape law. The lessons of sexual history.« Living marxism No. 110 (1998): 14-.

[Info] Reed, Jennifer. »Representing Sexual Violation in the Archive of Caribbean Enslavement.« Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 49 (2020): 89-107.

[Info] Reed, Rachel, et al. »Understanding rape.« Evolution, gender, and rape. Edited by Cheryl B. Travis. Cambridge 2003: 105-138.

[Info] Reeder, Caryn A. »Sex and Execution: Deuteronomy 22:20-24.« Expository Times 124 (2013): 272-281.

[Info] Reeder, Caryn A. »Deuteronomy 21.10-14 and/as Wartime Rape.« Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 41 (2017): 313-336.

[Info] Reeder, Caryn A. »Wartime Rape, the Romans, and the First Jewish Revolt.« Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period (July 2017).

[Info] Reedy, Catherine. »Infected Fancies and Penetrative Poetics in The Rape of LucreceHistoricizing the Embodied Imagination in Early Modern English Literature. Edited by Mark Kaethler et al. Cham 2024: 109-128.

[Info] Reef, Anne. »Representations of rape in Apartheid and post-Apartheid South African literature.« Critical studies 16 (2005): 245-261.

[Info] Reekie, Gail. »Writing about rape in 1888.« Australia 1888 No. 12 (1983): 32-39.

[Info] Reel, Guy. Unequal justice. Wayne Dumond, Bill Clinton, and the politics of rape in Arkansas. Buffalo 1993.

[Info] Reepschlager, Anna, et al. »How harassment and hate speech policies have changed over time: Comparing Facebook, Twitter and Reddit (2005–2020).« Policy Internet 138 (March 10, 2024).

[Info] Reeves, Bridget T. The rape of Europa in ancient literature. Master s Thesis, McMaster University.

[Info] R gamey, Amandine. »Le poids des imaginaires: Viols et l gende des femmes snipers en Tch tch nie.« Viols en temps de guerre. Edited by Rapha lle Branche et al. Paris 2011: 133- .

[Info] R gamey, Amandine. »The Weight of Imagination: Rapes and the Legend of Women Snipers in Chechnya.« Rape in Wartime. Edited by Rapha lle Branche et al. Basingstoke 2012: 128-139.

[Info] Regamey, Amandine, et al. »Le h ros et la martyre ou le viol effac (Lituanie 1944-2000).« Clio No. 39 (2014): 105-128.

[Info] Regan, Linda, et al. A gap or a chasm? Attrition in reported rape cases. London 2005.

[Info] Regehr, Cheryl, et al. »Let them Satisfy Thus Lust on Thee: Titus Andronicus as Window Into Societal Views of Rape and PTSD.« Traumatology 18 (2012): 27-34.

[Info] Regehr, Kaitlyn, et al. »Let them Satisfy Thus Lust on Thee: Titus Andronicus as Window Into Societal Views of Rape and PTSD.« Traumatology 18 (2012): 27-34.

[Info] Rehak, Sigrid. Trostfrauen im sinojapanischen Krieg. 2009.

[Info] Rehani, Sylvie B. »Rape in Armed Conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A Systematic Review of the Scientific Literature.« Trauma, Violence, & Abuse (May 19, 2016).

[Info] Rehman, Jessica L. Rape as Religious Terrorism and Genocide: The 1971 War Between East and West Pakistan. M.A. Thesis, California State University at Long Beach, 2012.

[Info] Reich, Hanna S. Studien zum Alltag in Konstanz 1945-1949. Wissenschaftliche Arbeit im Rahmen der Landeslehrerpr fung f r das Lehramt an Gymnasien, Universit t Konstanz, 2003.

[Info] Reichardt, Sven. »Pädosexualität im linksalternativen Milieu und bei den Grünen in den 1970er bis 1990er Jahren.« Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualit t nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 137-160.

[Info] Reichert, Emannuel H. »Entre a honestidade e a liberdade: A ambiguidade do trabalho feminino em processos de crimes sexuais na Porto Alegre do anos 1920.« Semina 9 (2010).

[Info] Reid, Lydia J.E. Rape, Law, and Society in the Progressive Era. M.A. Thesis, University of Virginia, 1992.

