Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Alphabetical Index: Author Index: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown

Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Ma, Zhao. »Wayward Daughters: Sex, Family, and Law in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing.« Chinese Law: Knowledge, Practice and Transformation, 1530s to 1950s. Edited by Li Chen et al. Leiden 2015: 176-203.

[Info] Ma, Zhedu. »Riben jundui dui beihaiguo fun shishi xing baoxing ji yuanyin tanxi.« Minguo dang an No. 3 (2000): 84-88.

[Info] Macaluso, Pasquale. »Revolt in the Novel: Mu?ammad Mu??af? Ghand?r s Tha?r al-dam (Blood Revenge) and the 1936-1939 Rebellion in Palestine.« Journal of Arabic Literature ( January 2017).

[Info] MacAskill, Annick. »« Le plaint » et « la voix emportez »: R critures de Philom le chez Amadis Jamyn.« Verger No. 4 (2013).

[Info] MacDonald Morgan, Leslie J. »From Saints to Playboys: Sexual Violence against Women in the Christian Hagiographic Tradition.« Historical Papers: Canadian Society of Church History (1987): 33-43.

[Info] MacDonald, Shana. »Materiality and Metaphor: Rape in Anne Claire Poirier's Mourir tue-t te and Jean-Luc Godard's WeekendRape in Art Cinema. Edited by Dominique Russell. New York 2010: 55- .

[Info] MacFarlane, Bruce A. »Historical Development of the Offence of Rape.« 100 Years of the Criminal Code in Canada: Essays Commemorating the Centenary of the Canadian Criminal Code. Edited by Josiah Wood et al. Ottawa 1993: 1-79.

[Info] MacFarlane, Samantha. Poem[s] of a New Class : Women Poets and the Late Victorian Verse Novel. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Victoria, 2019.

[Info] MacGregor, Catherine. »Undoing the body politic. Representing rape in Women Beware Women.« Theatre research international 23 (1998): 14-23.

[Info] Machado, Marta R., et al. »The Battle Over Abortion Rights in Brazil's State Arenas, 1995-2006.« Health and Human Rights Journal 19 (2017): 119-131.

[Info] Machakanja, Pamela, et al. »Trends in prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence against women in Zimbabwe, 2005 2015.« BMC International Health and Human Rights 20 (2020).

[Info] Maciejczak, Justyna. »Shame and Violence Nexus in the Sierra Leone Civil War.« e-International Relations (September 4, 2013).

[Info] Maciel, D bora A., et al. »The Battle Over Abortion Rights in Brazil's State Arenas, 1995-2006.« Health and Human Rights Journal 19 (2017): 119-131.

[Info] Mack, Andrew, ed. Human Security Report 2012: Sexual Violence, Education, and War: Beyond the Mainstream Narrative. Vancouver 2012.

[Info] MacKay, Jenna, et al. »From Social Purity to Women's Liberation: A History of Violence against Women in the United States.« Violence against Girls and Women: International Perspectives. Vol. 1. Edited by Janet A. Sigal et al. Santa Barbara 2013: 5-20.

[Info] Mackel, Alexandra V. Tatort und Schauplatz: Repr sentation und Rezeption sexueller Gewalt gegen ber Frauen in der zeitgen ssischen Kunst. Inauguraldissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit t M nchen, 2014.

[Info] MacKenzie, Megan H. Female Soldiers in Sierra Leone: Sex, Securiy, and Post-Conflict Development. New York 2012.

[Info] MacKenzie, Megan. Good Soldiers Don't Rape: The Stories We Tell About Military Sexual Violence. Cambridge 2023.

[Info] MacKenzie, Megan, et al. »Silent Identities: Children Born of War in Sierra LeoneBorn of War: Protecting Children of Sexual Violence Survivors in Conflict Zones. Edited by R. Charli Carpenter. Bloomfield 2007: 78-93.

