Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Jabeen, Tahira. »Child Protection Data: An analysis of Newspapers Coverage of child protection issues in Pakistan.« South Asian Studies 29 (2014): 123-135.

[Info] Jäckel, Dirk. »;Wie viele Schöne wurden Besitz [...]: Sklavinnenkonkubinat und Gender im Kontext von ğihād und Kreuzzug.« Gewalt, Krieg und Geschlecht im Mittelalter. Edited by Amalie Fößel. Berlin 2020: 343-377.

[Info] Jacklin, Laurie. »Clery, Jeanne Ann (1966-1986).« Encyclopedia of Rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 44-45.

[Info] Jacklin, Laurie. »National Organization for Women (NOW).« Encyclopedia of Rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 136-137.

[Info] Jacklin, Michael. »‘What I Have Done, What Was Done to Me’: Confession and Testimony in Stolen Life: Journey of a Cree WomanKunapipi 29 (2007): 19-33.

[Info] Jackson, Charles. »Against the Grain: Writing the History of Sexual Variance in America.« Borderlines 3 (1996): 278-286.

[Info] Jackson, Charles O. »Bibliographic Essay: Writing the History of Sexual Variance in America.« The Other Americans: Sexual Variance in the National Past. Edited by Charles O. Jackson. Westport 1996: 235-245.

[Info] Jackson, Louise A. Child Sexual Abuse and the Law. London, 1870-1914. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Surrey, 1997.

[Info] Jackson, Louise. »The child's word in court: cases of sexual abuse in London, 1870-1914.« Gender and Crime in Modern Europe. Edited by Margaret L. Arnot et al. London 1999: 222-237.

[Info] Jackson, Louise A. »Family, community and the regulation of child sexual abuse.« childhood in question: children, parents and the state. Edited by Anthony Fletcher et al. Manchester 1999: 133-151.

[Info] Jackson, Louise A. Child Sexual Abuse in Victorian England. London 2000.

[Info] Jackson, Louise A. »"Singing Birds as well as Soap Suds": The Salvation Army’s Work with Sexually Abused Girls in Edwardian England.« Gender & History 12 (2000): 107-126.

[Info] Jackson, Louise A. »Child Abuse.« The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Love, Courtship, and Sexuality through History. Vol. 5. Edited by Susan Mumm. Westport 2008: 45-47.

[Info] Jackson, Louise. »Child sexual abuse in England and Wales: Prosecution and prevalence 1918-1970.« History & Policy (June 18, 2015).

[Info] Jackson, Louise, et al. »‘These outrages are going on more than people know’.« History & Policy (February 28, 2015).

[Info] Jackson, Louise, et al. »Historical child sexual abuse in England and Wales: The role of historians.« History of Education 45 (2016): 411-429.

[Info] Jacob, Frank. Japanese War Crimes during World War II: Atrocity and the Psychology of Collective Violence. Santa Barbara 2018.

[Info] Jacob, Frank, ed. Genocide and Mass Violence in Asia: An Introductory Reader. Berlin 2019.

[Info] Jakob, Hans-Joachim. »Wie kan deß Menschen Aug das Eitle so belieben?" Visualisierungsstrategien und anschauliches Erzählen in Georg Philipp Harsdörffers Textsammlung Der Geschichtspiegel (1654).« Daphnis 52 (2023): 392-429.

[Info] Jacobs, Harriet A. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself. Boston 1861.

[Info] Jacobs, Harriet A. The Deeper Wrong: Or, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself. London 1862.

[Info] Jacobs, Harriet A. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself. Cambridge 1987.

[Info] Jacobs, Ingeborg. Freiwild. Das Schicksal deutscher Frauen, 1945. Berlin 2008.

[Info] Jacobs, Janet. »The memorial at Srebrencia: Gender and the social meanings of collective memory in Bosnia-Herzegovina.« Memory Studies (June 5, 2016).

[Info] Jacobs, Kathryn. »Unlikely Sympathies: The Rapist of the Wife's Tale.&« Mediaevalia 29 (2008): 1-13.

[Info] Jacobs, Steven L., et al., eds. Modern Genocide: The Definitive Resource and Document Collection. Santa Barbara 2015.

[Info] Jacobsen, Jørn, et al. »Reforming the rape offence in Norwegian criminal law.« Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 8 (2020): 78-94.

