[Info] Berg, Joseph. De iniustitia belli: Violence Against Civilians in the Thirty Years War. Honors Thesis, Loyola Marymount University, 2016.

SexViolHist Bib: Author Index: B

Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Alphabetical Index: Author Index: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown

Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Ba, I., et al. »Physical, mental and social consequences in civilians who have experienced war-related sexual violence: A systematic review (1981 2014).« Public Health 142 (2017): 121-135.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »Blinde Flecken in der Debatte über sexualisierte Gewalt: Pädagogischer Eros und sexuelle Revolution in geschlechter-, generationen- und kindheitshistorischer Perspektive.« Sexualisierte Gewalt, Macht und Pädagogik. Edited by Werner Thole et al. Opladen 2012: 84-99.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »Pedo-Sexuality: An Especially German History.« WSQ 43 (2015): 315-322.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »History and gender matters: Erziehung - Gewalt - Sexualität in der Moderne in geschlechtergeschichtlicher Perspektive.« Erziehung - Gewalt - Sexualität: Zum Verhältnis von Geschlecht und Gewalt in Erziehung und Bildung. Edited by Claudia Mahs et al. Opladen 2016: 13-36.

[Info] Baader, Meike S., et al. »Einleitung.«. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualität nach 1968. Cologne 2017: 9-16.

[Info] Baader, Meike S., et al., eds. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualit t nach 1968. Cologne 2017.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »Zwischen Enttabuisierung und Entgrenzung: Der Diskurs um P dosexualit t und die Erziehungs-, Sexual- und Sozialwissenschaften der 1970er bis 1990er Jahre.« Erziehungswissenschaft 28 (2017): 27-38.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »Zwischen Politisierung, P dosexulität und Befreiung aus dem Getto der Kindheit : Diskurse ber die Entgrenzung von kindlicher und erwachsener Sexualität in den 1970er Jahren.«. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualität nach 1968. Cologne 2017: 55-84.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: P dosexualität und Wissenschaft in den 1960er bis 1990er Jahren.« Sexuelle Gewalt in Kindheit und Jugend: Theoretische, empirische und konzeptionelle Erkenntnisse und Herausforderungen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Edited by Sabine Andresen et al. Weinheim 2018: 28-39.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »Vom beredten Schweigen der Disziplin Erziehungswissenschaft im Umgang mit sexualisierter Gewalt in Geschichte und Gegenwart.« Erziehungswissenschaft No. 68 (2024): 15-26.

[Info] Baaki, Brian. »Circulating the Black Rapist: Sketches of the Life of Joseph Mountain and Early American Networks of Print.« New England Quarterly 90 (2017): 36-68.

[Info] Baartman, H.E.M. »Compassion and Skepticism in Child Sexual Abuse: Some Historical Aspects and Explanations.« International Review of Victimology 5 (1997): 189-202.

[Info] Babarinde, Damilola M., et al. »Film As Therapy for Defied Children: Hell as Pedagogy for Sex Abuse in Dry and The Colour Purple.« International Journal of Religion 5 (2024): 1799-1807.

[Info] Babativa M rquez, Jos G., et al. Encuesta de Prevalencia de violencia sexual en contra de las mujeres en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano 2010-2015. Bogota 2017.

[Info] Babativa M rquez, Jos G., et al. »Aportes y asuntos cr ticos en la medici n de la violencia sexual contra las mujeres en el marco del conflicto armado en Colombia: Una reflexi n a partir del dise o y los resultados de la Envise 2010-2015.« Estudios Socio-jur dicos 22 (2020): 1-32.

[Info] Babb, Jeannie. Making Meaning of Sexual Violence against Women in Ancient Sacred Christian Literature. Master Thesis, University of the South, 2013.

[Info] Babovic, Aleksandra. The Tokyo Trial, Justice, and the Postwar International Order. Singapore 2019.

[Info] Babu, Saleem, et al. »Culture, Gender, Language and Literature: Parallel Observation in the Indian Literature and British.« EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 10 (2024): 902-904.