[Info] MacKenzie, Megan, et al. »Illicit Military Behavior as Exceptional and Inevitable: Media Coverage of Military Sexual Violence and the Bad Apples Paradox.« International Studies Quarterl 64 (2020): 45-56.

[Info] MacKenzie, Sarah. Representations of Rape and Gendered Violence in the Drama of Tomson Highway. M.A. Thesis, University of Ottawa, 2010.

[Info] MacKenzie, Scott. »On Watching and Turning Away: Ono's Rape, Cin ma Direct Aesthetics and the Genealogy of Cin ma BrutRape in Art Cinema. Edited by Dominique Russell. New York 2010: 159-170.

[Info] Mackey, Wade C. »The evolutionary value of the man (to) child affiliative bond. Closer to obligate than to facultative.« Evolution, gender, and rape. Edited by Cheryl B. Travis. Cambridge 2003: 305-336.

[Info] Mackie, Vera. »In search of innocence. Feminist historians debate the legacy of wartime Japan.« Australian feminist studies 20 (2005): 207-217.

[Info] Mackinnon, Alison, et al. »Sex, Resistance and Power: Sex Reform in South Australia, c. 1905.« Australian Historical Studies 23 (1988): 60-71.

[Info] MacKinnon, Catherine A. »Defining Rape Internationally: A Comment on AkayesuColumbia Journal of Transnational Law 44 (2006): 940-958.

[Info] Macleod, Douglas C. »The Suppression of Child Abuse and Womanism in Steven Spielberg’s The Color Purple.« Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024).

[Info] MacMartin, Clare. »(Un)reasonable doubt? The invocation of children s consent in sexual abuse trial judgments.« Discourse & society 13 (2002): 9-40.

[Info] MacMartin, Clare, et al. »Sexual motives and sentencing. Judicial discourse in cases of child sexual abuse.« Journal of language and social psychology 24 (2005): 139-159.

[Info] Macomber, Lynnette. Sexual Iconoclasm in Early Modern Drama. Honors Thesis, University of New Hampshire, 2013.

[Info] Mac n, Cecilia. »Illuminating affects: Sexual violence as a crime against humanity. The Argentine case.« Historein 14 (2014): 22-42.

[Info] Macon, Nancy L. Twiced raped: Society's betrayal of sexually traumatized women in the novels of Joyce Carol Oates. M.A. Thesis, California State University, 2006.

[Info] Madarieta, Ethan. »An Impulse Toward Agency: Teaching Scenes of Sexual Violence in Afro-Latina/o/x Literature.« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 361-374.

[Info] Maddileti, G. Bala, et al. »Femicide: A Retrospective Study in Indian Scenario.« Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine 37 (2015): 29-34.

[Info] Madigan, Brian C. The sculptured metopes from the temple of Apollo at Bassai (Greece). Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1982.

[Info] Madison, James H. »An Indiana lynching and stories of race.« Traces of Indiana and Midwestern history 13 (2001): 4-11.

[Info] Madison, James H. A lynching in the heartland. Race and memory in America. New York 2003.

[Info] Madrid Cruz, Mar a D. »El arte de la seducci n enga osa: Algunas consideraciones sobre los delitos de estupro y violaci n en el Tribunal del Bureo. Siglo XVIII.« Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho 9 (2002): 121-159.

[Info] Maedl, Anna. »Rape as weapon of war in the Eastern DRC? The victims perspective.« Human rights quarterly 33 (2011): 128-147.

[Info] Maehle, Andreas-Holger. »The powers of suggestion: Albert Moll and the debate on hypnosis.« History of Psychiatry 25 (2014): 3-19.

[Info] Maehle, Andreas-Holger. »A Dangerous Method? The German Discourse on Hypnotic Suggestion Therapy aroung 1900.« Notes and Records 71 (2017): 197-211.

[Info] Maes, Yvonne. The cannibal s wife. A memoir. New York 1999.

