Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Alphabetical Index: Author Index: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown

Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Caballero G lvez, Antonio A., et al. »Machos violentos y peligrosos: La figura del maltratador en el cine almodovariano.« Revista Latina de Comunicaci Social No. 71 (2016): 853-873.

[Info] Caballero G lvez, Antonio A., et al. »Violent and dangerous macho men: The figure of the male batterer in Almod var's cinema.« Revista Latina de Comunicaci Social No. 71 (2016): 853-873.

[Info] Cabeza de Baca, Juan, et al. »The "Shame Suicides" and Tijuana.« Journal of the Southwest 43 (2001): 603-635.

[Info] Cabeza de Baca, Juan, et al. »The "Shame Suicides" and Tijuana.« On the Border: Society and Culture Between the United States and Mexico. Edited by Andrew G. Wood. Lanham 2004: 145-176.

[Info] Cabeza de Baca, Vincent, et al. »The "Shame Suicides" and Tijuana.« Journal of the Southwest 43 (2001): 603-635.

[Info] Cabeza de Baca, Vincent, et al. »The "Shame Suicides" and Tijuana.« On the Border: Society and Culture Between the United States and Mexico. Edited by Andrew G. Wood. Lanham 2004: 145-176.

[Info] Cabral, Gustavo C.M. »Ius Commune in Portuguese America: Criminal Issues on Local Canon Law in the 'First Constitutions of the Diocese of Bahia' (1707).« Glossae 13 (2016): 308-327.

[Info] Cabrera García, Elisa. Militancia feminista, fenómenos culturales y violencia de género en México: Una historia visual (1970-2002). Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Granada, 2023.

[Info] Cadaviz, Aline K., et al. »Da agress o assist ncia, da infra o corre o: Menoridade e viol ncia urbana (Porto Alegre, 1890 1920).« Sociedade e Estado 20 (2005): 163-194.

[Info] Cade, Octavia, et al. »Sexual Assault After Apocalypse: The Limited Logic of Natural Selection.« SFRA Review 52 (2022): 161-167.

[Info] Caesar, Terry. »Sexual Assault and Cognitive Mapping in Women's Travel Guidebooks.« Women's Studies 28 (1999): 527-545.

[Info] Cage, E. Claire. »Child Sexual Abuse and Medical Expertise in Nineteenth-Century France.« French Historical Studies 42 (2019): 391-421.

[Info] Cahill, Ann J. »Foucault, Rape, and the Construction of the Feminine Body.« Hypatia 15 (2000): 43-63.

[Info] Cahill, Ann J. Rethinking Rape. Ithaca 2001.

[Info] Cahill, Ann J. »Boys Don't Get Raped.« Rape in Art Cinema. Edited by Dominique Russell. New York 2010: 113-128.

[Info] Cahoon, Leslie. »Raping the Rose: Jean de Meun's Reading of Ovid's AmoresClassical and Modern Literature 6 (1986): 261-285.

[Info] Cain, Kenneth L. »The Rape of Dinah: Human Rights, Civil War in Liberia, and Evil Triumphant.« Human Rights Quarterly 21 (1999): 265-307.

[Info] Çakar, Ena K, et al. »A Comparative Study of Wartime Rapes: The Experience of Bosna and Herzegovina and Ukraine.« Baltic Journal of Law & Politics 117 (2024): 136-162.

[Info] Calandra, Benedetta. »Un tema «inc modo e indecente»: El debate alrededor de la violaci n sexual en el Chile postautoritario.« Studia Historica 28 (2010): 213-236.

[Info] Calandra, Benedetta, et al. »Violenze di genere e stupri di massa in America latina.« Stupri di guerra: La violenza di massa contro le donne nel Novecento. Edited by Marcello Flores. Milan 2010: 158-215.

[Info] Caldwell, John M. Religion and Sexual Violence in Late Greco-Roman Antiquity. Ph.D. Thesis, Syracuse University, 2003.

[Info] Calica, Dan P., et al., eds. War Crimes on Asian Women: Military Sexual Slavery by Japan during World War II. The Case of the Filipino Comport Women. Manila 1993.