[Info] Bacchi, Carol, et al. »Sex, Resistance and Power: Sex Reform in South Australia, c. 1905.« Australian Historical Studies 23 (1988): 60-71.

[Info] Bacchi, Carol, et al. »Dealing with Sexual Harassment: Power and Sexuality in the Class Room 1912.« History of Education Review 22 (1993): 44-59.

[Info] Bacchi, Carol, et al. »Historicising Sexual Harassment.« Women s History Review 3 (1994): 263-270.

[Info] Bacci, Claudia, et al. "... Y nadi quer a saber": Relatos sobre violencia contra las mujeres en el terrorismo de Estado en Argentina. Buenos Aires 2012.

[Info] Bacci, Claudia, et al. »Entre lo p blico y lo privado: Los testimonios sobre la violencia contra las mujeres en el terrorismo de Estado.« Clepsidra 1 (2014): 122-139.

[Info] Bacci, Mauro, et al. »La violenza sessuale sui minorenni: Indagine sulle denunce pervenute alle procura della repubblica presso il tribunale per i minorenni di Perugia dal 1991 al 2006.« Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia 3 (2009): 296-307.

[Info] Badia, Janet. »"Dismissed, trivialized, misread": Re-Examining the Reception of Women's Literature through the #MeToo Movement.« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 31-42.

[Info] Baechle, Sarah, et al., eds. Rape Culture and Female Resistance in Late Medieval Literature: With an Edition of Middle English and Middle Scots Pastourelles University Park, 2022.

[Info] B chler, Maja. »Sexuelle Gewalt im Kriegsfilm.« Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 106-126.

[Info] Bachitsch, Inge N. Die Entwicklung der Sittlichkeitsdelikte in sterreich bis 1918 unter Ber cksichtigung der wichtigsten Strafgesetzentw rfe. Dissertation, Universit t Wien, 1997.

[Info] Bachman, Ronet, et al. »The Adjudication of Rape since Reforms: Examining the Probability of Conviction and Incarceration at the National and Three State Levels.« Criminal Justice Policy Review 6 (1992): 342-358.

[Info] Bachman, Ronet, et al. »Rape: Incidence and Legal and Historical Aspects.« Violence in America: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. Edited by Ronald Gottesman. New York 1999: 13-16.

[Info] Bachner, Sally. The Prestige of Violence: American Fiction, 1962-2007. Athens 2011.

[Info] Bachvarova, Mary R. »Io and the Gorgon: Ancient Greek Medical and Mythical Constructions of the Interaction Between Women's Experiences of Sex and Birth.« Arethusa 46 (2013): 415-446.

[Info] Backes, Bethany L., et al. »Campus Sexual Assault: A Systematic Review of Prevalence Research From 2000 to 2015.« Trauma, Violence, Abuse (February 22, 2016).