[Info] Magalhães, José M. »The Rape of Boys in Ancient Athens.« Revisiting Rape in Antiquity: Sexualised Violence in Greek and Roman Worlds. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. London 2023: 67-82.

[Info] Magalhães, José M., et al, eds. Revisiting Rape in Antiquity: Sexualised Violence in Greek and Roman Worlds. London 2023.

[Info] Maguire, David. I Spit on Your Grave. London 2018.

[Info] Maguire, Moira J. »The Carrigan Committee and child sexual abuse in twentieth-century Ireland.« New Hibernia review 11 (2007): 79-100.

[Info] Maguire, William A. »The Verner rape trial, 1813. Jane Barnes v. the Belfast establishment.« Ulster local studies 15 (1993): 47-57.

[Info] Mahabir, Cynthia. »Rape prosecution, culture, and inequality in postcolonial Grenada.« Feminist studies 22 (1996): 89-117.

[Info] Mahadeen, Ebtihal. » The martyr of dawn : Femicide in Jordanian media.« Crime, Media, Culture 13 (2017): 41-54.

[Info] Mahan, Clare, et al. »The Role of Sexual Assault on the Risk of PTSD among Gulf War Veterans.« Annals of Epidemiology 15 (2005): 191-195.

[Info] Mahdi, A.A. Rape and attempted rape in Zambia: A study of statistical trends in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, 1970-1989. Lusaka 1989-1992.

[Info] Maher, Jennifer, et al. »Animal Sexual Assault.« The Palgrave International Handbook of Animal Abuse Studies. Edited by Jennifer Maher et al. London 2017: 59-85.

[Info] Mahmoud, Ibtisam M., et al., eds. A Selected Socio-Legal Bibliography on Ethnic Cleansing, Wartime Rape, and Genocide in the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Lewiston 2004.

[Info] Mahoney, Peter. »Rape, Sex, Violence, and Disgrace in the Legends and Epic Texts of Medieval Spain.« Romance Quarterly 59 (2022): .

[Info] Mahood, Linda, et al. »Indian agents and the residential school system in Canada, 1946-1970.« Historical studies in education 7 (1995): 45-69.

[Info] Mai, Mukhtar. D shonor e. Paris 2006.

[Info] Mai, Mukhtar. Deshonrada. M xico 2006.

[Info] Mai, Mukhtar. Deshonrada. Los derecho de la mujer contra los abusos de una tradici n cruel. Barcelona 2006.

[Info] Mai, Mukhtar. Disonorata dalla legge degli uomini. Milan 2006.

[Info] Mai, Mukhtar. Hedern har sitt pris. Malm 2006.

[Info] Mai, Mukhtar. Die Schuld, eine Frau zu sein. Munich 2006.

[Info] Mai, Mukhtar. In the name of honour. A memoir. London 2007.

[Info] Mai, Mukhtar. Zneuct?n . okuj c p? b?h o krutosti, pon en a odvaze. Prague 2007.

[Info] Mai, Regina. »"Ich habe alles mitgemacht". Elfriede Brust (85) erlebte Kriegsende in Laage: Vergewaltigung, Hunger, Angst.« Schweriner Volkszeitung 60(97) (2005): 15.

[Info] Maier, Shana L. »Rape crisis centers.« Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence. Vol. 2. Edited by Claire M. Renzetti. Thousand Oaks 2008: 579-580.

[Info] Mail nder, Elissa. »Making Sense of a Rape Photograph: Sexual Violence as Social Performance on the Eastern Front, 1939 1944.« Journal of the History of Sexuality 26 (2017): 489-520.

[Info] Maillard Alvarez, Natalia. »Una aproximaci n a la violencia sexual en Sevilla a trav s de los perdones de estupro (siglos XVI-XVII).« Archivo hispalense 95 (2012): 149-165.

[Info] Maiman, Nichole. "Who wants real? I want magic!" Musical madness in A Streetcar Named Desire. M.A. Thesis, University of Maryland, 2004.