[Info] Jacobsen, Miriam. »The Elizabethan Cipher in Shakespeare’s LucreceStudies in Philology 107 (2010): 336-359.

[Info] Jacquet, Catherine O. Responding to Rape: Contesting the Meanings of Sexual Violence in the United States, 1950-1980. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012.

[Info] Jacquet, Catherine O. »The Giles-Johnson Case and the Changing Politics of Sexual Violence in the 1960s United States.« Journal of Women's History 25 (2013): 188-211.

[Info] Jacquet, Catherine O. The Injustices of Rape: How Activists Responded to Sexual Violence, 1950–1980. Chapel Hill 2019.

[Info] Jaeger, C. Stephen. »The loves of Christina of Markyate.« Christina of Markyate. A twelfth-century holy woman. Edited by Samuel Fanous et al. London 2005: 99-115.

[Info] Jaekel, Kathryn S. A tale of a "half fairy, half imp": The rape of Jane Eyre. M.A. Thesis, Iowa State University, 2007.

[Info] Jäger, Georg. »Kokoschkas „Mörder Hoffnung der Frauen": Die Geburt des Theaters der Grausamkeit aus dem Geist der Wiener Jahrhundertwende.« Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 32 (1982): 215-233.

[Info] Jagsch, Reinhold, et al. Psychotraumatologische Fragestellungen zu Gewalt und Missbrauch in der Katholischen Kirche. Vienna 2012.

[Info] Jagsch, Reinhold, et al. Psychotraumatologische Fragestellungen zu sexuellem Missbrauch und Gewalt in Einrichtungen des Landes Niederösterreich. Vienna 2013.

[Info] Jahan, Moshref, et al. »A Comparative Study of Pecola and Gyanoda: Sex, Violence and Beauty in the Bluest Eye and Arakshaniya.« American International Journal of Social Science Research 3 (2018): 22-26.

[Info] Jaime de Pablos, Maria E. »Child Sexual Abuse and Traumatic Identity in Down by the River by Edna O'Brien.« Identities on the Move: Contemporary Representations of New Sexualities and Gender Identities. Edited by Silvia Pilar Castro Borrego et al. London 2015: 53- .

[Info] Jain, Surbhi. »The Role of Partition Literature: Critical Study of Yashpal’s Jootha Sach.« Our Heritage 68 (2020): 8090-8094.

[Info] Jain, Usha, et al. »Ego Resistance, Oppression and Resilience of Self Esteem in "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou.« International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research 2 (2014): 373-376.

[Info] Jaiser, Constanze. »Repräsentationen von Sexualität und Gewalt in Zeugnissen jüdischer und nichtjüdischer Überlebender.« Genozid und Geschlecht. Jüdische Frauen im nationalsozialistischen Lagersystem. Edited by Gisela Bock. Frankfurt/Main 2005: 123-148.

[Info] Jakowitsch, Judith. Die systematische Vergewaltigung von Frauen im Krieg. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2000.

[Info] Jalloh, Charles C., ed. The Sierra Leone Special Court and its Legacy: The Impact for Africa and International Criminal Law. Cambridge 2014.

[Info] Jamel, Joanna. »Do the Print Media Provide a Gendre-Biased Representation of Male Rape Victims?« Internet Journal of Criminology (January 2014).

[Info] James, Deveryle. “A Zoo of Lust ... A Harem of Fondled Hatreds”: Interrogating Sexual Violence Against Women in Film 1915-2003. Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2008.

[Info] James, Deveryle. “A Zoo of Lusts ... A Harem of Fondled Hatreds”: An Historical Interrogation of Sexual Violence against Women in Film. Newcastle upon Tyne 2011.

[Info] James, Joy. »Black femmes fatales and sexual abuse in progressive ‘white’ cinema. Neil Jordan’s Mona Lisa and The Crying GameCamera obscura No. 36 (1995): 33-47.

[Info] James, Joy. »Searching for a Tradition: African-American Women Writers, Activists, and Interracial Rape Cases.« Black Women in America. Edited by Kim Marie Vaz. Thousand Oaks 1995: 131-155.

[Info] James, Sharon L. »Slave-Rape and Female Silence in Ovids Love Poetry.« Helios 24 (1997): 60-76.

