Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Forced Prostitution: "Comfort Women" System:

Types: Sexual Assault:

Japanese History Textbooks

[Info] Beal, Tim, et al. »Ghosts of the Past: The Japanese History Textbook Controversy.« New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 4 (2001): 177-188.

[Info] Dutridge-Corp, Elizabeth A. Reconciling the Past. H. R. 121 and the Japanese Textbook Controversy. M.A. Thesis, Bowling Green State University, 2009.

[Info] Margolin, Jean-Louis. »Japanese history textbooks and the Asia-Pacific War: Apportioning blame.« Controversial History Education in Asian Contexts. Edited by Mark Baildon et al. New York 2014: 109-122.

[Info] Nozaki, Yoshiko. »The "Comfort Women" Controversy: History, Testimony, Restitution« From History Conflict to Trust Building: A Discussion of Japan's New History Textbooks. New York 2005.

[Info] Nozaki, Yoshiko. »The Representation of "Comfort Women" and Politics of History in Contemporary Japan.« 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies. San Francisco 2006.

[Info] Nozaki, Yoshiko. »The Japanese textbook controversy over the military "comfort women": History, epistemology, and peace & justice education.« 2007 Gender Week: Engendering Possibilities. New York 2007.

[Info] Romeu, Maria G. The Japanese History Textbook Controversy Amid Post-War Sino-Japanese Relations. Master Thesis, Florida International University, 2013.

[Info] Yi, Zou. Japanese War Memories and Sino-Japanese Relations from 1972 to 2017: Textbooks, Museum and The Debates over History. Ph.D. Thesis, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2018.

U.S. History Textbooks

[Info] Kim, Phyllis. »Looking Back at 10 Years of the “Comfort Women” Movement in the U.S.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong Gap Min et al. Berlin 2020: 179-200.