[Info] Backhouse, Constance, et al. The Secret Oppression: Sexual Harassment of Working Women. Toronto 1978.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance, et al. Sexual Harassment on the Job: How to Avoid the Working Woman s Nightmare. Englewood Cliffs 1981.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »Nineteenth-Century Canadian Rape Law 1800-92.« Essays in the History of Canadian Law. Vol. 2. Edited by David Flaherty. Toronto 1983: 200-247.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance, et al. »A Comparative Study of Canadian and American Rape Law.« Canada-United States Law Journal 7 (1984): 173-213.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »The Tort of Seduction: Fathers and Daughters in Nineteenth Century Canada.« Dalhousie Law Journal 10 (1986): 45-80.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance B. »Nineteenth Century Judicial Attitudes toward Child Custody, Rape and Prostitution.« Equality and Judicial Neutrality. Edited by Sheilah L. Martin et al. Toronto 1987: 271-281.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. Petticoats and Prejudice: Women and the Law in Nineteenth-Century Canada. Toronto 1991.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »"The Sayer Street Outrage": Gang Rape and Male Law in 19th Century Toronto.« Manitoba Law Journal 20 (1991): 46-68.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »'Her Protests Were Unavailing': Australian Legal Understandings of Rape, Consent and Sexuality in the 'Roaring Twenties'.« Journal of Australian Studies No. 64 (2000): 14-33.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »Skewering the Credibility of Women: A Reappraisal of Corroboration in Australian Legal History.« University of Western Australia Law Review 29 (2000): 79-107.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »«Attentat la dignit du Parlement»: Viol dans l enceinte de la Chambre des communes, Ottawa 1929.« Ottawa Law Review 33 (2001-02): 95-145.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »The Doctrine of Corroboration in Sexual Assault Trials in Early Twentieth-Century Canada and Australia.« Queen's Law Journal 26 (2001): 297-338.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »"Don't You Bully Me Justice I Want if There is Justice to be Had": The Rape of Mary Ann Burton, London, Ontario, 1907.« People and Place: Historical Influences on Legal Culture. Edited by Jonathan Swainger et al. Vancouver 2003: 60-94.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »The Doctrine of Corroboration in Sexual Assault Trials in Early Twentienth-Century Canada and Australia.« From Subjects to Citizens: A Hundred Years of Citizenship in Australia and Canada. Edited by Pierre Boyer et al. Ottawa 2004: 123-160.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. Carnal Crimes: Sexual Assault Law in Canada, 1900-1975. Toronto 2008.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »A Selected History of Sexual Assault Legislation in Canada, 1892-1983.« Gendered Intersections: An Introduction to Women s & Gender Studies. Edited by C. Lesley Biggs et al. Winnipeg 2011: 293-295.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »Sexual Assault and Disability: Saskatchewan, 1942.« Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women's History. Edited by Mona Gleason et al. Don Mills 2011: 217-238.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »A Feminist Remedy for Sexual Assault: A Quest for Answers.« Sexual Assault Law, Practice, and Activism in a Post Jane Doe Era. Edited by Elizabeth Sheehy. Ottawa 2012: 725-739.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »Nineteenth Century Canadian Rape Law, 1800-1892.« Essays in the History of Canadian Law. Vol. 2. Edited by David Flaherty. Toronto 2012: 200-247.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. »Sexual Harassment: A Feminist Phrase That Transformed the Workplace.« Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 24 (2012): 275-300.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. Claire L'Heureux-Dub : A Life. Vancouver 2017.

[Info] Backus, Margot, et al. The Child Sex Scandal and Modern Irish Literature: Writing the Unspeakable. Bloomington 2020.

[Info] Bader, Mary A. Sexual Violation in the Hebrew Bible: A Multi-Methodological Study of Genesis 34 and 2 Samuel 13. New York 2006.

[Info] Badeji, Susan O., et al. »Film As Therapy for Defied Children: Hell as Pedagogy for Sex Abuse in Dry and The Colour Purple.« International Journal of Religion 5 (2024): 1799-1807.

[Info] Bademsoy, Aylin. »Elfriede Jelinek and Ingeborg Bachmann: Transformations of the Capitalist Patriarchy and Narrating Sexual Violence in the Twentieth Century.« German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020. Edited by Elisabeth Krimmer et al. Rochester 2022: 283-301.

[Info] Bader Zaar, Birgitta, et al. »Introduction: Women's and Gender History of the First World War. Topics, Concepts, Perspectives.« Gender and the First World War. Edited by Christa H mmerle et al. London 2014: 1-15.

[Info] Baer, Elizabeth R. »A Reconsideration of Sexual Violence in German Colonial and Nazi Ideology and Its Representation in Holocaust Texts.« The Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture. Edited by Victoria Aarons et al. Cham 2020: 651-668.

[Info] Baeza Ruiz, Ana. »Una's Becoming Unbecoming, Visuality, and Sexual Trauma.« Documenting Trauma in Comics: Traumatic Pasts, Embodied Histories, and Graphic Reportage. Edited by Dominic Davies et al. Cham 2020: 221-241.

[Info] Baggiarini, Bianca. Commodifying Violence: An Analysis of Wartime Rape and Private Military Corporations in Iraq. M.A. Thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2009.