[Info] Majewski, Kate. »Historical and Military Cultural Context of Military Sexual Trauma.« Treating Military Sexual Trauma. Edited by Lori S. Katz. New York 2016: 25-42.

[Info] Majewski, Kate, et al. »The History of Sexual Violence in War.« Understanding and Treating Military Sexual Trauma. Edited by Kristen Zaleski. Cham 2015: 3-16.

[Info] Makari, George J. »The seductions of history. Sexual trauma in Freud s theory and historiography.« International journal of psychoanalysis 79 (1998): 857-869.

[Info] Makino, Uwe. »Terrorgenozid Nanking 1937/38. Zum systematischen Charakter der japanischen Verbrechen.« Zeitschrift f r Geschichtswissenschaft 48 (2000): 525-540.

[Info] Makino, Uwe. »Terror als Eroberungs- und Herrschaftstechnik. Zu den japanischen Verbrechen in Nanking 1937/38.« Kriegsverbrechen im 20. Jahrhundert. Edited by Wolfram Wette et al. Darmstadt 2001: 343-355.

[Info] Makino, Uwe. Nanking-Massaker 1937/38. Japanische Kriegsverbrechen zwischen Leugnung und berzeichnung. Norderstedt 2007.

[Info] Malamuth, Neil M., et al. »An empirical assessment of some feminist hypotheses about rape.« International journal of women s studies 8 (1985): 414-423.

[Info] Malamuth, Neil M., et al. »A longitudinal content analysis of sexual violence in the best-selling erotic magazines.« Journal of sex research 16 (1980): 226-237.

[Info] Malcolm, Elizabeth, et al. » The Rebels Turkish Tyranny : Understanding Sexual Violence in Ireland during the 1640s.« Gender & History 22 (2010): 55-74.

[Info] Maldonado Garay, Jocelyn. La violencia pol tica sexual y terrorismo de Estado: Herramientas de adoctrinamiento social durante la dictadura militar chilena desde una perspectiva de g nero. Tesis, Ponencia Universidad Central, 2015.

[Info] Malik, Mashal, et al. »"Calculating the Toll of Trauma" in the Headlines: Portrayals of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the New York Times (1980-2015).« American Journal of Orthopsychiatry (May 16, 2016).

[Info] Malik, Sheherezade C., et al. »A Survey of the History of the Death Penalty in the United States.« University of Richmond Law Review 49 (2015): 693-710.

[Info] Malinen, KelleyAnne. 'The Lesbian Phallus': Deconstruction, Subversion and ... Rape? M.A. Thesis, Dalhousie University, 2007.

[Info] Mallan, Kerry, et al. »Filling the Silence: Giving Voice to Gender Violence in Una's Graphic Novel Becoming UnbecomingInternational Research in Children's Literature 11 (2018): 47-64.

[Info] Mallison, Laura R. La Tirania de la Invisibilidad: La Necesidad de Reconocer y Analizar la Violencia de Genero en la Argentina. Senior Thesis, Scripps College, 2014.

[Info] Malu, Ruth. »Frau M. Trauma und Heilung.« Zeit zu sprechen. Texte und Materialien zu sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt gegen Frauen. Edited by Isabella Stock et al. Cologne 2005: 16-18.

[Info] Man, Chi-Wei. »The Rape of Nanking vs. the incident of Nanking: A Literature Review.« Momentum 1 (2012).

[Info] Manan, David, et al. »Men's and women's experiences of violence and traumatic events in rural C te d'Ivoire before, during and after a period of armed conflict.« BMJ Open 4 (2014).

[Info] Mancini, Christina N. Sex Crime in America: Examining the Emergence and Effectiveness of Sex Offender Laws. Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, 2009.

[Info] Mancuso, Fulvio. »Tortura, confessione e pena di morte: Un tragico caso di violenza sessuale minorile deciso dalla Rota di Lucca nel XVI secolo.« Italian Review of Legal History No. 5 (2019): 1-37.