[Info] Caliskan, Selmin, et al., eds. Zeit zu sprechen. Texte und Materialien zu sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt gegen Frauen. Cologne 2005.

[Info] al??kan, Selmin, et al., eds. Zeit zu sprechen: Sexualisierte Gewalt in Kriegen und Konflikten. Cologne 2009.

[Info] Calitz, F.J.W., et al. »Profile of rape victims referred by the court to the Free State Psychiatric Complex, 2003 - 2009.« South African Journal of Psychiatry 20 (2014): 2-6.

[Info] Call, Jack E., et al. »An analysis of state rape shield laws.« Social science quarterly 72 (1991): 774-788.

[Info] Call, Kiersten. »Arbuckle, Roscoe "Fatty," Murder Trials of (1921-1922).« Crimes of the Centuries: Notorious Crimes, Criminals, and Criminal Trials in American History. Vol. 1. Edited by Steven Chermak et al. Santa Barbara 2016: 30-32.

[Info] Cal , Laura. »Le donne friulane e la violenza di Guerra durante l'occupazione austro-tedesca 1917-1918. Alcuni esempi per la Carnia.« Carnia invasa 1917-1918. Storia, documenti e fotografie dell'occupazione austro-tedesca del Friuli. Edited by Enrico Folisi. Udine 2005: 111-131.

[Info] Camacho López, Andrés. »Revisión de Shusenjo: The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women de Miki Dezaki.« HArtes 4 (2023): 71-74.

[Info] Camaiani, Pier G. »Un patriziato di fronte alla Rivoluzione Francese. La repubblica oligarchica di Lucca dal 1789 al 1799.« Rassegna storica Toscana 30 (1984): 61-103.

[Info] Camarade, H l ne. »Le viol des femmes allemandes en 1944-1945: Un tabou transgress dans les journaux intimes et les romans ?« T moigner No. 113 (2012): 99-111.

[Info] Cameron, Hazel. »The Matabeleland Massacres: Britain's wilful blindness.« The International History Review 40 (2018): 1-19.

[Info] Cameron, Hazel. »State-Organized Starvation: A Weapon of Extreme Mass Violence in Matabeleland South, 1984.« Genocide Studies International 12 (2018): 26-47.

[Info] Cameron, Hazel. »Operation Gukurahundi: A Policy of Genocidal Rape and Sexual Violence in Zimbabwe 1983-1984.« State Crime Journal 12 (2023): 1-31.

[Info] Cameron, Kate. »The Korean peace monument: A study in the representation and commemoration of the past.« Teaching History 51 (2017): 58-62.

[Info] Camino, Mercedes M. "The Stage Am I": Raping Lucrece in Early Modern England. Lewiston 1995.

[Info] Camiscioli, Elisa. Reproducing the French Race: Immigration, Intimacy, and Embodiment in the Early Twentieth Century. Durham 2009.

[Info] Camiscioli, Elisa. »Coercion and Choice: The Traffic in Women between France and Argentina in the Early Twentieth Century.« French Historical Studies 42 (2019): 483-507.

[Info] Camiscioli, Elisa. »Trafficking Histories: Women s Migration and Sexual Labor in the Early Twentieth Century.« Deportate, suli, profughe No. 40 (2019): 1-13.

[Info] Camlann, Sandy. »Kampuch a d mocratique et crimes de genre: Analyse de l'approche des chambres extraordinaires au sein des tribunaux cambodgiens vis- -vis des violence sexosp cifiques.« Revue des Droits de l'Homme 7 (2015).

[Info] Campanera, Mireia, et al. »De la invisibilización a la impunidad. (Des)cifrando la discriminación de género y el acoso sexual en arqueología.« Voces in crescendo. Del mutismo a la afon a en la historia de las mujeres en la arqueolog a española 2022: 315-337.

[Info] Campbell, Emma. »Homo sacer. Power, life, and the sexual body in the old French saints lives.« Exemplaria 18 (2006): 233-273.

[Info] Campbell, Kirsten. »The spoils of war.« Economy and society 34 (2005): 495-507.

[Info] Campbell, Kirsten. »Transitional Justice und die Kategorie Geschlecht. Sexuelle Gewalt in der internationalen Strafgerichtsbarkeit.« Mittelweg 36 18 (2009): 26-52.