[Info] Bagguley, Paul, et al. »Judges, the media, and rape.« Journal of law and society 17 (1990): 211-233.

[Info] Bahati, Jules P., et al. »The Intergenerational Legacy of Genocidal Rape: The Realities and Perspectives of Children Born of the Rwandan Genocide.« Journal of Interpersonal Violence (May 15, 2017).

[Info] Bahfen, Nasya, et al. »The ebb and flow of eve-teasing in the news: Front page coverage of street harassment of women in Bangladesh.« Pacific Journalism Review 26 (2020): 279-290.

[Info] Bahr, Stephanie. »"Ne spared they to strip her naked all": Reading, Rape, and Reformation in Spenser's Faerie QueeneStudies in Philology 117 (2020): 285-312.

[Info] Bail, Ulrike. Gegen das Schweigen klagen: Eine intertextuelle Studie zu den Klagepsalmen Ps 6 und Ps 55 und der Erz hlung von der Vergewaltigung Tamars. G tersloh 1998.

[Info] Bail, Ulrike. »Dem Schweigen ins Wort fallen: Psalm 55 als literarische Repr sentation von Vergewaltigung.« Das Geschlecht der Zukunft: Frauenemanzipation und Geschlechtervielfalt. Edited by Sybille Becker et al. Stuttgart 2000: 119-137.

[Info] Bailey, Allison. Policing Violence: Royal and Community Perspectives in Medieval France. B.A. Thesis, Mount Royal University, 2016.

[Info] Bailey, Amanda. »Occupy Macbeth: Masculinity and Political Masochism in MacbethViolent Masculinities: Male Aggression in Early Modern Texts and Culture. Edited by Jennifer Feather et al. New York 2013: 191-212.

[Info] Bailey, Frankie Y., et al., eds. Crimes of the Centuries: Notorious Crimes, Criminals, and Criminal Trials in American History. Santa Barbara 2016.

[Info] Bailey, Jennifer. Voicing Oppositional Conformity: Sarah Winnemucca and the Politics of Rape, Colonialism, and "Citizenship": 1870--1890. M.A.Thesis, Portland State University, 2012.

[Info] Bailey, Martha J. »Servant Girls and Masters: The Tort of Seduction and the Support of Bastards.« Canadian Journal of Family Law 10 (1991): 137-162.

[Info] Baillie, Michael, et al. »Sexual Violence: Mythology, Infant Rape and the Limits of the Political.« Politikon 38 (2011): 257-274.

[Info] Bailey, Randall C. David in Love and War: The Pursuit of Power in 2 Samuel 10-12. Sheffield 1990.

[Info] Baines, Barbara J. »Effacing Rape in Early Modern Representation.« ELH 65 (1998): 69-98.

[Info] Baines, Barbara J. Representing Rape in the English Early Modern Period. Lewiston 2003.

[Info] Baines, Erin K. »Body politics and the Rwandan crisis.« Third World Quarterly 24 (2003): 479-493.

[Info] Baines, Erin. »Forced marriage as a political project: Sexual rules and regulations in the Lord's Resistance Army.« Journal of Peace Research 51 (2014): 405-417.

[Info] Bak, John S. » Stanley Made Love to Her! By Force! . Blanche and the Evolution of a Rape.« Journal of American Drama and Theatre 16 (2004): 69-97.

[Info] Bak, John S. »"Stanley Made Love to Her! By Force!" Blanche and the Evolution of a Rape.« A Streetcar Named Desire. Edited by Brenda Murphy. Pasadena 2009.

[Info] Bak, John S. »A Streetcar Named Dies Irae: Tennessee Williams and the Semiotics of Rape.« Tennessee Williams Annual Review No. 10 (2009): 41-72.

[Info] Bakayoko-Topolska, Monika, et al. »Men's and women's experiences of violence and traumatic events in rural C te d'Ivoire before, during and after a period of armed conflict.« BMJ Open 4 (2014).