[Info] Mandell, Laura. Misogynous economies. The business of literature in eighteenth-century Britain. Lexington 1999.

[Info] Manfroi, Alice. Il Caso Spotlight: Come ha reagito la Chiesa cattolica in Italia. Tesi, Università degli Studi dei Padova, 2022.

[Info] Manion, Jennifer. »Historic Heteroessentialism and Other Orderings in Early America.« Signs 34 (2009): 981-1003.

[Info] Mann, Carol. »The Instrumentalization of Gender in War.« The Ashgate Research Companion to War: Origins and Prevention. Edited by Hall Gardner et al. Farnham 2012: 455-472.

[Info] Mann, Harveen S. »Woman in decolonization. The national and textual politics of rape in Saadat Hasan Manto and Mahasweta Devi.« Journal of Commonwealth literature 33 (1998): 127-141.

[Info] Manohar, Uttara, et al. »Sexual Assault Portrayals in Hindi Cinema.« Sex Roles 71 (2014): 233-245.

[Info] Manolovitz, Tyler, et al. »Incest, Sexual Violence, and Rape in Video Games.« Videogame Cultures & the Future of Interactive Entertainment. 2009.

[Info] Mant con Movell n, Tom s A. »Estupro, sexualidad e identidad en sociedades cat licas del Mediterr neo durante el Antiguo R gimen.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo R gimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hern ndez et al. Valladolid 2018: 253-281.

[Info] M ntym ki, Tiina. »Women who kill men: Gender, agency and subversion in Swedish crime novels.« European Journal of Women's Studies (August 8, 2013).

[Info] Manuel, Douglas, et al. »A 15-Year Population-Based Investigation of Sexual Assault Cases Across the Province of Ontario, Canada, 2002 2016.« American Journal of Public Health 109 (2019): 1280-1287.

[Info] Manyonganise, Molly. »Women in Zimbabwe's War of 'Liberation': An Ethical Appraisal of the Sexual Conduct of Male Guerrillas.« Philosophy in African Traditions and Cultures: Zimbabwean Philosophical Studies, II. Edited by Fainos Mangena et al. Washington, D.C. 2015: 117-133.

[Info] Manyonganise, Molly. »Zimbabweans and the Prophetic Frenzy: Fertile Ground for Women's Sexual Abuse?« The Bible and Violence in Africa: Papers presented at the BiAS meeting 2014 in Windhoek (Namibia), with some additional contributions. Edited by Johannes Hunter et al. Bamberg 2016: 269-283.

[Info] Manzanero, Antonio L., et al. »Characteristics of drug-facilitated sexual assault in Spain.« Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling (June 21, 2020).

[Info] Manzanilla Celis, Angel F. »De violencias y afabilidades. Aspectos del estupro en la Provincia Caracas en el siglo XVIII.« Tierra firme 16 (1998): 239-253.

[Info] Marcel, Mary. »Victim Gender in News Coverage of the Priest Sex Crisis by the Boston GlobeWomen's Studies in Communication 36 (2013): 288-311.

[Info] March, Kety C. de. »Corpos subjugados: Estupro como problem tica hist rica.« Oficina do Historiador 10 (2017): 97-116.

[Info] Marchante-Arag n, Lucas A. »Conquest, Rape, and Marriage: Forced Miscegenation in the Hapsburg Empire.« eHumanista 17 (2011): 161-184.

[Info] Marconi, Francesca A. Reading Rape: Lo stupro in letteratura, dalla mitologia ai giorni nostri. Tesi di laurea magistrale, Universit di Pisa, 2020.

[Info] Marcus, Leah S. »The milieu of Milton s Comus. Judicial reform at Ludlow and the problem of sexual assault.« Criticism 25 (1983): 293-327.