[Info] James, Sharon L. »From Boys to Men: Rape and Developing Masculinity in Terence's Hecyra and EunuchusHelios 25 (1998): 31-48.

[Info] James, Sharon L. »Teaching Rape in Roman Love Elegy, Part II.« A Companion to Roman Love Elegy. Edited by Barbara K. Gold. Oxford 2012: 549-557.

[Info] James, Sharon L. »Gender and Sexuality in Terence.« A Companion to Terence. Edited by Antony Augoustakis et al. Oxford 2013: 175-194.

[Info] James, Sharon L. »Reconsidering Rape in Menander's Comedy and Athenian Life: Modern Comparative Evidence.« Menander in Context. Edited by Alan H. Sommerstein. New York 2014: 24-39.

[Info] James, Sharon L. »Talking Rape in the Classics Classroom: Further Thoughts.« From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom. Edited by Nancy S. Rabinowitz et al. Columbus 2014: 171-186.

[Info] James, Sharon L. »Rape and Repetition in Ovid's Metamorphoses: Myth, History, Structure, Rome.« Repeat Performances: Ovidian Repetition and the Metamorphoses. Edited by Laural Fulkerson et al. Madison 2016: 154-175.

[Info] James, Sharon L. »Slave-rape and Female Silence in Ovid's Love Poety.« Women in the Classical World. Vol. 4. Edited by Sharon L. James et al. London 2017: 420-434.

[Info] Jameson, Raymond D.L. »Jus primae noctis or droit du seigneur.« Funk & Wagnalls standard dictionary of folklore, mythology and legend. Vol. 2. Edited by Maria Leach. New York 1950.

[Info] Jamshidian, Sahar, et al. »Modern Rape-Revenge Movies and Percy Bysshe Shelley’s The Cencik@ta 22 (2020): 70-78.

[Info] Jan, Jariah M, et al. »Violence and Sexual Harassment in Nigerian Novels: The Nego-Feminist Option.« Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (2013): 10-14.

[Info] Jang, Lauri D. A Biocultural Exploration of Risk, Risk-Taking, and Female Sexual Engagement in British Narratives, 1683-1740. Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2018.

[Info] Janke, Jennifer. Where the Evil Surprises Lay: The Rapes and Sexual Murders of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French and Fear Mongering in the City of St. Catherines. Ph.D. Thesis, York University, 2010.

[Info] Jansen, Christian. »Die Diskussionen um kindliche Sexualität und „Pädophilie“ in Heidelberg 1978–1981: Ein reflexiver Zeitzeugenbericht.« Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualität nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 232-250.

[Info] Jansen, Christian, et al. »Einleitung.«. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualität nach 1968. Cologne 2017: 9-16.

[Info] Jansen, Christian, et al., eds. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualität nach 1968. Cologne 2017.

[Info] Jansen, Kathrine M.W. Rape and Torture: Depictions of Violence in J. M. Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarian and Disgrace. M.A. Thesis, University of Oslo, 2013.

[Info] Janson, Deborah. »Female Sacrifice, Sexual Assault, and Dehumanization: Bourgeois Tragedy, Horror, and the Making of Jud SüßGerman #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020. Edited by Elisabeth Krimmer et al. Rochester 2022: 100-122.

[Info] Janssen Bettina, et al. Sexueller Missbrauch, physische und psychische Gewalt am Collegium Josephinum, Bad Münstereifel: Eine wissenschaftliche Aufarbeitung mit und für Betroffene. Stuttgart 2017.

[Info] Janssen Bettina, et al. Sexueller Missbrauch, physische und psychische Gewalt am Collegium Josephinum, Bad Münstereifel: Eine wissenschaftliche Aufarbeitung mit und für Betroffene. Stuttgart 2017.

[Info] Jansson, Karin. »Kvinnofrid ur olika perspektiv. Våldtäkt, kvinnorov och andra sexuella övergrepp, cirka 1600-1900.« Kvinnorna och rätten. Från stormaktstid till rösträttsstrid. Edited by Görel Granström. Uppsala 1996.

[Info] Jansson, Karin. »Soldaten und Vergewaltigung im Schweden des 17. Jahrhunderts.« Zwischen Alltag und Katastrophe. Der Dreißigjährige Krieg aus der Nähe. Edited by Benigna von Krusenstjern et al. Göttingen 1999: 195-225.