[Info] Campbell, Kirsten, et al., eds. In Plain Sight: Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. New Delhi 2019.

[Info] Campbell, Meaghan E. Discourse analysis of rape in South African townships (1948-1994). A case for "policing the penis". M.A. Thesis, Dalhousie University, 2000.

[Info] Campbell, Rebecca, et al. »Services for sexual assault survivors. The role of rape crisis centers.« Sourcebook on violence against women. Edited by Claire M. Renzetti et al. Thousand Oaks 2001: 227-241.

[Info] Campbell, Russell. » Fallen Woman Prostitute Narratives in the Cinema.« Screening the Past No. 8 (1999).

[Info] Campbell-Ruggaard, Julie, et al. »Rape on campus. Numbers tell less than half the story.« Sex without consent. Rape and sexual coercion in America. Edited by Merril D. Smith. New York 2001: 283-300.

[Info] Campney, Brent M.S. This Is Not Dixie: Racist Violence in Kansas, 1861-1927. Urbana 2015.

[Info] Campos, Alzira Lobo de Arruda. »Crian as estupradas na S o Paulo oitocentista. Rela o de g nero.« Hist ria 15 (1995): 139-152.

[Info] Campos, Juana. Rape Myths in the Local and National Newspaper Coverage of the Brock Turner Case. M.A. Thesis, University of Houston, 2020.

[Info] Canadian Centre for Child Protection Inc. »The Prevalence of Sexual Abuse by K-12 School Personnel in Canada, 1997 2017.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (June 12, 2018).

[Info] Candelaria, John L., et al. »The Filipino comfort women on YouTube: Emotions, advocacy, and war memories in a transnational digital space.« Memory Studies (June 10, 2024).

[Info] Canders, Caleb P., et al. »Internet-Initiated Sexual Assault Among U.S. Adolescents Reported in Newspapers, 1996 2007.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 22 (2013): 987-999.

[Info] Canela, Kelly C. O "stuprum per vim" no direito romano. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade de S o Paulo, 2009.

[Info] Cani, Josiane B., et al. »Entre interditos e transgress es: O erotismo no conto A virgem dos espinhos , de Jo o Gilberto Noll.« Revista Ifes Ci ncia 6 (2020): 166-176.

[Info] Cannon, Christopher. »Raptus in the Chaumpaigne Release and a newly discovered document concerning the life of Geoffrey Chaucer.« Speculum 68 (1993): 74-94.

[Info] Cannon, Christopher. »Chaucer and rape. Uncertainty s certainties.« Studies in the age of Chaucer 22 (2000): 67-92.

[Info] Cannon, Christopher. »Chaucer and rape. Uncertainty s certainties.« Representing rape in medieval and early modern literature. Edited by Elizabeth Robertson et al. New York 2001: 255-279.

[Info] Cannon, Christopher. »Afterword.« Representing rape in medieval and early modern literature. Edited by Elizabeth Robertson et al. New York 2001: 411-416.

[Info] Cantor, David, et al. »Unemployment and crime rates in the post-World War II United States. A theoretical and empirical analysis.« American sociological review 50 (1985): 317-332.

[Info] Cantueso Urbano, Elena, et al. »Representing Dissenting Voices in the Digital Press: Victims of Sexual and Physical Abuses in Irish Industrial Schools.« Verbeia 7 (2021): 58-77.

[Info] Capeci, Dominic J., Jr. »The lynching of Cleo Wright. Federal protection of constitutional rights during World War II.« Journal of American history 72 (1986): 859-887.

[Info] Capeci, Dominic J., Jr. The lynching of Cleo Wright. Lexington 1998.

[Info] Capo, Beth W. »Extreme Sex: Contemporary American Women Writers at the Margins.« Liminality, Hybridity, and American Women's Literature: Thresholds in Women's Writing. Edited by Kristin J. Jacobson et al. Cham 2018: 283-302.

[Info] Capo-Chichi, Laure C., et al. »The Phenomenon of Street Children in Amma Darko's FacelessResearch on Humanities and Social Sciences 5 (2015): 175-190.

