Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: June 1, 2023 – Last updated: June 1, 2023


Author: Robert B. Shoemaker

Title: The London Mob

Subtitle: Violence and Disorder in Eighteenth-Century England

Place: London

Publisher: Hambledon Continuum

Year: 2004 (hbk.), 2007 (pbk.)

Pages: 416pp.

ISBN-10: 1852853891 (hbk.) – Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-10: 185285576 (pbk.) – Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

ISBN-13: 9781852855574 (pbk.) – Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9780826433626 (PDF) – Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 18th Centuy | European History: English History | Cases: Real Offenders / Rhynwick Williams; Types: Sexual Assault


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Author: Robert Shoemaker, Department of History, University of SheffieldResearchGate

  Illustrations (p. vii)
  Abbreviations (p. ix)
  Preface (p. xi)
  1 Street Life (p. 1)
  2 Stop Thief! (p. 27)
  3 Public Insults (p. 51)
  4 Shaming Punishments (p. 79)
  5 Crowds and Riots (p. 111)
  6 Violence (p. 153)
  7 Duels and Boxing Matches (p. 177)
  8 Going to Law (p. 215)
  9 Print (p. 241)
  10 The Monster (p. 275)
  Appendix: Sources and Methods (p. 301)
  Notes (p. 307)
  Select Bibliography (p. 365)
  Index (p. 375)

Description: »By 1700 London was the largest city in the world, with over 500,000 inhabitants. Very weakly policed, its streets saw regular outbreaks of rioting by a mob easily stirred by economic grievances, politics or religion. If the mob vented its anger more often on property than people, eighteenth-century Londoners frequently came to blows over personal disputes. In a society where men and women were quick to defend their honour, slanging matches easily turned to fisticuffs and slights on honour were avenged in duels. In this world, where the detection and prosecution of crime was the part of the business of the citizen, punishment, whether by the pillory, whipping at a cart's tail or hanging at Tyburn, was public and endorsed by crowds. The London Mob: Violence and Disorder in Eighteenth-Century England draws a fascinating portrait of the public life of the modern world's first great city. « (Source: Bloomsbury)

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of England / Georgian era | Sex and the law: Sexual assualt / London Monster