[Info] Jansson, Karin. »Våldtäkt. Ett hot mot och/eller ett uttryck för manlig auktoritet i det tidigmoderna Sverige.« Manligt och omanligt i ett historiskt perspektiv. Stockholm 1999.

[Info] Jansson, Karin. »Bakom normen. Kvinnofrid och genuskonstruktion i det tidigmoderna Sverige.« Bedrägliga begrepp. Kön och genus i humanistiskt forskning. Edited by Gudrun Andersson. Uppsala 2000.

[Info] Jansson, Karin H. Kvinnofrid. Synen på våldtäkt och konstruktionen av kön i Sverige 1600-1800. Uppsala 2002.

[Info] Jansson, Karin H. »Lust som last. Manlig åtrå i våldtäktsmål från 1700-talet.« Sjuttonhundratal tema (2004): 52-64.

[Info] Jansson, Karin H. »Våldsgärning, illgärning, ogärning. Könskodat språkbruk och föreställningar om våld i den medeltida landslagen.« Våld. Representation och verklighet. Edited by Eva Österberg et al. Lund 2006: 145-165.

[Info] Jansson, Karin H. »Ära och oro: Sexuella närmanden och föräktenskapliga relationer i 1700-talets Sverige.« Scandia 75 (2009): 29-56.

[Info] Jansson. Maria. »Activism and gender equality policy in the Swedish film sector from the second wave to #metoo.« Women's Studies International Forum 105 (2024).

[Info] Jarman, Ben, et al. »‘A Poor Prospect Indeed’: The State’s Disavowal of Child Abuse Victims in Youth Custody, 1960–1990.« Societies 9 (2019).

[Info] Jarmer, Juliane, et al. »Sexual homicides in Berlin, 1990 – 2010.« European Journal of Forensic Sciences 2 (2015).

[Info] Jarque Martínez, Encarna. »«Y sobre todo pido justicia»: El delito de estupro en Aragón (siglos XVI y XVII).« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 189-212.

[Info] Jarzebowski, Claudia. »Legitime Nähe, illegitime Sexualität? Einige Überlegungen zu Vorstellungen von Inzest im 18. Jahrhundert.« Frauen und Gewalt. Interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen zu geschlechtsgebundener Gewalt in Theorie und Praxis. Edited by Antje Hilbig et al. Würzburg 2003: 77-89.

[Info] Jarzebowski, Claudia. »Verhandlungen über sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder vor Gericht. Preußen, 18. Jahrhundert.« WerkstattGeschichte No. 35 (2003): 81-98.

[Info] Jarzebowski, Claudia. Inzest. Verwandtschaft und Sexualität im 18. Jahrhundert. Cologne 2006.

[Info] Jasnow, Richard. »Egypt: Third Intermediate Period.« A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 2. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 777-818.

[Info] Jay, Alexis. Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham 1997-2013. Rotherham 2014.

[Info] Jay, Alexis, et al. The Anglican Church: Safeguarding in the Church of England and the Church in Wales. Investigation Report. London 2020.

[Info] Jayakody, Amanda, et al. Study of Reported Child Abuse in the Anglican Church. Sydney 2009.

[Info] Jayakody, Amanda, et al. Breaking the Long Silence: Reports of Child Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia. Sydney 2010.

[Info] Jayakody, Amanda, et al. »Breaking the Long Silence: Reports of Child Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia« Ecclesiology 6 (2010): 183-200.

[Info] Jayakody, Amanda A., et al. »Child Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 21 (2012): 553-570.

[Info] Jean-Charles, Regíne M. Gendering VIOLence. Francophone women writers, representations of violence, and the violence of representation. Ann Arbor 2006.

[Info] Jean-Charles, Regíne M. »"I Think I Was Rape": Black Feminist Readings of Affect and Incest in PreciousBlack Camera 4 (2012): 139-160.

[Info] Jean-Charles, Regíne M. »"I Think I Was Rape": Black Feminist Readings of Affect and Incest in PreciousBlack Camera 4 (2012): 139-160.

[Info] Jean-Charles, Regíne M. »Toward a Victim-Survivor Narrative: Rape and Form in Yvonne Vera's Under the Tongue and Calixte Beyala's Tu t'appelleras TangaResearch in African Literatures 45 (2014): 39-62.