[Info] Capp, Bernard. »The double standard revisited. Plebeian women and male sexual reputation in early modern England.« Past & present No. 162 (1999): 70-100.

[Info] Capurro Robles, Mar a, et al. "... Y nadi quer a saber": Relatos sobre violencia contra las mujeres en el terrorismo de Estado en Argentina. Buenos Aires 2012.

[Info] Capurro Robles, Mar a, et al. »Entre lo p blico y lo privado: Los testimonios sobre la violencia contra las mujeres en el terrorismo de Estado.« Clepsidra 1 (2014): 122-139.

[Info] Caputi, Jane. »To acknowledge and to heal. 20 years of feminist thought and activism on sexual violence.« The knowledge explosion. Generations of feminist scholarship. Edited by Cheris Kramarae et al. New York 1992: 340-352.

[Info] Car, Trinity A. Trafficking in women and United States response. Historical movements and cyclical policymaking. Honors in the Major Thesis, Florida State University, 2005.

[Info] Carvajal, Andr s S., et al. »Risk Factors Associated with Domestic Violence and Homicidal Violence of Women: The Case of Yucatan, Mexico.« Psychology 7 (2016): 62-73.

[Info] Card, Claudia. »Rape as a weapon of war.« Hypatia 11 (1996): 5-18.

[Info] Card, Claudia. »Addendum to "Rape as a weapon of war".« Hypatia 12 (1997): 216-218.

[Info] Carden, Mary P. » The Unkillable Mother : Sovereignty and Survivance in Louise Erdrich's The Round HouseStudies in American Indian Literatures 30 (2018): 94-116.

[Info] Carden, Michael. »Compulsory heterosexuality in biblical narratives and their interpretations. Reading homophobia and rape in Sodom and Gibeah.« Australian religion studies review 12 (1999).

[Info] Carden, Michael. »Homophobia and rape in Sodom and Gibeah. A response to Ken Stone.« Journal for the study of the Old Testament No. 82 (1999): 83-96.

[Info] Card nas, Manuel, et al. »Memories of Boys, Girls, and Adolescent Victims of Political Prison and Torture by the Chilean Military Civilian Dictatorship.« Journal of Interpersonal Violence (August 21, 2017).

[Info] Cardona Casta eda, Diana M., et al. Inventario y an lisis de las campa as de prevenci n de la violencia contra la mujer en el Departamento de Quind o (Colombia) durante los a os 2000 a 2014. Tesis, Universidad Cat lica de Manizales, 2015.

[Info] Cardona-G mez, Gloria-del-Pilar, et al. »Situaci n de la violencia sexual en Colombia, 2012-2016.« Revista Colombiana de Enfermer a 18 (2019): 1-11.

[Info] Cardoso, Daniela M.S. »Agressoras e V timas: As mulheres nas Cartas de Perd o do notariado do Porto (1750-1770).« Omni Tempore. Porto 2018: 271-298.

[Info] Cardozo, Midi . Abortamento legal no Brasil e a percep o dos profissionais de sa de: Uma revis o sistem tica (2003-2013). Trabalho de Conclus o, Universidade de Bras lia, 2015.

[Info] Cardyn, Lisa. »The construction of female sexual trauma in turn-of-the-century American mental medicine.« Traumatic pasts. History, psychiatry, and trauma in the modern age, 1870-1930. Edited by Mark S. Micale et al. Cambridge 2001: 172-201.

[Info] Cardyn, Lisa. »Sexualized racism / gendered violence: outraging the body politic in the Reconstruction South.« Michigan law review 100 (2002): 675-867.

[Info] Cardyn, Lisa. Sexualized racism/gendered violence. Trauma and the body politic in the Reconstruction South. Dissertation, Yale University, 2003.

[Info] Cardyn, Lisa. »Against Our WillEncyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 11-12.

[Info] Cardyn, Lisa. »Blackstone, Sir William (1723-1780).« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 26.

[Info] Cardyn, Lisa. »Hale, Sir Matthew (1609-1676).« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 94-95.

[Info] Cardyn, Lisa. »MacKinnon, Catharine A. (1946- ).« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 120-121.

[Info] Carey, C. »Rape and adultery in Athenian law.« Classical quarterly 45 (1995): 407-417.