[Info] Baker, Bruce E. »Lynch Law Reversed: The Rape of Lula Sherman, the Lynching of Manse Waldrop, and the Debate over Lynching in the 1880s.« American Nineteenth Century History 6 (2005): 273-293.

[Info] Baker, Bruce E. »Lynch Law Reversed: The Rape of Lula Sherman, the Lynching of Manse Waldrop, and the Debate over Lynching in the 1880s.« Lynching Reconsidered: New Perspectives in the Study of Mob Violence. Edited by William D. Carrigan. New York 2008: 47-68.

[Info] Baker, Bruce E. This Mob Will Surely Take My Life: Lynchings in the Carolinas, 1871-1947. London 2008.

[Info] Baker, Carrie N. Sex, Power, and Politics: The Origins of Sexual Harassment Policy in the United States. Ph.D. Thesis, Emory University, 2001.

[Info] Baker, Carrie N. »"He Said, She Said": Popular Representations of Sexual Harassment and Second-Wave Feminism.« Disco Divas: Women and Popular Culture in the 1970s. Edited by Sherrie A. Inness. Philadelphia 2003: 39-53.

[Info] Baker, Carrie, et al. »Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain! Power, Privacy, and the Legal Regulation of Violence Against Women.« Women & Politics 26 (2004): 57-83.

[Info] Baker, Carrie N. »Race, Class, and Sexual Harassment in the 1970s.« Feminist Studies 30 (2004): 7-27.

[Info] Baker, Carrie N. »How Did Diverse Activists in the Second Wave of the Women's Movement Shape Emerging Public Policy on Sexual Harassment?« Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 9 (2005).

[Info] Baker, Carrie N. »The Emergence of Organized Feminist Resistance to Sexual Harassment in the United States in the 1970s.« Journal of Women's History 19 (2007): 161-184.

[Info] Baker, Carrie N. The Women's Movement Against Sexual Harassment. Cambridge 2008.

[Info] Baker, Carrie N., et al. »Challenging Narratives of the Anti-Rape Movement's Decline.« Violence Against Women (March 9, 2017).

[Info] Baker, Lesley A. Rape and Resistance: Sexual Violence and the Production of Culture in Eighteenth-Century Fiction. Ph.D. Thesis, Tulane University, 1994.

[Info] Baker, Mary J. »Rape, Attempted Rape, and Seduction in the Heptam ronRomance Quarterly 39 (1992): 271-281.

[Info] Balboni, Barbara S. Through the "Lens" of the Organizational Culture Perspective: A Descriptive Study of American Catholic Bishops' Understanding of Clergy Sexual Molestation and Abuse of Children and Adolescents. Ph.D. Thesis, Northeastern University, 1998.

[Info] Bal, Mieke. Femmes imaginaires: L'Ancien Testament au risque d'une narratologie critique. Utrecht 1986.

[Info] Bal, Mieke. Lethal Love: Feminist Literary Readings of Biblical Love Stories. Bloomington 1987.

[Info] Balardini, Lorena, et al. »Gender Violence and Sexual Abuse in Clandestine Detention Centers: A contribution to understanding the experience of Argentina.« Making Justice: Further Discussions on the Prosecution of Crimes against Humanity in Argentina. Edited by Center for Legal and Social Studies. Buenos Aires 2011: 106-141.

[Info] Balardini, Lorena, et al. »Violencia de g nero y abusos sexuales en los centros clandestinos de detenci n: Un aporte a la comprensi n de la experiencia argentina.« Hacer Justicia: Nuevos debates sobre el juzgamiento de cr menes de lesa humanidad en Argentina. Edited by Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales. Buenos Aires 2011: 167-226.

[Info] Balboni, Barbara S. Through the "Lens" of the Organizational Culture Perspective: A Descriptive Study of American Catholic Bishops' Understanding of Clergy Sexual Molestation and Abuse of Children and Adolescents. Ph.D. Thesis, Northeastern University, 1998.

[Info] Baldellou Moncl s, Daniel. »Los conflictos matrimoniales en las familias y estructuras de poder del alto Arag n en el siglo XVIII.« Tiempos Modernos No. 29 (2014).