[Info] Jean-Charles, Regíne M. »Trauma Lost in Translation: Teaching Gisèle Pineau's L'espérance-macadam / Macadam DreamsCallaloo 37 (2014): 404-412.

[Info] Jeannot, Emilien. »Rape in Armed Conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A Systematic Review of the Scientific Literature.« Trauma, Violence, & Abuse (May 19, 2016).

[Info] Jeans, Roger B. »Victims or victimizers? Museums, textbooks, and the war debate in contemporary Japan.« Journal of military history 69 (2005): 149-195.

[Info] Jeay, Madeleine. »Consuming passions. Variations on the eaten heart theme.« Violence against women in medieval texts. Edited by Anna Roberts. Gainesville 1998: 75-96.

[Info] Jed, Stephanie H. Chaste thinking. The rape of Lucretia and the birth of humanism. Bloomington 1989.

[Info] Jed, Stephanie H. »Chastity on the Page: A Feminist Use of Paleography.« Refiguring Woman: Perspectives on Gender and the Italian Renaissance. Edited by Marilyn Migiel et al. Ithaca 1991: 114-131.

[Info] Jedermann, Katja, et al. »Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern. Anmerkungen zu einer Werkstatt-Ausstellung der Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück.« Gedenkstätten-Rundbrief No. 136 (2007): 11-16.

[Info] Jedermann, Katja, et al. »Sexual slave labor in Nazi concentration camps. Notes on a workshop exhibition in the Ravensbrück Memorial Museum.« Forced prostitution in times of war and peace. Sexual violence against women and girls. Edited by Barbara Drinck et al. Bielefeld 2007: 136- .

[Info] Jedermann, Katja, et al. »"Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern". Anmerkungen zur Werkstatt-Ausstellung in der Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück.« Feministische Studien 25 (2007): 122-128.

[Info] Jedermann, Katja, et al. »Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern. Anmerkungen zu einer Werkstatt-Ausstellung der Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück.« Krieg und Geschlecht. sexuelle Gewalt im Krieg und Sex-Zwangsarbeit in NS-Konzentrationslagern. Edited by Insa Eschebach et al. Berlin 2008: 269-278.

[Info] Jeffords, Susan. »Rape and the Winter soldier.« Viet-nam generation 5 (1994): 152-154.

[Info] Jeffreys, Sheila. »Double jeopardy. Women, the US military and the war in Iraq.« Women’s studies international forum 30 (2007): 16-25.

[Info] Jelinek, Elfriede. »Alles was passieren kann. Das Nicht-Opfer: Überlegungen zur Auslöschung weiblicher Individualität, angestellt nach der Lektüre einer Studie über "Sexualisierte Gewalt" in nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslagern.« Frankfurter Rundschau (August 24, 2004).

[Info] Jellerson, Donald. »Haunted history and the birth of the republic in Middleton’s Ghost of LucreceCriticism 53 (2011): 53-82.

[Info] Jenista, Frank L. »Problems of the colonial civil service. An illustration from the career of Manuel L. Quezon.« Southeast Asia 3 (1974): 809-829.

[Info] Jenkins, Benjamin M., et al. »Long-term trends in child maltreatment in England and Wales, 1858-2016: An observational, time-series analysis.« The Lancet Public Health 4 (2019): e148-158.

[Info] Jenkins, Dafydd. »Property interests in the classical Welsh law of women.« The Welsh law of women. Studies presented to Daniel A. Binchy on his eightieth birthday, 3 june 1980. Edited by Dafydd Jenkins et al. Cardiff 1980: 69-92.

[Info] Jenkins, Philip. Moral panic. Changing concepts of the child molester in modern America. New Haven 1998.

[Info] Jenko, Francy L. The Social Injustice of Prison Rape: A Historical Analysis. Master's Thesis, California State University at Long Beach, 2010.

[Info] Jenner, Elizabeth. »Abduction (kipnapping).« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 1-2.

[Info] Jennings, La Vinia D. Sexual violence in the works of Richard Wright, James Baldwin, and Toni Morrison. Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989.

[Info] Jennings, Thelma. »"Us colored women had to go though a plenty". Sexual exploitation of African-American slave women.« Journal of women’s history 1 (1990): 45-74.

