Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Religious Texts: Biblical Texts:

Representations: Religious Texts:

[Info] Pressler, Carolyn. »Sexual violence and Deuteronomic law.« A feminist companion to Exodus to Deuteronomy. Edited by Athalya Brenner. Sheffield 1994: 102-112.

[Info] Wells, Bruce. »Sex, lies, and virginal rape. The slandered bride and false accusation in Deuteronomy.« Journal of biblical literature 124 (2005): 41-72.

[Info] Wells, Bruce. »Sex Crimes in the Laws of the Hebrew Bible.« Near Eastern Archaeology 78 (2015): 294-300.

Deuteronomy 21

[Info] Blyth, Caroline. »Lost in the "Post": Rape Culture and Postfeminism in Admen and EveThe Bible & Critical Theory 10 (2014).

[Info] Elman, Pearl. »Deuteronomy 21:10-14. The beautiful captive woman.« Women in Judaism 1 (1997).

[Info] Reeder, Caryn A. »Deuteronomy 21.10-14 and/as Wartime Rape.« Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 41 (2017): 313-336.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »“Back Then It Was Legal”: The Epistemological Divide Regarding Rape Laws In Ancient Israel.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2004.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005).

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017.

Deuteronomy 22

[Info] Fleishman, Joseph. »Exodus 22:15-16 and Deuteronomy 22:28-29. Seduction and rape? Or elopement and abduction marriage?« Jewish Law Association studies 14 (2003).

[Info] Fleishman, Joseph. »Exodus 22:15-16: Seduction and Elopement Marriage; Deuteronomy 22:28-29: Rape and Abduction Marriage.« International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. London 2011.

[Info] Kunz-Lübcke, Andreas. »"Behind closed doors and beyond sight”: The Story of the Rape of Tamar in 2 Sam 13, 1-22 in the Light of Deu 22, 14-29.« International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. London 2011.

[Info] Kunz-Lübcke, Andreas. »"Behind Closed Doors and Beyond Sight”: The Story of the Rape of Tamar in 2 Samuel 13:1-22 in Light of Deuteronomy 22:14-29.« International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. London 2011.

[Info] Lucrezi, Francesco. »Auferes malum de Israel (Deut. 22.22). Sulla violenza sessuale nel diritto biblico.« Violenza sessuale e societŕ antiche. Profili storico-giuridici. By Francesco Lucrezi et al. Lecce 2003.

[Info] Reeder, Caryn A. »Sex and Execution: Deuteronomy 22:20-24.« Expository Times 124 (2013): 272-281.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »“Back Then It Was Legal”: The Epistemological Divide Regarding Rape Laws In Ancient Israel.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2004.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005).

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017.