[Info] Mardorossian, Carine M. »Rape by Proxy in Contemporary Caribbean Women's Fiction.« Feminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation. Edited by Sorcha Gunne et al. New York 2010: 23-38.

[Info] Mardorossian, Carine M. Framing the Rape Victim: Gender and Agency Reconsidered. New Brunswick 2014.

[Info] Marek, Magdalena. Prawna i kryminologiczna problematyka przestępstwa zgwałcenia ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zagadnienia trybu ścigania. Master Thesis, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2020.

[Info] Marengo, Sandro, et al. »Edi o semidiplom tica do interrogat rio de um acusado de defloramento (Aracaju, 1876).« Revista Di logos 8 (2020):175-196.

[Info] Margolin, Jean-Louis. »Japanese history textbooks and the Asia-Pacific War: Apportioning blame.« Controversial History Education in Asian Contexts. Edited by Mark Baildon et al. New York 2014: 109-122.

[Info] Mar as Cadenas, Sesc n, et al. »Castigos "de g nero" y violencia pol tica en la Espa a de Posguerra: Hacia un concepto de "Represi n sexuada" sobre las mujeres republicanas.« No es pa s para jovenes: Actas del III Encuentro de j venes investigadores de la AHC. Edited by Alejandra Ibarra Aguirregabiria. Vitoria-Gasteiz 2012.

[Info] Mariani, Annachiara. »Male Rape, Femicide, and Torture: How Borgia: Faith and Fear Demystifies the Italian Renaissance.« Series 9 (2023): 47-62.

[Info] Marietta, Jack, et al. »Rape, law, courts, and custom in Pennsylvania, 1682-1800.« Sex without consent. Rape and sexual coercion in America. Edited by Merril D. Smith. New York 2001: 81-102.

[Info] Maris, C.W. »Zonder keurslijf in de boekenkamer. Over narrativiteit in incestgeschiedenissen.« Theoretische geschiedenis 25 (1998): 218-241.

[Info] Mark, James. »Remembering rape. Divided social memory and the Red Army in Hungary 1944-1945.« Past & present 188 (2005): 133-161.

[Info] Markasovi?, Valentina. The Representation of Women in the Army in Contemporary American War and Fantasy Literature. Bachelor Thesis, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, 2019.

[Info] Markenson, Casey T. Entrance Forbidden to the Yiddish Theatres: Performance, Prostitution, and Protest in Buenos Aires (1900-1930). Ph.D. Thesis, Northwestern University, 2020.

[Info] Marks, Alison, et al. »Sexual Assault Recovery in the Aftermath of the Liberian Civil War: Forging a Sisterhood between Feminist Psychology and Feminist Theology.« Women & Therapy 34 (2011): 314-330.

[Info] Marks, Alison, et al. »Sexual Assault in the Liberian Civil War.« Navigating African Biblical Hermeneutics: Trends and Themes from our Pots and our Calabashes. Edited by Madipoane Masenya et al. Newcastle upon Tyne 2018: 216-235.

[Info] Marks, Sally. »Black watch on the Rhine. A study in propaganda, prejudice and prurience.« European studies review 13 (1983): 297-334.

[Info] Marks, Zoe. »Sexual Violence Inside Rebellion: Policies and Perspectives of the Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone.« Civil Wars 15 (2013): 359-379.

[Info] Marks, Zoe. »Sexual Violence in Sierra Leone's Civil War: Virgination , Rape, and Marriage.« African Affairs 113 (2014): 67-87.

[Info] Markus, Ruth. »Sex and gender in Giacometti s Couples.« Assaph 5 (2000): 81-102.

[Info] Marochkin, Sergey Y., et al. »Rape and Sexual Violence as Torture and Genocide in the Decisions of International Tribunals: Transjudicial Networks and the Development of International Criminal Law.« Human Rights Review (2014).