[Info] Baldellou Moncl s, Daniel. »Pleitos e infrajudicialidad en los matrimonios aragoneses en el siglo XVIII: Los procesos por esponsales y estupro.« Familia, cultura material y formas de poder en la Espa a moderna: III Encuentro de J venes Investigadores en Historia Moderna, Valladolid 2 y 3 de julio de 2015. Edited by M ximo Garc a Fern ndez. Madrid 2016: 293-306.

[Info] Baldellou Moncl s, Daniel, et al. »Culpable hasta que se demuestre lo contrario: El estupro ante los tribunales eclesi sticos de Arag n en el siglo XVIII.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 213-251.

[Info] Baldi, Giulia, et al. »Silent Identities: Children Born of War in Sierra LeoneBorn of War: Protecting Children of Sexual Violence Survivors in Conflict Zones. Edited by R. Charli Carpenter. Bloomfield 2007: 78-93.

[Info] Balding, Beverley, et al. The Janine Balding Story: A Journey Through a Mother's Nightmare. Sydney 1995.

[Info] Baldram, Mohammed A., et al. »When the Silence is Rebellion? A Study of Mukthar Mai's In the Name of HonourKala Sarovar 24 (2021): 365-367.

[Info] Baldwin, Annabelle. »Sexual Violence and the Holocaust: Reflections on Memory and Witness Testimony.« Holocaust Studies 16 (2010): 112-134.

[Info] Baldwin, Annabelle. »'And What Happened Next?': Emotions and Sexual Violence in Holocaust Interviews.« Oral History Australia Journal No. 41 (2019): 32-42.

[Info] Baldwin, Francesca. »Reigniting the Embers: Sexual Violence and the Mobilisation of Diasporic Tigrayan Women during the Tigray War, 2020-2023.« Matrix 3 (2024): 32-59.

[Info] Baldwin, John W. The Language of Sex: Five Voices from Northern France around 1200. Chicago 1994.

[Info] Balestero, Gabriela S. »Transi o pol tica e os crimes cometidos durante a ditadura militar: Uma vis o comparat stica latinoamericana.« RIDB No. 13 (2013): 14661-14691.

[Info] Balier, Claude., et al. »Histoire et psychanalyse du viol.« Questions d poque. Une s lection des missions d Eliane Contini sur France Culture. Edited by liane Contini. Revigny-sur-Ornain 1999: 80-100.

[Info] Balikov, Molly E.M. Telling a Picture of Rape: The Visual and the Verbal in Shakespeare's "Lucrece". M.A. Thesis, University of Maryland, 2005.

[Info] Ball, Anna. »Between 'Awra and Arab Feminism: Sexual Violence and Representational Crisis in Nawal El Saadawi's Woman at Point ZeroFeminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation. Edited by Sorcha Gunne et al. New York 2010: 71-84.

[Info] Ball, Christine. »Women, Rape, and War: Patriarchal Functions and Ideologies.« Atlantis 12 (1986): 83-91.

[Info] Ball, Kelly H. » More or Less Raped : Foucault, Causality, and Feminist Critiques of Sexual Violence.« philoSOPHIA 3 (2013): 52-68.

[Info] Ballestra-Puech, Sylvie. »Violence et m lancolie dans Titus Andronicus de Shakespeare, Viol de Botho Strauss et An antis de Sarah Kane.« Loxias No. 31 (2010).

[Info] Balthasar, Susanne. Die Tatbest nde der Vergewaltigung und sexuellen N tigung. Eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung des deutschen und sterreichischen Rechts mit Schwerpunkt im 20. Jahrhundert. Linz 2001.

[Info] Baltazar Mozqueda, Diana. Conflictos nupciales en los tribunales de justicia: estupro, adulterio y malos tratos. Estudios de caso en la ciudad de Santiago de Quer taro, 1770-1810. Tesis, Universidad Aut noma de Quer taro, 2018.

[Info] Bamford, Karen. »Imogen s Wounded Chastity.« Essays in Theatre 12 (1993): 51-61.