[Info] Carey, David, Jr. »Forced and Forbidden Sex: Rape and Sexual Freedom in Dictatorial Guatemala« Americas 69 (2013): 357-389.

[Info] Carey, David. I Ask for Justice: Maya Women, Dictators, and Crime in Guatemala, 1898 1944. Austin 2013.

[Info] Carey, Elaine. »Free love movement.« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 81-82.

[Info] Carini, Anna, et al. Un processo per stupro. Dal programma della rete due della televisione italiana. Turin 1980.

[Info] Carlini, Luigi, et al. »La violenza sessuale sui minorenni: Indagine sulle denunce pervenute alle procura della repubblica presso il tribunale per i minorenni di Perugia dal 1991 al 2006.« Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia 3 (2009): 296-307.

[Info] Carlson, David, et al. »Child molestation. One family s experience.« Clergy sexual misconduct. Orthodox Christian perspectives. Edited by John T. Chirban. Brookline 1994: 5-17.

[Info] Carlson, Khristopher, et al. Forced marriage within the Lord's Resistance Army, Uganda. Medford 2008.

[Info] Carlson, Margaret, et al. »Child molestation. One family s experience.« Clergy sexual misconduct. Orthodox Christian perspectives. Edited by John T. Chirban. Brookline 1994: 5-17.

[Info] Carlson, Susan A. Unveiled rage and unspoken fear. A study of emotional, physical and sexual abuse in the Juvenilia and novels of Charlotte Bront . Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1991.

[Info] Carlsson, Matilda. Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: A Cross-National Comparison of Circumstances Related to State Forces' Use of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts. Master Thesis, Swedish Defence University, 2016.

[Info] Carman, Amy S. »The Abusive Religious Leaders of John 8: How a Misnamed Story Can Help Religious Institutions Deal with Sexual Assault.« Priscilla Papers 33 (2019): 8-11.

[Info] Carmody, Dianne C., et al. »Rape: Incidence and Legal and Historical Aspects.« Violence in America: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. Edited by Ronald Gottesman. New York 1999: 13-16.

[Info] Caroli, Rosa. »"Comfort women". Una lettura di genere.« Deportate, esuli, profughe No. 10 (2009): 132-143.

[Info] Caron, Jean-Claude. l cole de la violence. Ch timents et s rvices dans l institution scolare au XIXe si cle. Paris 1999.

[Info] Carpenter, R. Charli, ed. Born of War: Protecting Children of Sexual Violence Survivors in Conflict Zones. Bloomfield 2007.

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[Info] Carpenter, R. Charli. Forgetting Children Born of War: Setting the Human Rights Agenda in Bosnia and Beyond. New York 2010.

[Info] Carr, Cynthia. Our town. A heartland lynching, a haunted town, and the hidden history of white America. New York 2006.

[Info] Carr, Glynis. The female world of love and racism. Interracial friendship in U.S. women's literature, 1840-1940. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 1989.

[Info] Carrell, Jessica. Indicted Knights: Female Agency and the Adjudication of Rape in Arthurian Romances. B.A. Thesis, University of Southern Mississippi, 2018.

[Info] Carrera, Carolina. »Secrets revealed: Women victims of sexual violence as torture during Chile's era of political repression, 1973-1990.« Women's Health Journal No. 1 (2005): 57-62.

[Info] Carrera, Carolina. »Violencia sexual como tortura durante la represi n pol tica en Chile: Un secreto a voces.« Revista Mujer Salud No. 1 (2005): 57-62.

[Info] Carrera, Elena. »The Social Dimension of Shame in Cervantes's La fuerza de la sangrePer frasis 4 (2013): 19-36.

[Info] Carrier-Moisan, Marie-Eve. »"A Red Card against Sex Tourism": Sex Panics, Public Emotions, and the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.« Feminist Formations 31 (2019): 125-154.

[Info] Carrillo, Abelardo, et al. A n el Estado colombiano no repara a las mujeres v ctimas de la violencia sexual: 2010 2014. Bogota 2016.

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[Info] Carroll, Margaret D. »The Erotics of Absolutism: Rubens and the Mystification of Sexual Violence.« Representations No. 25 (1989): 3-30.

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