[Info] Reid-Cunningham, Allison R. »Rape as a Weapon of Genocide.« Genocide Studies and Prevention 3 (2008): 279-296.

[Info] Reif, Sieglinde. »Das "Recht des Siegers". Vergewaltigungen in M nchen 1945.« Zwischen den Fronten. M nchner Frauen im Krieg und Frieden 1900-1950. Edited by Sybille Krafft. Munich 1995: 360-371.

[Info] Reifenberger, Julia. » Getting even evener : Revenge-Rape und Geschlechterpolitik im aktuellen Rape-Revenge-Film.« Navigationen 12 (2012): 45-58.

[Info] Reifenberger, Julia. Girls with Guns. Rape & Revenge Movies: Radikalfeministische Erm chtigungsfantasien? Berlin 2013.

[Info] Reifenberger, Julia. »»Kill your rapist!« Der Rape-Revenge-Film als genderpolitisches Verwirrst ck. Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 82-105.

[Info] Reimer, Bastian. »Rache durch Selbstmord? Der Umgang mit Vergewaltigung in der späten Römischen Republik und frühen Kaiserzeit und das Vermächtnis von Lucretia.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Göttingen 2024: 57-70.

[Info] Reis, Pamela T. »Cupidity and stupidity. Woman s agency and the "rape" of Tamar.« Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 25 (1998): 43-60.

[Info] Reis, Pamela T. »Cupidity and stupidity. Woman s agency and the "rape" of Tamar.« Reading the lines. A fresh look at the Hebrew Bible. By Pamela T. Reis. Peabody 2002: 169-196.

[Info] Reisenberger, Aliza T. »Biblical women the non-existent entity. A study in rape cases.« Journal of constructive theology 6 (2000): 55-66.

[Info] Rei , Sven. »P derastie in der deutschen Jugendbewegung: Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Ann herung.« Zeitschrift f r P dagogik 62 (2016): 670-683.

[Info] Reiss-Davis, Zachary, et al. »Television Newsmagazine Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse: 1990-2005.« Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism 4 (2014).

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[Info] Reiter, Ilse. »Zur Geschichte des Vergewaltigungsdeliktes. Unter besonderer Ber cksichtigung der sterreichischen Rechtsentwicklung.« Unzucht, Notzucht, Vergewaltigung. Definitionen und Deutungen sexueller Gewalt von der Aufkl rung bis heute. Edited by Christine K nzel. Frankfurt/Main 2003: 21-59.

[Info] Rendall, Steven. »Duction, or the archaeology of rape.« Philosophy and literature 17 (1993): 119-128.

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[Info] Renz, Tilo, et al. »And the Roads Lead to Nowhere: Die Jungfrauenquelle und Last House on the Left als Transformationen.« F.LM 2 (2003): 41-49.

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[Info] Reuter, Ingo. »Religion, das bernat rliche und sexuelle Gewalt.« Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 225-242.

[Info] Reuther, Jessica. »Irresponsible Boys, Promiscuous Girls: Maturity, Gender, and Rape Myths in the Criminal Tribunals of Colonial Dahomey, 1924-1940.« Revue d'histoire de l'enfance "irr guli re" No. 20 (2018): 67-84.

[Info] Reuther, Jessica. »Street Hawking or Street Walking in Dahomey?: Debates about Girls Sexual Assaults in Colonial Tribunals, 1924 41.« The Journal of African History (November 1, 2022): 1-16.

[Info] Rew, Martin, et al. »Political Activism, Legal Discourses and Sexual Violence in India.« e-International Relations (February 6, 2013).

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[Info] Reyes, Astrid. Sexual Violence in South Africa: Negotiating Constitutional Rights and Cultural Discourses of Gender. B.A. Thesis, Emory University, 2013.

[Info] Reynolds, James B. »Sex Morals and the Law in Ancient Egypt and Babylon.« Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology 5 (1914): 20-31.

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[Info] Rezni? kov , L dia. Maze of Injustice : Interracial Rape in Louise Erdrich s The Round House. Master Thesis, Masarykovy univerzity, 2016.

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