[Info] Bamford, Karen. »Sexual Violence in The Queen of CorinthOther Voices, Other Views: Expanding the Canon in English Renaissance Studies. Edited by Helen Ostovich et al. Newark 1999: 234-252.

[Info] Bamford, Karen. Sexual Violence on the Jacobean Stage. Basingstoke 2000.

[Info] Bamford, Karen. »Rape and Redemption in The Spanish GypsyWomen, Violence, and English Renaissance Literature: Essays Honoring Paul Jorgensen. Edited by Linda Woodbridge et al. Tempe 2003: 29-49.

[Info] Bamidele, Seun. »War, Sex and Justice: Barriers to Gender Justice in Post-Conflict Liberia.« International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences 12 (2017): 69-82.

[Info] Banco, Lindsey M. »The Homoerotics of Nationalism: White Male-on-Male Rape & the 'Coloured' Subject in Mark Behr's The Smell of ApplesMen in African Film & Fiction. Edited by Lahoucine Ouzgane. Oxford 2011: 28-41.

[Info] Bandau, Anja. »Vergewaltigung als Trope? Texte ber den Genozid in Ruanda.« B rgerkrieg. Erfahrung und Repr sentation. Edited by Isabella von Treskow et al. Berlin 2005: 225-257.

[Info] Bandeira, Michelle. O Brasil na rota internacional do tr fico de mulheres: Entre o in cio do s culo XX e a contemporaneidade. Disserta o, Universidade de Bras lia, 2014.

[Info] Bange, Dirk. »Geschichte.« Handw rterbuch Sexueller Missbrauch. Edited by Dirk Bange et al. G ttingen 2002: 135-142.

[Info] Bange, Dirk, et al. Schlussbericht der unabh ngigen Kommission zur Aufarbeitung von Missbrauchsf llen im Gebiet der ehemaligen Nordelbischen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche, heute Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Norddeutschland. Hamburg 2014.

[Info] Bangerter, Ann, et al. »Sexual Assault During the Time of Gulf War I: A Cross-Sectional Survey of U.S. Service Men Who Later Applied for Department of Veterans Affairs PTSD Disability Benefits.« Military Medicine 179 (2014): 285-293.

[Info] Banita, Georgiana. »Escaping Binarism: The Bosnian War in the Canadian Imagination.« Zeitschrift f r Kanada-Studien 30 (2010): 45-61.

[Info] Banjeglav, Tamara. Gender, Nation, Rape: Intersections of Gender and Ethnic Violence during the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. M.A. Thesis, Central European University, 2009.

[Info] Bannenberg, Britta, et al. »Sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic Church and other institutions: An literature review.« neuropsychiatrie (April 12, 2017).

[Info] Bannenberg, Britta, et al. Sexueller Missbrauch an Minderj hrigen durch katholische Priester, Diakone und m nnliche Ordensangeh rige im Bereich der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz. Mannheim 2018.

[Info] Bannenberg, Britta, et al. »Sexual Abuse at the Hands of Catholic Clergy: A Retrospective Cohort Study of Its Extent and Health Consequences for Affected Minors (the MHG Study).« Deutsches rzteblatt International 116 (2019): 389-396.

[Info] Banning, Jan, et al. Comfort Women / Troost Meisjes. Utrecht 2010.

[Info] Banwell, Stacy. »Women, Violence and Gray Zones: Resolving the Paradox of the Female Victim-Perpetrator.« Internet Journal of Criminology (September 2011).

[Info] Banwell, Stacy. »Rape and sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A case study of gender-based violence.« Journal of Gender Studies 23 (2014): 45-58.

[Info] Banwell, Stacy. »Rassenschande, Genocide and the Reproductive Jewish Body: Examining the Use of Rape and Sexualized Violence against Jewish Women during the Holocaust.« Journal of Modern Jewish Studies (2015).

[Info] Banwell, Stacy. Gender and the Violence(s) of War and Armed Conflict: More Dangerous to be a Woman? Bingley 2020.

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