[Info] Jennison, Rebecca. »The Past Within Her: Tomiyama Taeko's Sorrows of War and the 'Postwar' ~ What a Woman Artist SawTōyō bunka 101 (2021): 123-142.

[Info] Jensen, Annika. »Finally Speaking Up: Sexual Assault in the Civil War Era.« Gettysburg Compiler (October 5, 2015).

[Info] Jensen, Gary F., et al. »Managing rape. Exploratory research on the behavior of rape statistics.« Criminology 31 (1993): 363-385.

[Info] Jenzer, Sabine, et al. Bericht Kinderheime im Kanton Luzern im Zeitraum von 1930-1970. Luzern 2012.

[Info] Jeppesen-Wigelsworth, Alison. »Pedagogical Issues in Classics. Editor’s Introduction: Teaching Rape.« Cloelia 1 (2011): 25-26.

[Info] Jerue, Benjamin A. »Biasmos in Dionysius of Halicarnassus: The rape of Ilia in the Antiquitates RomanaeHumanitas No. 82 (2023): 63-80.

[Info] Jessica, Folio. »A Hypnotising Dance of Bodies: The Case of Stephen King.« Journal of Literature and Art Studies 6 (2016): 209-225.

[Info] Jesus, Dánie M. de, et al. »Violência contra as mulheres: O discurso em duas letras de músicas dos anos 70.« Polifonia No. 46 (2020).

[Info] Jewkes, Rachel, et al. »Intimate Partner Femicide in South Africa in 1999 and 2009.« PLoS Medicine 10 (2013).

[Info] Jimenez Murguía, Salvador, et al, eds. The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films. Lanham 2020.

[Info] Jing, Fenghua. »Representation and Practice in "Privately Settling Illicit Sex Offenses," with Attention to the "Third Realm" from the Late Imperial Period to the Present.« The History and Theory of Legal Practice in China: Toward a Historical-Social Jurisprudence. Edited by Philip C.C. Huang et al. Leiden 2014: 150-172.

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[Info] Jirku, Brigitte E. »Sexualisierte Gewalt erzählen: Literatur – Zeit zu erinnern.« PhiN-Beiheft 29 (2022): 988-106.

[Info] Jochens, Jenny M. »The illicit love visit. An archaeology of Old Norse sexuality.« Journal of the history of sexuality 1 (1991): 357-393.

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[Info] Joffily, Mariana. »Sexual Violence in the Military Dictatorships of Latin America: Who Wants to Know?« Sur: International Journal on Human Rights No. 24 (2016): 165-176.

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[Info] John-Langba, Johannes, et al. »Sexual Violence in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone: Obstacles to Prevention Responses.« African Safety Promotion 11 (2013): 63-75.

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[Info] Johnsen, William. »Textual/sexual politics in Yeats’s ‘Leda and the Swan’.« Yeats and postmodernism. Edited by Leonard Orr. Syracuse 1991: 80-89.

[Info] Johnson, Annette M. L'expression du désir sexuel dans le "Dit de la pastoure" de Christine de Pizan. M.A. Thesis, McMaster University, 1993.

[Info] Johnson, Evan B. Violence and Retailiation: Civilian Agency in Thuringia during the Thirty Years’ War. M.A. Thesis, University of Georgia, 2024.

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[Info] Johnson, Laura S. Gender Discrimination and Title IX Implementation: Lessons from the Office for Civil Rights Resolution Letters 1997-2011. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Kentucky, 2015.

[Info] Johnson, Marguerite. »Warfare, Violence, Rape, Revenge: Jane Holland's Boudicca & Co.Revisiting Rape in Antiquity: Sexualised Violence in Greek and Roman Worlds. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. London 2023: 247-264.

[Info] Johnson, Marilynn S. »The career girl murders. Gender, race, and crime in 1960s New York.« WSQ 39 (2011): 244-261.

[Info] Johnson, Matthew B., et al. »African Americans Wrongly Convicted of Sexual Assault Against Whites: Eyewitness Error and Other Case Features.« Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 11 (2013): 277-294.

[Info] Johnson Jr., Michael. »Institutionalized Indifference: Rape with a View.« Journal of Prisoners on Prisons 23 (2014): 11-30.

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