[Info] Marongwe, Ngonidzashe, et al. »Female Rapists and Sperm Harvesting: Narratives, Violence and Occultism in Post-colonial Zimbabwe.« Violence, Peace & Everyday Modes of Justices and Healing in Post-Colonial Africa. Edited by Ngonidzashe Marongwe et al. Bamenda 2019: 73-93.

[Info] M rqzuez Estrada, Jos W. »Delitos Sexuales y Pr tica Judicial en Colombia: 1870-1900. Los Casos de Bol var, Antioquia y Santander.« Palobra No. 13 (2013): 30-48.

[Info] Marqui, Stephanie. Crimes sexuels et crimes de sang La R union, la fin du XIXe si cle. M moire de ma trise d'Histoire, Universit de La R union, 1999.

[Info] Marquis, Liane. Marlowe, Tamburlaine and the demise of traditional Elizabethan monarchy. Senior Honors Thesis, 2006.

[Info] Marrone, Claire. »Women Writing Auto/biography: Anna Banti's Artemisia and Eunice Lipton's Alias OlympiaLife Writing / Writing Lives. Edited by Bette H. Kirschstein. Malabar 2001: 115-130.

[Info] Marsden, Jean I. »Rape, voyeurism, and the Restoration stage.« Broken boundaries. Women and feminism in Restoration drama. Edited by Katherine M. Quinsey. Lexington 1996: 185-200.

[Info] Marseille, Monique. »La Ronci re, victime d un mythomane (1834).« La vie judiciaire No. 367 (1953): 7-8.

[Info] Marsh, Gabrielle. Breaking the Silence. Effects of the dictatorship on Chilean society: An Analysis of Four Works of Chilean Literature: La Muerte y La Doncella by Ariel Dorfman, Estrella Distante, and Nocturno de Chile by Roberto Bola o, and Por favor, Rebobinar by Alberto Fuguet. M.A. Thesis, University of Otago, 2013.

[Info] Marshall, C.W. »Sex slaves in New Comedy.« Slaves and Slavery in Ancient Greek Comic Drama. Edited by Ben Akrigg et al. Cambridge 2013: 173-196.

[Info] Marshall, C.W. »Domestic Sexual Labor in Plautus.« Helios 42 (2015): 123-141.

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[Info] Martens, Jeremy C. "So Destructive of Domestic Security and Comfort": Settler Domesticity, Race and the Regulation of African Behaviour in the Colony of Natal, 1843-1893. Ph.D. Thesis, Queen's University, 2001.

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[Info] Martin, A. Lynn. Alcohol, sex, and gender in late medieval and early modern Europe. New York: Palgrave 2001.

[Info] Martin, Charles H. »Oklahoma s Scottsboro affair. The Jess Hollins rape case, 1931-1936.« South Atlantic quarterly 79 (1980): 175-188.

[Info] Martin, Charles H. »The Civil Rights Congress and Southern black defendants.« Georgia historical quarterly 71 (1987): 25-52.

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[Info] Martin, Jean-Cl ment. »Violences sexuelles, tude des archives pratiques de l histoire.« Annales 51 (1996): 643-661.

[Info] Martin, Jean-Cl ment. »Femmes et guerre civile, l exemple de la Vend e, 1793-1796.« Clio No. 5 (1997): 97-115.

[Info] Martin, Lorna J., et al. »Intimate Partner Femicide in South Africa in 1999 and 2009.« PLoS Medicine 10 (2013).

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[Info] Martin, Patricia Y., et al. »Unobtrusive mobilization by an institutionalized rape crisis center. "All we do comes from victims".« Gender & society 13 (1999): 364-384.

[Info] Martin, Patricia Y., et al. »Anti-rape and rape crisis center movements.« Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence. Vol. 1. Edited by Claire M. Renzetti et al. Thousand Oaks 2008: 29-30.

[Info] Martin, Patricia Y., et al. »Services for sexual assault survivors. The role of rape crisis centers.« Sourcebook on violence against women. Edited by Claire M. Renzetti et al. Thousand Oaks 2001: 227-241.

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